
The sudden gentleness (3)

"At the time, I didn't think too much. I just thought that even if I had to drag my body down, Nuannuan would still be able to pull me back from the gates of hell. at that time, nuan nuan and chi yang had already gotten together. although i didn't say anything, i was very anxious. Therefore, while he sent people to kill Chi Yang, he also wanted to get close to Nuannuan. But you know Nuan Nuan's personality. If I hadn't worn my body down, I really wouldn't have been able to find a reason to get close to her. "

"I know what you're thinking." How could she not know what he was saying?

However, even though she knew, she could not accept it.

"i know you know. I also know that you gave up on me completely because of me. "

Bai Liyue looked at Feng shengxuan, whose face was full of sincerity, and whose eyes were filled with apology and determination.

"Yue 'er, I'm sorry," Feng shengxuan said sincerely. Also, thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Bai Liyue was puzzled.

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