
Chapter 34: Sorrows of the Past that Carries on to the Present

I'm really sorry for the long update. Recently I have been thinking carefully about the path which my book should take. I mean the flow of the story. I don't want to give you guys a crappy update just so I could update the chapter. It took me a long time to finally decide on how to work the flow of the story so for that I'm really sorry. Anyways today we have reached the 100th chapter of this story yey! I can't believe that this will reach 100 chapters (I'm about to cry.)

So Happy Reading Everyone 😊❤️!


After making sure that Troy is already fast asleep. Axel remove all his clothing and look at woman sleeping on the couch. He too took off the clothes of that woman after doing so he placed her just beside Troy. "Perfect, now the only thing left to do is to call the main character of this scene." Axel said talking to himself.

"Hello, it's me. Troy is not with you isn't he?"

(What do you want? If you're telling me is that my husband is cheating on me then I will tell you repeatedly that he's not! I won't believe in anything that you will tell me!)

"Don't be too defensive I'm just simply asking if he's with you or not.....ow perhaps it's because he is not with you hahahaha." Axel laughed like an evil witch in the story of Cinderella.

(You bitch! You can tell me anything that you want but I won't fall for that tricks.)

"He's with me. We just shared a hot and passionate night together. As a matter of fact he's sleeping there beside me. Want me to give you the address? I'll make sure to let the receptionist know so they can give you an extra key and I promise you what I'm saying is true." Axel sent the address together with the photo of the woman's husband. He then pulled out his own phone and dialed Aiden.

"It's done. Seriously that woman's going to be brutally killed by that woman." Axel said.

(Even her death is still not enough to compensate me to all the things she had done to me. Axel did you left the hard drive?)

"Yes I did, it's in the obvious location I'm sure the wife will be able to notice it immidiately. I'm amaze, you want his wife to do all the dirty work for you without her knowing it. Such a clean way to set someone up."

(I don't want Aiden's name to get drag with that bitch issue. I want to make sure that people won't believe her even if she points me out as the master mind, it will only appear as her getting desperate diverting her adulterous scandal with a married man outside her engagement with Lance.)

"Scary, anyways Aiden I need to get out of here. I already tampered the CCTV'S so I'll just get out as Bea."

(Ok then be careful.) Axel got out of the floor fast. He rode the elevator when a tall dark handsome man got on the elevator leaving only the two of them inside. The man keep on glancing over him on the metal reflection. Axel can feel that the man is getting suspicious about him when. The man suddenly push the emergency stop in the elevator as he grab his left hand.

"Bea, everyone is looking for you. Lance even paid me to look for you. What are you doing here?" Axel knew the moment the man spoke that he is in trouble. He tried to put on how Bea acts.

" Please let me go it hurts."

"No we need to talk!"

*Damn it why is this man too stubborn! It's not like this bitch also slept with him. My gosh just how many men did you slept with woman?!* Axel thought.

"You need to go home and talk to Lance, you just can't leave things be." Axel knew that there's no way around with this guy. So with that in mind Axel push himself up using the wall on his side then he wrapped his legs on the man's neck. When he manage to bring the man down on the floor with his quick moves he struck the man on his nape with the Side of his palm. The man immidiately lost consciousness, like an hold habit Axel didn't leave the body of the man on the elevator. Though the man looks like twice as heavy as him, Axel still manage to carry it with him inside the rest room. Luckily no one was around. He took the man's pants and underwear leaving only his shirt and wallet, he intentionally lock from inside the cubicle where he put the man in and then climb over the top to the next cubicle to get out. The woman inside didn't suspect him when he came out of the next cubicle as he was impersonating Bea, hiding his face with big and thick sun glasses, luckily these ladies just came inside. When he finally reached the lobby he saw the woman talking to the receptionist and then he smiled. When he got outside he immidiately throw the man's pants and underwear on the garbage bin, then he noticed some T.V. stations reporter with the camera men. *Must have been Aiden's plan. He really doesn't want to give this woman a hole to scape. Ow well that's her problem not mine.*

Aiden looked at the papers on his hand. True to Sebastian's words that Lander truly is his son. He wanted to take time with his revenge. He wanted to torture Bea but after knowing about Lander the first thing that got inside his mind is to get rid of Bea. He can't let that woman be beside his son even for a second. In the eyes of the law Lander's Mother is Bea as long as he doesn't show up then the custody will remain on Bea but if Bea will be put in prison then Lance will get full custody of their own child. The only thing he should be worrying is how to get custody to Lander without revealing himself cause it's not like Lander knows anything about Liam.

"What are you thinking Ai?" Aiden looked behind him and saw his brother.

"Nothing I was just thinking on how I can have custody over Lander without showing no more precisely revealing myself."

"You know that's impossible right? Specially now that the butler already has his suspicion of you."

"But I don't want to be Liam anymore. Liam died that night." George hug his brother he knows just how much difficult of a situation he's facing.

"You need to think this more through Ai, you know that whatever decision You'll going to make we will fully support you." George console his brother, he can feel his shirt becomes wet from the tears that's pouring out of Aiden's eyes and it pains him to see this person getting hurt all over again.

"It's ok to cry, Just cry it all the pain, sorrow, regrets and anger that's welling inside of you just cry them all. Don't dwell on the problem too much for now, you can't make a decision when you're this highly emotional so just try to calm your mind and heart first before thinking about your next move. It's a good thing that your plans against that Bea is currently being carried out." Aiden pulled out from George embrace after hearing Bea's name, it slipped his mind the thing about Bea. Just when he was thinking about it a call from the number he has been waiting came.

(Aiden you better turn on the news, I bet you'll going to like it.) Without responding Aiden went inside and turn on the Television and just as what Axel advice the news indeed was very satisfying.

[It seems that the model/actress where about has been located but far from everyones expectation the Model/actress Beatrice Salvacion was found laying inside the hotel room with a married businessman, the wife of Troy Sy went inside the hotel room just inside this building to check upon his husband only to be dismayed buy the scene before her. Witness said that the wife of the businessman launched her attacks at the said model. The model fought back but was drag outside the room naked by the man's wife. Could it be the reason for her disappearance was because of her love affair with the said businessman?] Aiden's lips curved upward after seeing the news, videos of Bea captured being drag by Troy's wife without anything on. is making Aiden very happy.

"Phase two is done." George looked at him after he whispered that.

"Now that Phase two is done. Will there be any changes on Phase 3?"

"No we will carry on with our plan. I can't let my plans get ruined by my own personal emotions. I will deal with it after I deal with them." George can see the fire ignites in Aiden's eyes, the hesitations he saw earlier are now completely gone.

"You better think things through Ai, you must be sure of your every next move always remember that."

Aiden looked at his brother. He fully understand all his family's worries when it comes to him.

Mean while the man who was left inside the woman's restroom woke up with a feeling of coolness on his lower part of the body, when he took a peak he was beyond surprised and furious seeing that he wears nothing down there inside the female rest room. He tried to calm himself down. He picked up his phone and dial the person he knows that might be able to help him.

"Terrence, how are you? It has been so long did you missed me?" The man heard a loud grunt on the other line it seems to him that Terrence is really pissed off because of the call.

(What do you want Jules! People are sleeping already!) Jules looked at his watch and saw the time. He frown at Terrence reaction.

"It's still early and you're telling me that you are already sleeping? What an odd thing to hear from you! You are probably being lovey dovey with your wife that's why my call makes you grumpy. You used to love it when I call! Now you just simply want to set me aside to have sex with your wife." Jules said dramatically.

(Fuck off!)

"Wait wait wait don't drop the call Terrence I really need your help. Please get me a pants and a pair of underwear..... tot toot toot." Terrence didn't even wait for him to finish saying what his saying, he just simply drop the call on him.

The next morning news about Bea's cheating broke and shocked the world to the point that it even affected Lance. People's sympathy was with him, they feel so sorry about the whole situation that he is in.


"Sir what are you trying to do? It's clear that she cheated on you and still you want to defend her!" Sebastian who is commonly a composed person shouted on top of his lungs. He doesn't know why on Earth is Lance so obsessed with that woman when clearly the person that he loves is his wife.

"You don't understand me Sebastian....." Lance pause before saying anything.

"She might be the only person who knows where Liam is. I can't let her go just like that without me knowing first where he is." Sebastian weight the things that is happening. He's still not sure yet that's why he kept it to himself but if in anyway that his Master's action would make him regret it then gambling to little speculation that he has is worth a shot.

"I think I might know where Liam is." Lance halted from walking out. He instantly turned around and grab Sebastian's shoulder to shake him.

Sebastian flinch at the slight pain which cause by Lance tight grip but he ignored it and carry on with what he has to say. "It's just a speculation but that boy who brought you home I think he's Liam. I don't know his reasons if he really is Liam maybe something happened."

"Are you crazy?!"

"I might be but you of all people should be able to tell if he really is Liam."

"He doesn't bare Liam's face."

"He doesn't but the two has the same voice even the way he speaks with me is the same. It was his first time being here right? I didn't introduce myself and yet he knows me. He even called me using the name Liam always calls me."

Lance looked at Sebastian, his butler has the point but how is it possible that he doesn't look anymore like Liam? *Then what happened in the hospital hit him the blood of his son and Aiden matches. It might be a coincidence but having a lot of coincidence is just too suspicious* all sorts of things keeps on running inside Lance mind.

"But he is Chairman Miller's son. If he is Liam then how can he be married to another man?" Sebastian was quiet for a while before he opened his mouth.

"I don't know but we at least need to try, let Bea handle her own mess for a while, let us first know who that boy is and if my speculations are wrong then go proceed with your plan." Sebastian suggested hoping for Lance to agree with his suggestion.

"Then how do you suggest for us to know his real identity?"

Sebastian told him his plan.

Later that night Aiden received a call from Lance. "To what do I owe you this call?" Aiden asked.

(My heart has just been broken. I didn't know that she was cheating on me. I want to go out and drink myself but the paparazzi are all waiting for my statement. I don't want them to see my sorry state.)

Aiden looked at the caller ID again to check if it really was Lance. It pained him to know just how much of an impact it cause Lance, specially just how much care he has for the woman. "So what does it has to do with me. Don't call me just bother some of your friends." Aiden was about to end the call when Lance spoke again.

(They are busy with their own love life, Adrian is busy being all lovey dovey with his assistant, that reminds me one month is almost over. Terrence is busy with his family, Zee is nowhere to be found so as Derek. I'm all alone, can you come here. Aside from them you are the closest friend I have left.)

Aiden got irritated when he heard the word friend. "Since when did we became friends? We have always been rivals."

(Please just this once, it really hurts.) Lance begin to sob. Aiden on the other can't bare hearing Lance in pain give in. He ready himself to go out even though it was already late. He turned on the radio and heard a breaking news apparently Bea's scandalous videos leaked out and all her photos with different men have gone out. A lot of those famous and powerful men's wives were enrage to learn that at some point that their husbands and the woman they thought as friend, sister and daughter had betrayed them. Whether the reason is for money, fame or just to seek thrill for fun they can't forgive her for ruining their family. Aiden gave a very satisfying smile. Bea might have taken the biggest blow but it didn't spare his brother which had cause him his family but it was not the end it was just the beginning.

When he reached the mansion, Sebastian lead him to the mansion's mini bar and there he saw Lance drinking. The two went on drinking while Lance pour his heart out crying for his miserable life. Sebastian serve as the bartender for the two of them for that night giving them different kind of drinks. It took them quite a while before Aiden finally got knocked down for drinking too much.

"I didn't think he would last this long." Sebastian commented, Lance also thinking the same thing. If this was really his Liam then he would have been drunk already but Aiden though he was not that heavy drinker still last quite long.

"Yeah now that he's fast asleep, all we needed to do is to get strands of his hair and..... Where is the swab and container." After several minutes pass by the two had gathered up all specimen they needed for the test so Lance decided to take Aiden to their guess room. He looked at the Omega who reeks of alcohol. He's not usually the kind of guy who pays attention to a drunken person but since he feels guilty in getting him drunk he decided to at least clean him. After getting the basin filled with warm water he begun to wiped his face, neck and arms. He noticed the ring on his ring finger and felt hurt remembering that Aiden was indeed married. He didn't even know why he agreed to Sebastian's suggestion in the first place when it is clear that a marked Omega can't be with anyone else unless their Alpha dies. He continued to wipe his hands and in the process the ring moves and the part of the tattoo hiding beneath the ring peak.

Lance heart was hammering against his chest. The design is familiar, with shaking hands he gently pulled down the ring only to see those familiar ink design then droplets of water begin to land on Aiden's soft and white hand and faint sobs can be heard inside the room where only two people stays.


"Young man do you want to buy this? Though it is not for sale, You see there's a history behind this watch you see the original owner of this well as per the story says that this watch was own by an aristocrat in 19th century. He gave this to his lover an Omega who is a low born. It was a great tragic story from the place where I was born. You see since the space between them is like Sky and Earth the man's family can't accept it and threatened their son to kill the boy if he doesn't get married to a Duke's daughter. So the man marries the Duke's daughter and later on earned the title of the Duke after his father in law passed away. Years passes by and their lives goes on though the duchess can't bare him any children the Duke still treated her with little love after all he knows full well that his duchess were just forced. Just like him she also have someone that she love but was threatened that the man will be killed if she refused to marry him, the two learned to live as friends more than husband's and wife but a terrible news came to his duchess one day that made her gravely ill because of depression. The man that she loves, her only reason for living dies a horrible death in the battlefield."

"So what happened next?" Zeejay who has been engross in listening asked the man.

"His wife on her final hours held his hand and told him to find his lover, not to do the same thing as she did and that he's finally now free. The mansion mourned for the death of the duchess but the man decided to find his lover hoping this time he can finally fight for their love. It didn't took him long to find where he is cause the Omega didn't move to another place but his smile fades away when he didn't saw his lover instead he saw this young man in his teens, a young man who has the same face as him when he was younger. He asked this young man but instead of giving him answers he asked him questions instead and after he answered the boy the boy in his teens lead him to a hill, the hill that he perfectly knew and at the top of that hill a tomb stone. He begun to sob and regretted his decision. The boy went back to his old and tiny home. It appears that the young man was his and the Omega's child. Doesn't want to repeat his mistakes he persuade his son to come back to him but his son refused telling his father that he doesn't want to get involved to his family affair. The man persuade and persuade his till his son gave in. He brought in the boy but his family didn't agree. He fought for his son's rights. He abolished the family's political marriage system to give his son the freedom to choose who to love. This watch has been passed down to his child."

"So they didn't ended up together cause the man is a coward?" Zeejay asked.

"I guess in our town most people really doesn't mind whether your partner is an Omega or not maybe because we have been moved by that story that has been passed down to us. Most of the people in that small town doesn't want to have the same regret as that man."

"Can you sell me this watch?" The man of the antique shop looked at him.

"No I told you it's not for sale. Though we have a lot of other things here that you might take an interest."

"That man story is the same as mine though I'm no Duke or Noble but my family is controlling my life and I was forced to marry someone who also have someone whom she love. The Omega that I love doesn't want me anymore. I don't know what to do." Zeejay begun to break down in tears and the old man begun to panic when Zeejay starts crying like a 5 years old child.


Nash woke up on Adrian's bed butt naked. He checked the man sleeping beside him it was the first time that the Alpha touch him aside from kissing. Neither did Nash know that the only reason why Adrian mistakenly slept with him is due to so much drunkenness. He got up only to be halted by the stabbing pain from his lower back but he still push himself to get up and clean himself. After that he prepares Adrian's breakfast. While cooking he can't believe that 3 weeks has passed since the two of them have officially been together so he's starting to think what to get him for their upcoming 1st monthsary. He thought just how recently it was when he was just stalking him, then he became his secretary then in just a snap of a finger Adrian became head over heals in love with him which didn't took him long to say yes to the man. Everything has been going well that he feels like everything are all just a dream.

Adrian woke with throbbing pain in his head, he got up naked which he didn't pay attention to. He has no recollection of what happened last night so he went straight to the shower like it was nothing. When he's done he quickly change to his suit and came down as soon as possible. He saw different dishes on the table which is no longer a surprise to him. He got used to the fact that Nash always goes early to prepare him breakfast. For a month now he never leaves his house without eating breakfast. He roam his eyes around the kitchen to look for Nash but saw no one. He just shrug it off and went to sit on the table. "He might still be on the kitchen." He whispered before serving himself with food and went on ahead to eat without waiting for Nash. Minutes later Nash came to the dinning room and saw Adrian eating. "Babe, come on join me." Adrian said sweetly. Adrian calls him babe whenever that two are alone but when someone is around he calls him by his name.

Nash smiled at him. His chubby cheek lifts up as he seated across him. "Babe do you have any plans on weekend next week?" Nash thinks the date on the next weekend and the answer instantly lights up his mood. Next weekend will be their first monthsary so all thoughts are running inside his mind. He thought that Adrian might be planning something for that date.

"No I don't have." Nash said shyly while blushing.

"Good let's meet then. I would like to tell you something." Nash felt really happy but he didn't make it very obvious. He doesn't want the Alpha to get cocky just because he's very much in love with him. When the two are done Adrian told Nash not to go to the office and just take a day off. Nash felt very touch at the gesture he thought that Adrian is thinking about the strain on his body left by their last night activity so without thinking too much he accepted and just went back to the house that he can't even called his own. His mother who passed away gave him to his father who has his own family. They accepted him not as a family but as someone who could they use as a spendable person. His siblings who are both beautiful and handsome always ridicules him for being fat and ugly but that doesn't really matter to him now what matter is that Adrian thinks he is the most beautiful so even though others might see him as ugly at least one person. believes he is beautiful and that is enough.

Adrian got up and looked at the window he's not mistaken the weird feelings comes only when Nash is around like when he saw Nash talking while smiling at one of the employees without batting an eye he had that employee transfered to another Branch that is crazy far from the main branch and when his eyes automatically wonders for him many more things that he can't explain but the one thing he knows that the only way for him to completely make this odd behavior stop is to stop this bet and make the Omega quit with his job. "All this romantic movies shit is making me lose my mind just because I wanted to win against Lee so bad that I became weird like this. Not because I like him or what, I still think he's disgusting. I'm about to get married soon it's just a matter of time." Adrian said like talking to himself. His thoughts were disturb by the phone call he immidiately answered it.

(Son you better ready yourself for next week's event you do know that you will meet your future bride by next week so we can proceed with your engagement by next month. I don't want you to screw this up. This marriage is very important for the future of this company.)

"Ok." Without saying anything more Adrian end the call.

"I better stop playing around." He sadly whispered.


Aiden woke up with a pounding pain to his head when he looked around he found a very familiar place. He quickly looked at himself beneath the blanket and was able to breath easily after seeing himself still fully dress. While thinking of what happened last night a note on the table caught his attention. He read the note that says *Take this medicine it will help you with your hung over.* Aiden took the medicine and went out of the room. He was planning to leave but he saw Sebastian and Sebastian told him to stay and that Lance was waiting for him. He insisted on leaving but for unknown reason he found himself eating lunch with Lance. Yes lunch he woke up late that it was already lunch time.

"Thank you for treating me kindly yesterday." Lance said. Aiden has been sensing Lance since the time he saw the man. He has been giving off this happy Pheromones in the air which makes him think if the man truly is heart broken cause his Pheromones says otherwise.

"That's ok but I don't think you need any of my help it seems you've cope up that easily." Aiden said and as soon as he said that Lance Pheromones suddenly drop and change to a depressing one. *Is this man bipolar? How can he suddenly change mood that fast?*

"I don't think that I'm still ok. If you don't mind would you stay a little bit longer?" Lance asked. Aiden felt a bad premonition from what Lance just said, he knows staying alone with him. for a long time is never a good news so instead of giving in he hardened his heart and declined but then suddenly like it was all planned his son Lander came running to join them. Lander hugs Lance tightly. Aiden's heart ache he felt envious he also wanted to hug his own son but he just can't openly declare he is his mother but to his surprise Lance begin to act like a child in front of their own child.

"Daddy why are you sad?" Lander asked.

"No this is nothing son, is just that your UNCLE AIDEN doesn't want to stay till after dinner here in our house. Daddy feels abandoned." Aiden felt like he heard a snapping sound inside his head. He literally wanted to stab Lance for using the kid on him.

"Uncle?" Lander looked around and saw him eating with his Dad. He didn't notice Aiden because he was so happy to greet his Dad.

Aiden was taken aback when Lander run towards him only to jump and hug him tightly. His heart well up he feels like crying as he hug Lander back. "Uncle can you stay for dinner? Lander really wants to play with you."

Aiden with his broken voice answered Lander. "Ok."

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