
Chapter 18: What's Beyond the Surface

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry guys, though I promise a daily update but I got so busy with worked that I hardly got enough sleep. I probably slept for like two hours yesterday and till now I haven't slept yet hehehe but it was all worth it, seeing the results of your hard work really takes away all the stress and tiredness and that really made me so happy. But before I go to bed I need first to release an update for you all. I need to sleep early cause I still need to wake up at 4:00 in the morning to go to work Yehey finally after months of staying at home I can finally go out to my work place.

Happy Reading 😊!


It was 4:00 am of Friday morning when Dos woke up excitedly. he had been waiting for this day to come since two days ago after their father promise to come with them. It will be the first time that their parents will come together with them to their school trip 3 years since they start attending school. So the kid hardly had enough sleep because of too much excitement but the fact that their father didn't came home last night is worrying him, his father didn't even call them last night unlike the night before last night when Terrence called them. Do tried to get some more sleep cause it's still early but failed to do so. So he just decided to read the astronomical book which his uncle Lee got for him. Things about space, gadgets and machines interest him. more than the laws. Unlike his brother who looks like will take after their family's legacy of being lawyers Dos interest is far from that.

The alarm went off when the clock strikes 5 in the morning waking both his brothers and mother at the same time. They prepare themselves and went down to eat breakfast. Dos can feel the excitement and agitation at the same time. He keeps on looking around as he eats his breakfast with his brothers, mother and grandparents that his grandmother notices.

"Dos sweetie are you looking for something?" Tiana asked, Dos looked at his grandmother then back at the food on his plate.

"No, Wowwa I was just wondering if Dad, if Dad has arrived?... It's almost time to go to school." Dos said in a whisper.

Tiana sigh and rested her hands that both holds spoon and fork. "Do you want Wowwa to come with you in place for your Daddy? Your Mommy can't handle all three of you." Dos shakes his head no.

"Daddy will come, he promise. You told us not to break our promises so he needs to keep it or else I won't believe him anymore." Tiana gave a sad smile to her grandson, she also wonders where on Earth did her son go.

"Hey baby Daddy will surely come. Maybe he just had to finished something but he will come follow if he happen to miss our ride. So don't be sad now Ok?" Dos nodded he believes the things that his mother told him but Uno remained silent to where he's seated. He didn't join in the conversation about their father cause he doesn't want to crash his brother's hopes about their father.

Uno is the kind of kid that doesn't really like to hope for the impossible and their father being a father to them is one of those things that he thinks is impossible. He accepted it at an early age when he asked his father for the first time to attend their 5th Birthday party cause he wanted to show to all the kids who were invited that all those accusations of them not being love by their only parent weren't true but even with that simple request, Terrence still couldn't grant it for them. He remember crying back then even though it was their special day. A day where he and his brother should be happy and celebrating but seeing his brother cry made him realized if his father can't be a father to them then at least he can be a good brother to Dos. He tried to be mature and serious since then far from being a child that he should be enjoying right now.

After having their breakfast Tiana drives them to school. All students together with their parents were asked to gather in one place to give the assignments of their sitting arrangement inside the bus. All students and parents start getting on after the sit arrangement has been distributed. Dos keeps on looking around wondering if his father will show up but even after waiting and waiting no Terrence showed up. Dos hope for his father fulfilling his promise is decreasing as minutes pass by. The teachers already asked them to get on the bus.

As they walked towards the bus Dos feeling get heavier by each steps that he takes the excitement and happiness he that he feels since the moment he woke up are disappearing almost instantly that he stopped walking just as they were at the entrance. Chester looked at his son while he carries his youngest. He can feel clear sadness to Dos's action and those feelings were confirmed when his son's head turned his way, his eyes are full of sadness and worry. Tears are already brimming, threatening to fall down any seconds. It pains Chester to see how it affects his son, how his smiling face suddenly change in a second and how his little hope crash by a mere promise that he held on. Yes! Chester knows the reason for his son's sudden sadness and he can't do anything about it cause he was not the person who made the promise to him specially when Dos asked him the question that he himself can't answer.

Uno saw the panic and the struggle in his mother's eyes trying to find the right answer to his brother's question. He can understand why because his mother has never been with them for years. It's his first time seeing Dos making that sad face and asking questions about the later. He knows how hard to give someone answers that even he himself doesn't know but Uno knows how to handle Dos, he has been doing this for years. He stood by his brother's side in a way that could fill what his father couldn't. Looking at the situation Uno decided to step in and help his Mother with his brother.

"Will Daddy be coming with us?" Dos asked worried, they are already at the entrance of the bus that will be used as their service to get to their destination.

"I told you don't get your hopes way too high. He's a very busy man." Uno answered that only made his twin brother sadder than he already is.

"Don't be sad at least Mom is here with so as Thirdy. The three of us can still have a good time." Uno tried to lighten his brother's mood.

"I thought you said that your Dad will come?" Chester look at the the kid who seems to be as the same age as Uno and Dos talked to his second child.

"Our Mother is with us, won't it be enough?" Uno answered.

"But your brother said that your father will also going to come. It seems what my mother said to Tiffany's mother is true that your father doesn't love you!"

"That's a pretty strong thing to say, don't you think buddy?" Joey felt a man placed their hand over his shoulder and instantly saw Dos face light up.


Dos instantly run after seeing his father, Terrence catches him and carries him. "I thought you won't come with us." Dos felt relieve that his father made it, that he didn't stood them up, that he fulfilled his promise to them. So relieve that the tears he's been holding back start cascading down his smooth cheek.

Terrence carries Dos using his right hand while he use his left hand to wipe his tears from his face. "I promised didn't I?" Dos nodded rubbing his hands to both of his eyes. Terrence smile at the sight and kiss him on the cheek. Uno who was watching the whole thing just shrug and turn his gaze to Joey is still in awe struck with his father.

"My father is here now so please just let my brother be." Uno said walking inside the bus without waiting for his parents.

Chester soon follow his eldest son after he noticed that the later already went inside. Since the Harris's have the most number of family members who came in the trip they have been given the straight raw of the bus seats. Terrence and Dos are sitting on the left side that are for two people and Chester, Uno and Thirdy are on the right that are for three persons. Soon after everyone has settled down the bus started running. The Teachers in front assigned an activity to the kids on board, each child and parents are asked to pass a ball while a song is playing on the background and once it stops the person will going to receive the ball will have to tell something about their Parents or child. This game is to see how well both parents and children knows about each of them.

The Teacher start playing the song and after that gave the ball to the child in front that the kid soon pass to the person next to him as soon as he received it. The children continuously pass the ball they happily sing along with the nursery rhyme that was being played till their teacher suddenly stopped the song. A girl name Rachelle raise her hand as signal that she's the person who last received the ball when the song stops. The teacher quickly went to where Rachelle is.

"Can you introduce yourself to us young Miss?" The Teacher said. The girl named Rachelle took the other mic and begin to introduce herself to them. "Ahhhmmm My Name is Rachelle and I'm 7 years old." The kid said shyly.

"So Rachelle what can you tell us about your parents today?" The Teacher asked the kid. She looked at the person beside her who seems to be her mother.

"My Mother is a housewife, she loves to shop and meet up with her friends. My Father is a Vice President in a corporation." After that the girl sit down. The kid to whom the ball stops always starts and ends their description to their parents with just their Parents occupation and hobbies.

The game continue till it reaches the kid named Joey. It was the same kid which Terrence saw who was picking up his child verbally.

"My Mother is not just your typical house wife. She's not the kind of person who just stays inside our home but she spends her time working as the COO of grandpa's Company and My Father is a Diplomat he serves our Country by protecting the interest and keeping the good harmonious relationship of our Country to our neighboring countries in all around the Globe." The children inside along with their parents clap their hands with what that Joey kid said. After that they continue to pass the ball again till it stops at Dos. Dos shyly stand up and introduce himself. "My name is Dos Harris I'll be seven in three months. My Father Terrence Harris is a lawyer." The kid tried to think of any other things to say about his father but can't think of anything else so he proceed to telling something about his mother. "My Mother Chester Harris is currently staying in our house as a housewife. He doesn't work right now but he uses that to spend some quality time with us by always teaching us after we go home from school....."

"Why can't you just hire your children tutors to teach them? If they are that dull to even teach them after coming to school, then you should just hired them a tutor." One of the kids parent suggested in a way that's mocking them and the others laugh as well.

"How much do you know about the air that we are breathing in?" The people who were laughing stopped when they heard a boy asked a question.

"I said, how much do you know about the air that we are breathing in?" Uno asked.

"Oxygen? We breathe Oxygen and we exhale carbon dioxide simple as that....Air is air so what's about it?" The woman answered sarcastically.

Uno signed "There is a difference when you say air and just Oxygen. Since you mentioned about Oxygen why don't we talked about it and get to know more about it." Uno get up from his seat so he could have a better view and so they can see him. Chester on the other hand supported his son so the later won't fall. " Air is actually a mixture of different gasses present in our atmosphere not just Oxygen. We have Nitrogen that composed 78% of our atmosphere followed by Oxygen which is 20%, Argon with 0.19%, Other gasses with 0.17% and Carbon dioxide with 0.03%."

"Yes brother is right besides we can't breathe pure Oxygen cause exposure to excess supply of Oxygen outside the normal partial pressure of Oxygen can lead to Hyperoxia that can lead to Oxygen toxicity and in worst case scenario even death." Dos added.

"Though it is true that our body needs Oxygen to breakdown the nutrients which our body consumed through aerobic respiration which in process breaks down Glucose to Carbon dioxide, water and ATP or what we know as energy. The kind of Oxygen our body need is the two atoms of the element binded together at a standard temperature and pressure known as dioxygen which we simply know as O2 or Oxygen." Dos continued.

"Another form of Oxygen is the Ozone with the formula O3. It absorbs and protects the biosphere from the Ultraviolet UVB radiation....." Uno noticed that all eyes are on them and their mouth are almost open. "Should I continue?" He asked.

"I think brother you should stop now. This ride won't be enough to discussed all that." Dos suggested, even Terrence is amaze just how the two talk about it.

"My point why I'm telling all this is because it was our Mother who taught us that. He doesn't see us the same way other people see us. He attends to our special needs and diligently take time to teach us things that is not covered by what the school at our level is currently teaching. He didn't choose to teach us just because we are dull and slow but he choose to teach us because he noticed that what we learn from school is no longer enough for me and my brother." Uno explain, trying to depend Chester from the sarcastic and mockingly remarks by the other parent.

"Mom is a teacher so he knows exactly what he's doing and we enjoy it very much." Every on that bus became awkwao silent after the two depended their Mother.

"Woah that was intense and informational at the same time thanks Harris's brothers. So who wants to take a break?"

Terrence tap his son who is sitting next to him. "Your Mother is a teacher?" Terrence asked baffled.

"You didn't know Dad?" Dos asked

"No, I didn't."

"Mom is a Teacher. He said Granny made him attend school and take education course majoring in all level. He is actually a liscene teacher he showed us when he offers teaching us after school." Dos explained.

"Why would he still teach you when I think you two are already smart?"

Dos pout at his Dad. "Even smart people need to study and learn too. Nothing in this world is free you need to worked hard for your to get what you want. Geez Dad are you teaching your children to be lazy and laid-back just because they can understand better than most people can."

"We are not smart we just think differently, understand and pick up things faster than others but we still need to learn." Uno who can hear the conversation said.

"For example If you are given a big box that can store a lot of things the initial thing to do is to fill it with something useful or it will be useless if you just left it idly empty in one space. It's the same with us, both me and brother were given a mind that can store more so we tried to fill it with useful information." Chester who can see what was happening secretly smile at the scene of his sons who were reprimanding their father about making use of the gift that was given to them.


Adrian is frowning while he do his work like the boss he should be. Ever since Nash has been his secretary he can no longer slack off, he can no longer skip work and most of all he can no longer enjoy girls. The man sticks to him like a leech refusing to let go as it sucks the life out of him. "Fuck!" Adrian pulled his hair exasperatingly. "I haven't had sex since he became my secretary. Why is he with me always? And why the fuck is he always awake when I tried to sneak out. Does he ever sleeps?" When Nash became his secretary his mother made an arrangement for Nash to live in the same space as the Alpha in Condition that the Omega will track his heat and will always carry a hear suppressant with him. During his heat cycle he will be asked to take an off and will stay away from the Alpha.

Adrian looked at the entrance of his office when he saw Nash came in. He carries with him a cup of coffee that he asked for and two pieces of club house sandwiches. "Is these will you be having again for lunch?" Nash asked.

"Why do you care for just give me that!" Adrian scorn, Nash handed him the food which the Alpha asked and Adrian snatched it away from him.

"You know it's not healthy to always eat fast food. You should be eating home cook food that are nutritious not those." Nash said eyeing Adrian while he munch the piece of bread as he do his job.

"You kept me in the office to do my job that has filed up so what do you expect? I need to multitask so I can finish all this." Nash got up from his seat and went over his table. He took one folder that has filed up and read it. Adrian notices it and took the folder away from the Omega's hands.

"Don't touch this. These are all important and confidential documents." Nash was looking at him before he opened his mouth to say something.

"I can do some of those. If there are things I can't understand I'll just asked you but I can help you with some of them. So you can finish them all." Adrian looked at him suspiciously.

"How sure you are you can help me with my work? Omegas are not that intellectually brilliant they more on the average scale which makes it hard for them to land a high ranking position " Nash just sighed and grab the folder to him. "Let me work on this. If I do this right you will let me help you but if got it wrong then I won't pry."

"Why can't you just answer my question?" Adrian said.

"Cause you'll just going to find a way to contradict me so showing you is much easier." Nash answered.

"Can I borrow a laptop?" Nash ask.

"You're my secretary and yet you don't have a laptop?"

"Well I was just a secretary by name. You and your mother won't let me touch any files that I should be working. Basically I'm your mother's eyes on you."

"How can we trust you with things like these when you are an Omega." Adrian insisted.

"Well not all." Nash took the extra laptop that Adrian pointed and took his leave. He sit outside of Adrian's office where the Alpha had put his own space there and start working on it. Two hours later he came back with another folder in his hand aside from the one he took. "Here all done. Just read it if you don't like it then just throw it away if you think I did it right then just keep it Just call me it there's anything I could help you with." After that Nash left. Adrian look at the folder handed to him. He was thinking twice in giving it a shot cause he knows how an ordinary Omega thinks and how their skills are that's why they remained at the bottom of the chain but the curiosity of Nash words stirs up his curiosity that he actually open the folder and begun reading it. When Adrian was done he closed the folder, pause for a minute before he dialed Nash's number to call him in.

"Did you call for me?" Nash asked.

"Yeah come here, take this five folders if you have questions just ask me." The Alphas action made him smile.

"Here eat this. I bought this soup and salad for you." Adrian looked at the containers that Nash are holding. He was hesitating at first but decided to accept it.

"Go finish all these by tomorrow." Adrian happily took the folders and smilingly walk out Adrian's office.

Adrian sighed and brush back his hair. "What a weird Omega. I didn't know he could be useful." His eyes landed on the container of foods that Nash brought. He open it one by one and smell the aroma produce by the chicken soup. His stomach instantly hear his stomach growling. "I guess having him around isn't bad after all." Adrian said before he digs in.


Dexter was eating his sandwiches that Lee prepares for him as he watches the reality show in the Television while he lies on the couch. We has in that position when he saw Lee all dress up in to a formal attire. He observed the man's action who looks like in a hurry. "Lee honey?" Dexter called. Lee came running towards him as soon as he heard him called.

"Dexy honey why did something happened? Are you hurt somewhere, Did little Lee kick" Dexter touch the panic face of the man that made him feel special and love.

"No nothing happened, I was not hurt either and Lee our baby is still tiny like a bean so it still won't be able to kick untill it grows arms and legs." Dexter explained.

"You saw our baby?"

"Uh huh." Dexter answered.

"That's so unfair! How can you seen little Lee while me the Father still haven't seen my little Lee." Lee is like a child sometimes whenever he can't get what he wanted.

"I have the photo of my ultrasound though, but first you need to tell me why are you all dress up today?" Then Lee begun to panic again.

"Ow I forgot I need to be at the office before 2 fuck it's already 1:15. Dexy there will be a board meeting at 2 and since my brother is on leave Dad won't go home till next week then I will be handling the board for now." Lee said in a hurry. Seeing the agitated, fully dress formal Lee suddenly turned Dexter on that he just grab Lee by his neck tie to pull him for a kiss that Lee gladly welcome even though he was surprised by Dexter's action. When Dexter let his lips go he whispered something to his ear. "You look so sexy that it makes me want to eat my boss." Lee gulp with what Dexter just whispered to him specially the part when he called him boss.

Dexter sit up from the couch and pulled Lee closer. He start unbuckling Lee's pants, then unbutton his jeans and open his fly. Dexter lower Lee's pants together with his underwear and the moment Lee's little beastly pet break free it sprung with all its glory. The sight only made Dexter salivate more. He hold Lee's tower and stroke it lightly and slowly. He looked at Lee and saw him bite his lips trying to suppress the moan just by the touch of his hands. Dexter looked down again and see the precum at the tip of Lee's got shaft, that only made him stroke it even faster before he finally shoved it in his mouth. He tried to put it as deep as he can sucking it like a lollipop as he pulled it out of his mouth only to put it back in.

"Fuck Dexy hhhhuuuuuhhh, faster Huh, nnnhhhhhhh...." Dexter tried to looked at Lee who is now moaning in pleasure with his eyes closed. Dexter continued with what he was doing till he felt Lee's legs tremble and his shaft twice inside his mouth followed by the oozing of a thick warm liquid that filled his mouth. Dexter didn't think twice and just swallowed it.

Lee looked at him in this belief. He took the handkerchief from his pocket and slightly bend forward to wipe Dexter's face. "Where is it?" Lee was waiting for Dexter to spit it

"I swallowed it." Dexter simply said.

"Don't do it again, what if its bad for little Lee? We need to ask your Doctor what's good and bad for little Lee. Yeah that's right we need to....." .

Dexter looked down to Lee's exposed lower half and then to his thinking face that seems lost in his own little world. " Lee honey, you're not forgetting about the meeting right?" Lee looked at him and then to his wrist watches.

"Fuck!" He run grabbing his keys he placed on the table.

"Lee honey your pants! I can still see your dick!" Dexter shouted then after that he hear countless of swearing then a running steps towards him. Seconds later he saw Lee's dishelv looks running towards him only to give him a peck on the lips. "I LOVE YOU!" Lee shouts while he runs out of the living room.

To be continued....


Chapter 19 Sneek peak....

It was a quiet night up there far from the noise of the world down there. Theo looked at the tiny lights of the houses below that seems like million stars in the sky only that he was looking below. As the ferris wheel ascends the more the lights becomes little. With a sad smile in his face he looked at the man he used to love.

"Thank you for all the effort in taking me here. I had fun, I would have been so happy if you took me here when I asked you 2 years ago. Though I'm happy right now, I can't help but think that no matter where I go there will be reminders of our past. I deeply appreciate all your effort but the more I get reminded the more it's clearer to me that what he had was just all in the past now." Theo looked at the scenery outside the glass walls of the cart they are in.

"I can't erase what I've done but I want to make a new memories with you. One that won't reminded you of the pain I've caused you." Theo was still looking outside, he stayed in that position not saying anything.

"I want to prove my love to you again. I want us to start over and this time I won't fuck up. I will love you for the rest of my life and I will make sure you will feel it. You won't have to beg for my attention again cause this time I will do the begging... So please.....please... look at me again."

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