
Chapter 74 - Fair Winds?

September 9th, 2017

2.33 pm, Key West, Florida

Fire and Director Jones sit along the now clean dining table. Director Jones is well dressed in his classic dark Armani suit. Fire has freshened up since the morning and is now wearing a plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves paired with blue denim, brown belt and boots.

"So, how many broken beds am I paying for?" Jones asks.

"Only 2." Fire says in a snicker, "Just take it out of our salaries."

"How convenient that you all don't have salaries." Jones says, "Yet."

"The others are done shopping." Spectrum says as he appears, "ETA 20 minutes."

"How long have you been there?" Jones asks the sudden appearing Spectrum.

"I just arrived." Spectrum says as he heads to the fridge for a snack, "It is mad convenient being able to bypass obstacles while in transit."

"As long as you don't reemerge in the middle of something or someone." Jones says.

"I doubt it." Spectrum says in between chewing on cake, "I can stay out-of-phase until I am sure it's safe. Not sure how Kaori would manage."

"Teleportation, right?" Jones asks then sighs, "POTUS is going to enjoy my report."

"Mind if I sit in?" Spectrum asks.

Fire pulls out a chair as he asks, "What's the update on Matthews?"

"He should be gone by 5 pm, Pacific time." Jones answers, "Which brings our flight time to about 5 pm our time. Then a 6-hour flight plus an hour-long helicopter ride to Area 51 brings our arrival time there to 9pm. We'll get a good night's rest so that your team can begin your new lives with an early start."

"Such a long trip." Spectrum says, "I can just take everyone there, one at a time. Total travel time would not even be a minute."

Jones and Fire look at Spectrum, then each other. Both proceed to jointly sigh.

"We are old men." Fire says while shaking his head.

"There are two main things slowing travel. First, waiting for General Matthews to leave the base entirely." Jones says, "Second, with the President's go ahead, I'm reshuffling the base personnel, especially the military folks, to avoid any surprises Matthews might have left."

"Is Area 51 under your jurisdiction?" Fire asks with a raised eyebrow.

"It's… complicated." Jones says, "In any case, I'll be cleaning out the military ranks but I'll leave recruiting to Beggingson. He's already sent me names. All backgrounds will have to be triple checked of course so expect them in a week's time."

"Sounds like you have a great grasp on their staffing." Spectrum says.

"I've a guy on the inside." Jones says, "He's even organized a tour for your team."

"As long as I get to see the alien." Spectrum says with a smile, eliciting laughter from everyone.


3pm, Hospital room

It's been 3 days since Kayla Danvers woke up to her new reality. It had taken a whole day of crippling tears for Kayla to only barely somewhat accept a crueler existence. But the bad news didn't end there. Yesterday, she helplessly watched the broadcast of her best friend's funeral. Now, Kayla stares at her toes which fail to respond to her will.

"I am a cripple." Kayla mutters.

Since Kayla woke up from her accident, she has been paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors have remained baffled about Kayla ever since the EMTs rolled her in. The ER doctor had moved quickly to triage and diagnose the unconscious Kayla while a nurse identified her then notified her family. The ER doctor's bafflement stemmed from Kayla's condition. She was pulled out of a wrecked car yet retained only a few scratches.

"The doctor says it's probably temporary so don't lose hope, honey." Kayla's Mom says, "You are stronger than this my darling, I know it. And I'm right here with you, every step of the way."

"Mommy." Kayla hugs her mom, hiding her tears in her mom's dark brown hair.

After a quick preliminary ultrasound scan, no internal injuries were found on Kayla. She must've been extremely lucky, the ER doctor thought as he pushed her case along to another doctor. Kayla's mom had arrived then had her moved out of the ER to a private room in another wing of the hospital. A new doctor took over Kayla's case just as she had woken up. It was this doctor's turn to be baffled for Kayla, who was supposed to have been miraculously fine, was paralyzed.


"Who is it?" Kayla's mom shouts.

"It's me." A male voice answers, "I brought Holly."

"Hold on darling!" Kayla's mom responds, then asks softly, "Still need a minute honey?"

"I'm better mom, thanks." Kayla says as she lets herself out of her mom's embrace.

Mom helps Kayla adjust herself on the hospital bed. Then, Kayla's mom goes to the door.

"Hey you guys!" Kayla's mom says as she opens the door.

"Hey darling." Kayla's dad says as he quickly kisses mom.

"Ew." Holly says, "Let me get in first Dad, and leave you two to focus on your grossness."

Dad laughs as he makes space for a grateful Holly to enter the hospital room. Meanwhile, Dad closes the door behind him after entering. Then both parents follow behind Holly, who's in her last year of middle school. They stop a little bit behind Holly and whisper amongst themselves.

"How're you feeling, sis?" Holly asks.

"Still can't feel my legs but I'm feeling better." Kayla says, trying to smile.

"Don't worry, I haven't messed up your room yet so hurry up and come home." Holly says.

Kayla laughs, this draws in her parents who make their way beside Holly.

"Hey sport, how are you holding up?" Dad asks.

"Hanging in there, Dad." Kayla responds then asks, "How's my car?"

"After wrestling with the insurance, they are going to write it off." Dad answers.

"But focus on your recovery honey." Mom says.

"I know. I just… it was a really nice car." Kayla says with a sigh.

"Well, I can add onto the insurance money and buy you one of those new Teslas." Dad says.

Mom elbows Dad in the ribs as she asks, "Do you really think now's the time?"

"I was just trying to cheer her up!" Dad says, "And those things have autopilot."

"I am not putting my daughter in a self driving machine in her condition." Mom retorts angrily.


"Come in." Dad shouts, happy for the sudden distraction.

"Ah, the whole family is here!" The doctor says as he steps in, "Pardon my interruption."

"Thank you for coming, Doctor Lee." Mom says, "How's my little girl looking?"

"Good news, scans show no permanent damage so no surgeries required." Doctor Lee answers, "As for the cause of her paralysis, that is a medical mystery at the moment."

"So you have no definite answers to why my daughter can't move her legs?" Dad asks.

"My best guess is the accident was a traumatic shock to her system." Doctor Lee says, "I will refer you to a specialist in Tampa. Perhaps the best in the state when it comes to paralysis."

"Thank you, Doctor." Dad says, "You know money isn't an issue."

"Of course!" Dr Lee says as they examine Kayla, "And how're you feeling today, Kayla?"

"Fine doc. Just still can't feel my toes." Kayla says, frustration clear on her face.

"Don't force yourself quite yet." Dr Lee advises, "Let your body start the necessary process. In the meantime, we need to discuss the rehabilitation process. The sooner, the better."

A figure stands in the invisible shadows observing this all play out. A hidden spectator unknown to any of the actors. The shadowed figure pays close attention to Kayla. Pity and unwillingness wells up in their eyes followed by a wordless sigh.

"I am sorry, little one." The figure says as they depart, unheard by anyone else in the room.

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