
Chapter 27 - Needs work

...This Chapter fucking sucks. As does 28.

I beg you, even if these two really make you question my sanity, please stick through it. I need to re-write these to be better, probably just compress them down into a single chapter since they'd flow better, but after 28, I promise, it gets better.

But I'm not afraid to say it, these two chapters are arguably my worst-ever written chapters. I enjoyed them when writing them, but after seeing other people's perspective...awful.

Chapter 27


Her ears were ringing as Kurama bellowed out laughter in her mind, her eyes literally seeing a haze of red as his Chakra flowed around her body. He had warned her that forming a proper cloak of Chakra would probably make her angry, but she surprised even herself with her outburst. She decided that for one of the first time since she'd arrived in the new world, she was going to use her Gamer's Mind ability to nullify a lot of her ability to feel rage. But first- "ALRIGHT THAT'S IT YOU FURRY FUCK!" She very, very firmly pictured the mental image of grabbing Kurama's tail, then slamming it right where he would never want it, making sure to open her mind and thoughts up to him so much he couldn't ignore it.

Her lips curled up in a savage grin as the bijuu audibly recoiled in surprise and slight horror, though they quickly turned to a more neutral expression as she felt a wave of...calm wash over her. "Kit...what are you doing?" Kurama asked slowly. She could almost feel the perplexed head-tilt the Bijuu was probably performing. Granted, he was quite within his rights to be surprised at her ability to shut out emotions, including such an encompassing rage and anger. For a few moments, her mind was running through all the ways to get back at everyone who had ever looked down at her, for any perceived slight or hint of aggression.

Then it was all washed away. She didn't feel any anger, any fury. She still kept all her other emotions as normal, since Kurama's Chakra was a very specific type of emotional instability. Things like happiness, love, joy, those all worked just fine, it was only her anger that got heightened. So, as she could choose to ignore or embrace emotions thanks to Gamer's Mind, she just specifically wished for her anger to be ignored. And, from the fact she was still feeling elation and joy at how powerful she felt but didn't want to rip Kurama's head off for laughing at her despite the malignant red Chakra veiling her body, she could say her experiment was a success.

Mentally closing the valve which held his Chakra back, Akari sighed. "You know how I'm not exactly normal, right? Because this-" She waved a hand at the fading red Chakra motes. "-is another thing unique about me. I can control myself to a scary degree. I can choose to be able to feel emotions. It's like a weird version of Emotional Detachment Disorder." She could feel the Bijuu's confusion over their bond, so she elaborated.

"Basically, EDD is when someone gets kind of...shut down from their emotions. They can't or don't want to connect to other people with their emotions, to avoid feeling anxiety, stress or anything that comes from attachments, I think. But I have control over this, that's why I'm unique. I don't feign emotions, I still feel just normal. But if my anger or stress, hatred or fear ever get out of hand, I can actively choose to stop feeling those emotions. The reason I don't walk around incapable to feel anger or fear is because I don't want to break myself." Kurama made a thoughtful noise in his throat.

"I...see. You fear that if you were to detach from these emotions for too long, you would cause irreparable damage to your psyche?" Akari nodded, raising a hand to catch the last lingering mote of Chakra, feeling the warm, almost bubbly feeling of power that emitted from the spark of pure energy, her Chakra network now somewhat attuned to Kurama's chakra, enough that it no longer actively harmed her just by touching her. "You'd be correct. To not feel any of your emotions for a prolonged period would be...damaging, to say the least." Akari snorted, mentally opening the valve between them again, cutting certain emotions off to avoid any negative backlash.

She twisted her hand around a little, smiling at the crimson-tinged sheath of pure Chakra cloaking her entire body. Right now she was drawing three 'tails' worth of Chakra, an amount which threw her for a loop a little, since Kurama couldn't actually quantify his Chakra, and her Game was being pretty useless right now. When she looked at her Chakra amount, it just had three question marks.

Deciding to try an experiment, she grinned. "Kurama, I'd get ready if I were you, this could be a bit destructive." Before the Bijuu could question her intent, she began drawing Chakra into her coils, directly manipulating the nature of the Chakra, much as she had done during her fight against the Kumo Head Ninja, forming it from the Bijuu-natured Chakra it was into the blue screeching noise of lightning, pulling it across her body in a stream, keeping the volatile energy moving.

The Bijuu chakra burned and ripped at her coils ferociously as it changed, wanting to remain in its natural state, but Akari forced the process, pressing a large amount of red-tinged Chakra across her coils, forming more and more lightning which flowed around her body in a circulating pattern. When she deemed that she had enough, she swirled it all around, compressing it more and more as it travelled, then all at once, she expelled it all through the Tenketsu in her hand, which she raised upwards, sending the mass of Lightning-nature Chakra out in a giant stream, forming a colossal orb of pure energy which flew far up into the sky.

When it reached a high enough point in the air, the orb then began to destabilize. "Uh oh." Akari muttered, wincing as she 'pulled' on her connection to a Hiraishin seal a few hundred meters away, having placed it just in case her experimenting with Kurama's Chakra went wrong. She didn't go far enough.

With a thundercrack audible from miles away, the orb exploded, fueled by the energy of a Bijuu compatible to that of a Tailed Beast Bomb. At the speed of light, the energy seared the surface of the world, within a single instant reaching Akari's position and hitting her with a wave of lightning. Thankfully she was still shrouded within Kurama's Chakra, otherwise, she would have been flash-cooked so strongly she would burn to ash, with no amount of health saving her.

As it was, her pale skin was immediately covered in weaving Lichtenberg marks, spiderwebs of livid red lines sparking across near-every inch of her skin. Kurama winced as he was forced to push more Chakra through her coils, risking fracturing her coils entirely just trying to keep her alive as the wave of lightning dispersed into the ground as quickly as it arrived.

"This is what you get for trying stupid things, Kit." Kurama muttered, slowing the amount of Chakra he fueled her cloak with to a mere trickle of what it was before and assessing the damage for himself. Akari groaned, raising one hand to blot out the sun, then yelping as a spark of red lightning appeared from her fingertips, arcing across the air to the ground. "That was new..."

Akari wiggled her fingers, then her toes, finding herself able to move at least somewhat decently. But when she tried to sit up, she was forced back to the ground as her arms twitched with another bolt of crimson lightning. By this point her Bijuu cloak had fully receded, leaving her looking relatively normal as Kurama worked to make sure she was actually alright. Akari turned her hand over with a frown, the Lichtenberg marks receding as her healing kicked in. Curious, she opened her Game and looked for how much damage she just took, baulking as she saw the number.

-15822 HP.

If she hadn't increased her Vitality and Endurance when she got those points, she would have just died. All because she got curious about how powerful she could make an attack using Kurama's Chakra. With a strained noise of discomfort, she levered her hands behind herself, lifting off the ground, then tucking her knees in and slowly standing up, wobbling ominously a few times.

Is this a bad time?

Akari yelped in surprise as black text appeared in front of her vision, nearly falling over again. When she recovered, she glared at the plain black text. "I fucking hate you, you know that? Is this a bad fucking time? No, this is just the best time. What now? You fucked up EVEN MORE?" She then bit her lip. "Sorry, I just...that was too close. If I didn't get that experience from those assists, I would have literally just died...so, what's up?" She winced as her left arm twitched again unconsciously.

That's alright. Now se#e#e#e#e#e#####-



Akari cringed, her eyes aching from the black...mass that just screeched across her retinas. "Uhh, Entity?" She tried, to no response. "Kurama, you there?" She heard the Bijuu mutter something unhappy. That was good, he was still clueless about the Game. Rubbing her eyes, she opened them again, the black mass fading from view. It still hurt her to directly look at it, but it was far easier to look at than before.

Well Well Well, Little Uchiha. Or should I say, little forgotten Soldier?

Akari blinked in surprise. "Uhh, Entity?"

Wrong. You thought you were rid of me? That you could just have a happy time living in your new life? Well, I couldn't let that happen. Oh no no no, you don't get to be happy.

Feeling a shiver run up her spine, Akari realized who was speaking. "273..." She muttered, getting the feeling of satisfaction from the renegade entity.

Correct. For that, you get a prize!

Akari then felt a wave of agony ripple through her body, the sensation like it was tearing her inside-out. Then, it was gone. Looking down, Akari gasped in surprise. She...had a hole in her stomach. Laughing black text scrawled along her vision as she stared at the hole in her body. Then her left hand fell off into motes of black light, three thin senbon-sized holes appeared in her thigh, and a far smaller hole than on her stomach appeared on her torso where her heart was. None of the pain was blunted whatsoever, leaving her writhing on the floor in agony.

She felt Kurama's chakra flare up in response to the sudden attack, then just as quickly his power was forced back into her. But not into the seal, oh no, it all went into her coils. So now, she wasn't just burning from physical wounds, her Chakra coils were also being mutilated. Somehow, even in the maelstrom of pain, she realized that all the wounds she'd ever received were appearing on her body. Her missing hand. Her stabbed stomach. The shot to her heart which killed her in her last life. How she wasn't dead, she didn't know. That was all the clarity her pain-addled mind could muster though, even as she was forced to comprehend the words being shoved into her eyes.

Oh, what a lovely present. You see, if it wasn't for you, I would have been promoted! But no, I had to babysit you, YOU, while you played Ninja, traipsing around the Elemental Nations as if nothing could touch you! Well, I can't stay here, but at the very least, I can make sure that you know what pain really is. This is for fucking over my chances you human bitch.

A few seconds passed, with nothing happening. Drawing in a ragged breath, Akari checked herself over. Her left hand had vanished entirely, and she was bleeding from all the wounds on her body. Limply, she pushed her right hand into the stump of her left, pulling on her Chakra...only to find it not there. With once-dextrous and now sluggish fingers, she attempted to open her Game, finding that blank as well.

Swearing weakly to herself as her eyes shut, her sole remaining hand fell to the ground, leaving her lying in a pool of expanding crimson fluid. She attempted to take a proper inventory from what she could remember through the pain. The most dangerous wounds for her right now were her abdomen and chest wounds. The fact that she hadn't died yet made her think that 273, as she nicknamed the bastard who did this, wanted her to survive this for his own sick amusement.

Gritting her teeth, she tore at the skirt wrapped around her waist, pulling the fabric up to her torso. She felt around slowly with her hand, then rolled the skirt up and crudely wrapped it around her chest to hold the wound at least partially closed. Taking a forearm protector off, she slowly tore out the binding that held it to the fabric, pressing what remained into a ball then pushing it under the skirt wrapped around her chest, using it as gauze.

With one wound at least partially bandaged, she moved on to her abdomen. With a slow hand, she probed the injury. It was big. Fist-sized, so this was the wound that the Kumo guy hit her with. Toying with her options, she slowly removed her other forearm protector, repeating the process. Then, she removed the skirt and wrapped the forearm protector fabric around her chest, leaving her with a larger piece of fabric to use.

Grimacing, she took the binding for her forearm protector, then wrapped herself around with her skirt before pulling the top taut. Tugging the binding around herself, she tied it then yanked harshly, letting out a bit-off grunt of pain as the fabric tightened. She adjusted it to also slightly cover her chest wound, before reaching to her leg, taking a legging off.

She wound her legging around the three holes in her thigh, pulling that tight then tying it off. She pushed her wounded leg against the dirt and despite how much pain she was in, she smiled as she felt it at least somewhat take her weight. Surprisingly, her hand wasn't actually bleeding, it just looked like it was because of all the blood around, one of the few lucky breaks she'd caught.

Digging her remaining hand into the dirt, she forced herself to rise, a nasty wave of light-headedness threatening to send her back to the floor as she rose too quickly for her body to handle, leaving her wavering and slumping against the closest tree for support. Coughing once, then several more times in increasing agony, she grinned.

She was still fucking alive. Her insides felt like they'd been microwaved, her head felt like an Oompa-Loompa spent all night dancing on her skull, and she couldn't open her menu, but she was still kicking. Leaning forwards, she all but fell off the tree she was leaning against, one stuttering, stumbling step in front of the other as she made her way across the small clearing, reaching the other side with a whisper of a triumphant sound. Then, as she shut her eyes, she couldn't stop the strangled noise that escaped her throat as more text scrawled across her vision.

Oh, you thought we were done...?

Blinking awake at the sound of a door opening, Akari threw her covers off her body in one smooth motion, her hand reaching instinctively for the Senbon she always kept on her thigh, only to wrap her fingers around nothing.

"Woah, Woah there!" A surprised male voice met her ears. Narrowing her eyes, she quickly took his appearance in, noting that he wasn't armed in any way, he wasn't wearing anything very good for concealing a weapon, and above all, his Chakra felt weak, untested. He wasn't a Shinobi. If he was, killing him would be an act of good, because he would have been the worst she'd ever seen. "You're alright, nobody here will hurt you."

His words made her remember the pain she was currently feeling as her brash movements tore open most of her wounds. With a stifled hiss of pain, she forced herself to sit up despite his stammered protestations. "Where am I?" She asked bluntly, one hand reaching across herself to check her wounds, her eyes searching the room for a few moments before focusing on her own body.

She was still in an abysmal state, but she had plenty of clean white wraps covering her body. "You are currently in Anazia, not far from the Fire Temple. You were found at the side of a road by a passing merchant who brought you here. Your Hitai-ate and Ninja Tools are just in that locker. You were comatose, and as such, we were waiting for a Konoha-nin to visit the Temple, as we had informed the Monks that we had a Konoha-nin in our care." Nodding slowly, Akari finished her slow observation of her body, then shimmying back so she was in a half-upright position.

"Right. Well, thanks I guess. Your hospitality is appreciated. I'm Uchiha Akari, can I know your name?" The man's eyes widened as she spoke her Clan name, evidently, he recognized the Clan even if he didn't know her name specifically.

"Uchiha-sama, I am honoured to meet you. I am Shimada Benzo, Anazia's resident doctor." Akari waved his praise off, then grimaced as she realized she had waved with her stump of a hand. She wiggled it around a little with a frown.

"I don't suppose you found my hand anywhere?" The man looked positively horrified at her casual talking about a dismembered hand, already opening his mouth to rant about how unsanitary such a thing would be. "It's just that if I could find it, I could maybe re-attach it. I used to be known as the Crimson Medic, after all, that has to count for something. I mean, if I debrided the hand and my wrist then bound them together, maybe I could stimulate enough growth to re-attach the hand, then work on fixing all the nerve damage and cell-death that would have occurred. But then..."

Though at first uncomfortable thanks to her casual mentioning of reattaching a hand which by this point would have gone through Rigor Mortis, as Akari started muttering about medical terms, Benzo began to interject, leading the two to one of the strangest conversations either of them had ever had. A good half an hour passed with the two losing the entire time simply chatting about medical jargon which would go over the heads of anyone not accomplished in the field of medicine.

But, like many good things, it had to come to an end, with a knock at the door, then a face poking through, looking first at Akari in surprise, then at the doctor. "Benzo-san, a Konoha-nin was apparently sighted heading towards the temple. The nin was travelling too quickly to be spoken to by the villager who saw them, but hopefully, they'll be in the village within an hour." Nodding, Benzo stood up, walking to the door.

"Well, this was a pleasant experience Akari-san, I do hope you can spare the time to perhaps visit me, this conversation has enlightened me on a few subjects about Iryojutsu I once believed worked differently. The direct stimulation of cells still fascinates me, but as you yourself have said, it is merely a stopgap measure, reducing the lifespan of those who have had that Jutsu used on them." Nodding, Akari waved goodbye to the man.

"You too, Benzo, see ya later I guess!"

"Ahh, so it was you!"

While she waited for the Konoha-nin to show up, Akari spent the time very tentatively pushing her Chakra around her body. She had basically none available to her, and when she pulled even a little out of her Chakra coils, it burned as if she had just swallowed a vial of fluoroantimonic acid. What came out of her coils after she endured enough pain to make her want to just jam her thumbs into her own skull to end it was an absolutely pitiful amount of Chakra, not even enough for a Hi Yubi no Jutsu, a fire finger, practically the weakest of any Katon Jutsu.

She pushed it around her chakra network, making sure to keep it from flowing out of any of her Tenketsu, enjoying the mild burning feeling, the good kind of pain, as if she were stretching an invisible muscle. Even if her network had been mutilated, it wasn't broken. What was broken...was her Game. She still couldn't open it. It rankled her, and terrified her at the same time, that she couldn't access the system she'd been unabashedly using as a crutch her entire time in the Elemental Nations.

As such, when a familiar face, a long white mane of hair under wearing a horned Konoha Hitai-ate came through the door, she grinned. "Jiraiya!" The man frowned at her. "Uhh, Jiraiya...-sama?" He nodded thoughtfully.

"Hmm hmm, good try gaki. So, I hear the good doctor here has been having to put up with you for days, now how'd that come to happen brat?" Akari shrugged off the cover she'd pulled over herself, bearing the bandages wrapped around most of her torso, as well as revealing the more minor wounds, before waving her left stump at him. "Oh." He deflated, all sign of his light-hearted gregariousness gone in the face of his serious expression. "What happened?"

His voice wasn't the voice of the perverted member of the Densetsu no Sannin anymore, it was of the Sannin who survived through two wars, and who saw first-hand what that did to people. "I...was practising using Kurama's Chakra, when...something interfered. I'd just used a big Jutsu and needed a moment to breathe when somehow...it reversed time on me. It didn't send my body back, but...these were all wounds I've received before. Even...this!" She waggled a finger on her right hand, a small cut visible. "I got this when I was eight years old, yet somehow that...thing knew about it, and he brought it back..."

Sighing explosively, she shrugged at the Sannin. "Well brat, that's...something. And how's the fox?" Akari winced, feeling inside of herself again, then shaking her head. "Mind if I...?" He waved a hand at her stomach, to which Akari just shrugged again, then nodded when he hesitated. "Right." Reaching out, he planted his hand on the bandage on her abdomen, his warm, almost oil-like Chakra flowing on the surface of her network. "It's...gone." He muttered to himself, his chakra pressing into her Chakra network slightly as it searched for any remnant of Kurama's chakra.

Hissing in pain, she pushed his hand away, closing her eyes at his perplexed expression. "That wasn't all. Whatever it was, when Kurama tried to help me, it forced his Chakra straight through my coils. I can barely muster any Chakra, not even enough to produce a Hi Yubi no Jutsu." Exhaling slowly, she shook her head. "I don't know what the fuck it did to me, but...he's gone. The space in the seal is just...blank. Not even empty, it's like I just can't even feel that portion of seal any more, and that scares me. Anything could be hiding in that blank spot, only an errant twitch away from mutilating my Chakra network further." Palming his chin, Jiraiya looked thoughtful for a moment.

"But, if he's not there, then where is he?"

Unbeknownst to Akari at that moment, Kurama was running across the Elemental Nations at a breakneck pace.

Sensors screamed as the pure volume of Chakra blasting past them rendered their senses blind to everything but the overpowering sense of fury and pain the Bijuu was emitting. The fox paid no mind to those he harmed, his eyes focused on one distant location which he rapidly approached. Several puny little humans tried to stop him with their weak attacks, but his fur shrugged their attacks off like the air that now breezed past his face.

His colossal body flattened a momentous scourge across the forests of Hi no Kuni as he ran, finally coming to a stop outside of what he once regarded as a prison, but now contained the only things which could help him. He easily hopped over the giant wall surrounding the location but became more cautious to avoid flattening any of the buildings as he approached one specific and familiar building.

He felt more attacks on his body, but again, they were several orders of magnitude too weak to even mark his fur, let alone harm him. Instead, he laid down that which he had carried all this way from the training ground which to a human was so far away, but which he had left only a minute ago. Several of the weaklings tried to approach, but his growling maw and colossal paws wavered them off. "Untrustworthy runts." He growled, forcing them away with a small emittance of his Chakra.

He remained there for all of a minute before a more familiar signature of Chakra appeared on the rooftop, his haori having been swapped for battle-armour. "Kyuubi, what have you done?!" The old Kage yelled, though all his words got were a displeased frown. The big fox looked down at the small bundle he'd carried here, then up at Hiruzen.

"You are trustworthy. Approach." He spoke, allowing the Hokage passage towards him. "I did not do this, but if you do not find someone trustworthy soon...I shall be forced to level this village as recompense." The casual threat too Hiruzen by surprise, since he didn't even know what he was meant to find someone trustworthy for, but, as if realizing his mistake, Kurama removed his paws from their protective position, allowing the old Kage vision of what the Bijuu had been protecting.

The bloodied, mangled and mutilated body of an unconscious Uchiha Akari.


I kinda...seriously didn't plan that! Akari has been having way too much good luck, I felt like she needed to get smacked down a bit. She's going to get seriously overpowered soon, at which point I can have a lot of fun with her, but I felt bringing 273 back for one last go at fucking with her head would be good for this story.

The weird lightning thing that happened will get expanded upon, it's just that the whole 273 thing takes precedence.

Also, shamelessly took some of the idea of this from Engineer Extraordinaire. I do really want to know what you all think though. I personally think this is a good, logical way for this to happen, but please, tell me your opinions!

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 77

Age: 16

Experience: 65,945/77,000

To Next Level: 11,055

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 18,500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 3600/m - 60/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 36,620 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 7200/m - 120/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 70

Vitality - 60

Endurance - 60

Intelligence - 80

Agility - 161

Wisdom - 90

Luck - 60

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