
pest (1)

However, he had been staying in cyber country all year round, and it was not popular to eat such things.

In cyber country, crayfish were pests. Not only did they pollute the environment, but they were also like locusts. These pests often appeared in the southern part of cyber nation, and in serious cases, they would even send out an Army to exterminate them.

He really couldn't understand why his little girl would like to eat this kind of broken stuff.

This taste was simply too strong!

Feng shengxuan held back his disgust, put on his gloves, and picked up a prawn. He peeled the Taotie's shell gently, but it was too hard to peel. He forcefully peeled it off and it exploded.

After taking a look at Chi Yang's proficiency and speed, Feng shengxuan mimicked him and pinched the head and both sides of the crayfish, then peeled it again, Breaking the Spine.

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