
Chapter 60: If only

True to what Terrence just said Chester felt like all the strength he has down there was drained by last night's activity. He kept in mind to never ever provoke Terrence Harris. "Kitten get up. You said Mom and Dad wants us to visit them. You need to get up or those two will definitely going to sulk again."

"I can't stand up." Chester said with a hoarse voice. He even almost lost his voice from too much moaning last night. Terrence literally made him scream out of pleasure. "Bath me my dear husband of mine since you're the one who made me like this."

"I like the sounds of that." Terrence smirked.

"People in the reception area are looking at them while blushing at the same time." Chester doesn't know why until someone who's also returning the keys said. "You are from that room last night? The screamer. It looks like you and your sex partner got a blast last night." Says the man that Terrence sure is an Alpha. Terrence didn't mind the man and just went on to return the keys so they could go straight to his parents house.

"Don't tell me your partner is this one? But he's already pregnant. Does it feel good to fuck a pregnant Omega? I guest with that kind of pretty face I would also take an interest...." Terrence lost his patience and pulled the man.

"I have no time to waste for men like you so get it to your thick skull that if ever you say another word that will verbally and sexually abuse my wife in any ways I will make sure you will regret it a hundred times." Terrence grab Chester. *Next time I'll take the soundproof room.* Terrence said to his mind.


"Nick son don't you want to go home first. Take a rest." Crisel was worried about Nicolas. Nick stayed all night just to look after Theo.

"It's ok auntie, I was able to get little sleep last night." Nicolas defend.

" How long have you been staying here?"

"2 Months Auntie. I have been with Theo and yet I didn't know that he is carrying such heavy burden."

"It's ok don't blame yourself, that's just how Theo is he doesn't say a thing untill we find it ourselves even during that time when they violated him he didn't say a word until we found out about it. Maybe he's just afraid in putting all his burden to us which is an ugly behavior of his. So how is Zai, does he know that you are here?" Crisel asked.

"Yes, he knows. He calls sometimes once he's done with his studies and homeworks."

"That kid really is too matured for his age." Crisel commented.

"Yeah he wants to hurry and grow up so he could protect me he said." Nicolas laugh at that thought.

"Do you still take suppressant and pheromones blockers?"

"Yeah it can't be helped, I'm unmark and I don't want to rely with Alphas just for me to get by my heat cycles. Zai will definitely be disappointed."

"Doesn't he want a father? You are still young if you want you can still find a partner that could be his father."

"No, I don't need one Zai is enough and beside my son said that he only needs his mother. Auntie could you do me a favor? Don't tell anyone here about who is Zai in my life."

"Is the father here? Do they know who Zai's father is?"

"Yeah he's here and he doesn't know. Me and Zai are happy now. Zai only needs me and I only needs Zai." Little did they know that Zeejay's little pair of ears heard their last conversation. He inwardly curse and swear to kill that man Zai whoever he is. He hates just how Nicolas loves that man who's name is Zai. Zeejay knock a little before coming in.

"Auntie I brought fruits for Theo." Nicolas frozen when he saw Zeejay. He was not expecting for it to drop by himself. Not wanting to stay in the same place as Zeejay Nicolas stand up to say goodbye to Crisel.

"Auntie I think you are right I need to go home and rest." Nicolas headed out only to be followed by Zeejay. "Auntie I think I also need to go you see it's late now and it's not safe for him to go home by himself." Zeejay said in one go before storming out to follow Nicolas.

"I think I know who might Zai's father is." Crisel laugh.

"Nick wait, wait for me." Nick with full of annoyance turned around.

"What do you want? quit calling out my name out loud your embarrassing me." Nick's eyes pop wide open when he noticed that the alpha was not wearing any glasses or mask or anything that will conceal his identity and the fact that he has been calling his name out loud in the open only make it worst so without thinking Nicolas grab Zeejay and took one of the disposable mask that was on the reception desk and took Zeejay to the toilet and push him inside of the cubicle.

Nick took off his hooded sweater "Nick you are getting aggressive I didn't know..."

"Shut up, don't get me in trouble I don't want to have anything to do with you. Here wear my sweater and put this masked on." Nicolas commanded.

"Why? don't you want me to call you out?" Nicolas closed his eyes. If this happened in the past he would have been jumping from happiness but now is different.

"No I don't, I don't want to get entangled from your issues. I don't want people to misunderstood. Zee you see I'm not angry with you. I just simply want us to be two people who happens to know each other." Nicolas explained. "Come on wear this, you can't go out in public looking like this."

"Is it because of that Zai bastard?!" Zeejay scowl.

Nicolas slapped him "Don't ever call Zai a bastard. You know nothing about him."

Zeejay smiled bitterly. "You are even protecting him, was he really that good?" Zeejay reversed their position and pinned him against the wall.

"Let go of me Zee!" Nicolas protest.

"Even better than me?" Zeejay is getting really jealous the only thing that he keep hearing from Nick's sharp mouth is that Bastard Zai.

"You know nothing of what you are saying. Let go of me this instant. If you don't you will definitely going to regret this!" Nicolas warned.

"What if I don't? I really want to shut up those lips with my own mouth. It has been five years. How does it taste, does it taste the same? or does it taste differently now?"

"My lips are tasteless so back off Zee. This is my last warning you will definitely going to regret it if you don't let me go this instant!" Zeejay didn't listen and move his face closed to Nicolas, while closing his eyes as he went closer for a kiss till he felt sharp pain coming from his jewel in between his legs. Yes! Nicolas just hit his precious jewel with his knee that made the Alpha crunch in pain. Nicolas hurriedly run away from Zeejay.

"That was close, boy that was really close." Nicolas can still hear the loud beating of his heart. The only thing in his mind right now is to get away from Zeejay. He planned to go home with no issues getting tied up with his name. He doesn't want Zai to get worried because of his useless father. Nicolas was already at the hospitals ground lobby when someone suddenly pulled him and the next thing he knew was his mouth is stuck with someone else's mouth and he can hear the loud gasp of the people around him. Things falling and camera's shuttered sounds. He quickly pulled out from the kiss only to see the smirking Zeejay without any mask nor anything that will conceal his identity. Nicolas nervously looked at the people around him. Surprised and questions are written all over their faces. Nicolas can't stand the tension of the situation that he ran.

He was at the parking lot when he was once again pulled by someone. "What do you want?! What is it that you wanted?! Sex is that it? Ok I'm going to give it to you just, just don't meddle with my life, tell them, tell them that was nothing. I'll let you have your way with me just tell them that I had nothing to do with you." Nicolas beg as tears streaming down his face. Zeejay can't stand seeing the man in tears so he hug him.

"I don't want, I'll pass with your offer. From now on you have something to do with my life. I'll snatch you away from that Zai." Nicolas stopped from crying and pulled from his hug and looked at him.

"Zee, do you love me?" For that instant Nicolas hope, he hoped that Zeejay will tell him yes but Zeejay remained silent. He can't answer the question. *Does he loves him? Is that the reason why he's feeling this way? Is that the reason why he gets angry and jealous just by the mentioned of that bastard's name? How about his family? His parents won't permit it they will disowned him. His marriage is already pre-arange they are just waiting till next year before they can tie the knot.*

Nicolas laugh bitterly, *What do you expect? He's just hate it that he now has a rival with your attention. He will never going to love you, you should know better Nick.* Nick thought.

"Zee, if you don't then just let me go. I already have someone who loves me and the kind of love he's been giving to me is more than enough. Don't get me involved with your life again." Nicolas didn't say anything more and just left him.

That night Nicolas cried his heart out inside his room. He didn't know that it will still hurts him and that he still loves him. Every Omega like him wait for their prince charming that will save them and for him that's Zeejay but Zeejay will never be his prince and he already made piece with that fact he's contented that the prince left him with a child who loves him whole heartedly.


"TTTTHHHHHHEEEEOOOO" Lee screamed while hugging his Omega friend.

"Lee get up you're embarrassing yourself." Dexter said.

"Why didn't you tell me your best friend that you are here. Why didn't you tell me your best friend that you got hospitalized and why didn't you tell me your best friend that you want to me Auntie Crisel. Why didn't you tell me your BEST FRIEND that you will go home with Auntie why? wwwwhhhhhyyyyy?! Theo WWHHHYYYY??? AW aw ouch Dexy honey that hurts." Dexter pulled Lee from his ear.

"Theo I'm so sorry this boyfriend of mine is going crazy again. I think he didn't ate enough breakfast." Dexter apologizes.

"Don't worry I'm used to it by now. You should also get used to it. Most of the time he's crazy and when he is not it only means one thing he has problems. Him being crazy is normal, him not being crazy is not normal." Theo explained that made all of them agreed but made Lee pout. All of the boys are there except Nick.

"Where is Nick?" Zeejay asked. Adrian put his arms around Zeejay.

"Zee my man, why have you been looking for Nick these past days? In the past it was him who always look for you but now it seems the world now revolves in opposite direction that you are now the one who's looking for Nick. I think the articles and the news are true that there is something going on between you two. I guest it's just me and Derek my man who will be the last Man standing here." Zeejay could not take it so he punched Adrian in the face and got out of the room.

"Aw that hurts. He didn't really need to punch me hard. He's the one who kissed him out in the public."

"You really are clueless." Terrence shake his head.

"You are hopeless." Lance seconded.

"I pity whoever that person who will fell for you." Dexter agreed.

"Dexy honey what are you all talking about?" Lee who is oblivious to what is happening ask.

"Dexter should I take a pity on you too?" Lance teased.

"Just shut up at least my man is not as dense as that man over there!" Dexter point at Adrian.

"Who are you saying dense?! That boyfriend of yours is one to talk to. He keeps on telling us how you make him satisfied, that you always cheer him up whenever he's sad that always ended up you two doing it." Adrian spilled the beans.

Dexter thought he heard something snap he pulled Lee from the back of his shirt and drag him out of Theo's room.

"Help somebody help me! Dexy honey I was just telling him how amazing my lover is." Everyone laugh at the sight of the two, minutes later Lee came back with a cut on the side of his lips while he pleads Dexter about something.

"Dexy honey please don't deprived your honey with his needs. I won't be able to live without feeling you against me...."

"Shut up Lee or I won't let you have me for a month if you don't shut up!" Dexter can feel a headache coming.

"Is this also natural to him? Talking about his sex life?" Dexter asked Lee's friends. Lee is sitting beside Dexter hugging his waist while his head resting on Dexter's shoulder.

"Nope he's not. He fucks just to let off some steam but he doesn't usually kiss and tell. It's just with you." Terrence answered Dexter with his question.

"He must be really happy. Lee only tell things that's making him happy." Theo added.

"But to tell our sex life? And how often too." Dexter wants to pulled his hair out of frustration.

"I'm sorry Dexy honey I'm just really happy that you always try to console me whenever I feel sad, worried and down. I never felt so love before untill you." Dexter snap his fingers to Lee's forehead.

"Your parents shower you and your brother with love don't fool me!" Dexter said that made everyone in the room quiet. Ever since Theo woke up no one dared to mentioned about Lee's brother. When Dexter realized what he just said he quickly apologize. "I'm sorry, my tongue slip."

Theo smiled. "That's ok, since you mentioned him. How is he? does he know?" Theo asked. No one answered Theo's questions.

"Son let's just forget about him and just focus on your recovery. We should be thinking about happy thoughts." Theo's Dad said.

"Why did something happened to him?" Theo asked once again. The patient's monitor's showing the rapid heart rate of Theo.

"Son calm down." Crisel told her son.

"Mom what Happened to Tea?" Theo said in begging tone.

"He's in prison." Answered Theo's question. If there is someone who should answer it, it should be him.

"B-but--- why?" Theo asked. He could not believe it.

"We filled cases against him. It's the only for him not to get his hands on you Theo. Please understand we are only doing this for you." Terrence explained.

"Does he know about my condition?"

"Yes." Lance answered.

"What about mother and father? Do they hate me? Teakyun should not be in there."

Lee shake his head no. "Mom and Dad wants to give you the justice you deserve against my brother's Crime to you. They love you Theo don't worry. They are with you against this." Lee tried to convinced Theo. The reason why they are not letting Theo know is because they know that the Omega loves Teakyun too much.

"Withdraw the case." Theo commanded.

"But son. Your friends worked hard for that. Lee and his parents supported you and I will forever be thankful to them for sticking to what is right." Crisel said, she doesn't want to waste the effort of those who really loves Theo to go to waste.

"Mom, listen to me. My relationship with Teakyun is over the last thing I would want for him is for his to spend the rest of his life behind prison. I can't I will never be happy with that. I love him despite all I still love him but I accepted the fact that this is just how far our relationship can go. Just give this to me Mom, Dad, Lee, Lance and specially you Terrence cause I know it's you who worked really hard for this to happen. But sending him behind bars will never going to make me happy." Theo said begging them to pulled out the case.

"Lee, Terrence I think we should listen to him. If what is Theo's telling is true I can assure you that your brother will suffer worst than what he can experience in Prison." Lance suggested.

"Is this really what you want?" Terrence asked.

"Yes, it will give me a piece of mind knowing he's alright even after I left this country." Theo assured them.

"I'm sorry Lee."

"Why are you apologizing it should be me who should say sorry to you. That stupid brother of mine just went crazy on you." Theo laugh at what Lee just called his brother.

"I will surely going to miss being a Shun." Theo said.

"You will always be a Shun Theo." Lee said.

"I'll take care of your request I'll make sure that Teakyun will be released tomorrow. All charges will be withdraw. I need to go." Terrence stand up to say goodbye.

"Terrence don't be mad at me. I'm really am sorry I hope you will understand." Theo said.

"Just give me some time I'll be ok soon." Terrence left the room and didn't comeback that day. True to his promised Teakyun was released the next day.

"Brother let's go home." Lee was convincing his brother to go home who is now standing outside the hospital trying to get in to see Theo.

"I want to see him, I want to see him. Lee please I'm begging you." Teakyun cried to Lee's shoulder. Lee never seen Teakyun this broken.

"We can't it won't be good for him to see you." Lee hardened his heart and insisted for Teakyun to just go home.

"Teakyun." Crisel called his name.

"Mo-mother, I'm sorry... I know you don't like me, I know what I did were all wrong I know all that now. Please let me see him. I want to speak with him." Teakyun beg.

"Don't call me mother. I only have four sons, one is already dead while the other one is dying."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Your tears and sorry won't bring back what happened. Theo wants to speak with you for the last time." Crisel said, Teakyun's face light up although the last part of what his mother in-law said didn't made him happy.

Teakyun entered Theo's room. No one was inside but Theo. Theo smiled at him as soon as he saw Teakyun.

"Tea..." Theo called.

"Teddy." Teakyun run towards Theo and hug him. "I'm sorry I didn't know, I'm so sorry."

"That's ok, don't cry." Theo console him rubbing his back to make Teakyun stopped from crying.

"I'm so sorry I promise I won't hurt you, I'll be good and I'll treat you right. We will find a donor for you." Teakyun pulled from the hug and hold his hand. He caress Theo's hand as he tells him all his plans.

"I'll do everything to find you a donor. You can't go just yet. You can't leave me all alone. We can start over again. I won't messed up this time." Teakyun promise.

"Tea take a sit first, we can't properly talk when you are in that position." Teakyun listen to Theo and seated on the chair beside his bed.

"Will you mind answering my questions? For the longest time I have been questioning myself and yet I could not find an answer to all of it. Maybe you can answer for me." Theo said. Teakyun took his hand and kissed it.

"Asked whatever you want I'll answer everything with all honesty." Teakyun promised. Theo smiled at him. Theo mouthed thank you to him before proceeding in asking him.

"Tea, I know you love me back then." Theo start.

"I still love you till this day." Teakyun said cutting Theo's question. Theo didn't say anything about that instead he continued with his own question.

"Then what happened? Why did you change? Why did you brake your promise to me? You said you will love only me, you said I'll be the only one, you said you will never going to hurt me, you said you will make me happy till we are old but why did you brake each one of them? Did I do something wrong?" Theo asked, he appears to be calm with all the questions he asked he already prepared himself emotionally so he tried so hard to be calm no matter what Teakyun answer might be he decided to accept it.

"I--- I was the one who was the problem. I I could not accept it. I could not accept the fact that... that my wife got violated by Alphas. I----I hate you cause I thought I was the only one. I know you were no longer a virgin when I got you and that's ok but when I learned from how you lost it I felt disgusted. I felt embarrassed, I learned most of them have parents and family who's in the business world. I felt ashamed when someone recognize you. I hated you cause you didn't tell me. I felt betrayed and cheated back then. I let my pride get the best out of me."

"Thank you for telling me the truth Tea." Theo said calmly.

"But I know better now. I love you. We can start over again, I promise to treat you better. No I won't promise this time I'll show you everyday I'll show you just how much I love you." Teakyun desperately plead.

Theo wipe Teakyun's tears. "Don't cry Tea, it doesn't suit you. I fell for the composed, manly and full of pride Teakyun that I know. So don't cry."

"I'll stop crying just come back give me one more chance. Love me again, Don't leave me."

"I can't.... Teakyun as much as I wanted to but I can't.... I don't know how much time I have left of if I will be able to find a heart before it runs out or if my body will still be able to take the burden of the transplant. I don't know... I don't have any assurance to that. We had our time together and I think this time I have to give my remaining time to my family who I abandoned in expense of being with you. This is as far our relationship can go. I want you to be happy... Forget the filthy Omega like me.... Go out in dates, fall in love again and marry someone again. Be happy."

"But I can only be happy with you. Give me one more chance. Let me be with you, I'll go with you even when your family hates me I will take it. Just let me be with you." Teakyun begs but Theo shake his head no.

"You can't Tea. You had your chance this time it's my family's turn. I want to spend the rest of my life being with them. That's my wish. Tea do you love me?" Teakyun nod he could no longer say a words, only sobs can be heard from him.

"If you really love me then respect my decision. I want to be with them. This will be the last time we will see and talk with each other but because I'm choosing them over you doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. I still love you despite everything it's just that this time it's them."

Teakyun went home like he just lost his heart. His family welcomed him home but it's like he was never there. The next day they just heard that Theo finally fly home with his family together with Nick. The news didn't went well with their son. Teakyun often spend his time drinking days after days and even get to the point where he tried to kill himself by overdosing.

"Why didn't you just let me die?! It's the same after all living without him is like death itself. I want to see him but he doesn't want me too. I don't want to upset him." Teakyun cried.

"Don't be like this son. You still have me, us. Don't you care about how will I feel?" Rebecca said. "You are being unreasonable Teakyun!"

"He's dead son." Dong-ha informed.

"What? I didn't heard it right?" Teakyun asked.

"Your wife is dead. We didn't find a donor and his heart finally gave in. I'm sorry I know it's not the right time but I don't want you to keep hoping. Here listen to this. This is his last message to you before he dies." Dong-ha throw his phone to his son and Teakyun played the recorded voice clip.

(Teakyun, I'm sorry I was not able to to say goodbye to you. My family wants to go home with me. Anyways I hope you are doing fine. Always take good care of yourself, eat nutritious food. Drink wisely. Don't over do with your work. I want you to grow old just like you promise to me. I want you to smile often, be happy cause whenever you are happy it makes me happy too. Don't restrain your heart from falling in love. Try to fins someone who is better than me and have a happy family with that person. How I wish I could be that person who can give you that kind of happiness but I guest I failed but don't loose hope someone out there might give you what I can't give you. Tea promise me that you will take good care of yourself I will be very sad if you won't. I love you Teakyun you will always be my greatest love. I love you goodbye.)

After that Teakyun became stable again. Teakyun asked for a copy of the voice clip he always plays it whenever he wants to end his life convincing his self that it's not what Theo would wanted. He would still drink from time to time but just enough to help him sleep. His heart is full of regrets and maybe's but all that won't going to bring back what he just lost. "If only." Teakyun whispered as a single tear slid down to his face while he looks at the blue sky from his office window.


Author's Note:

I'm definitely going to hate writing the next chapters of this book but they are necessary for the plot I have in mind to happen. So please bear with me.

Happy Reading 😊!

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