
Chapter 29 - Wellness Check?

September 6, 2017

8.30 am, Naval Air Station Key West, USA

Fire watches his team through the observation glass. 5 bodies occupy the well-lit room of 6 beds. Each individual is connected to many medical apparatus, including IVs.

"They have been out for 5 hours." Dr. Kabeer Wong says, "But they have remained stable."

"Yet they aren't waking up?" Fire asks.

"Unfortunately, all attempts to wake them have failed." Dr. Wong says, "Maybe if I knew the compound that was used to poison you all."

"Did the poison do this?" Fire asks as he indicates himself.

"I do not know." Dr. Wong says with hesitation, "My gut tells me there is more to the story."

"Skull Reich." Fire says clenching his fists.

"What?" Dr. Wong asks.

"The entire mission was a trap to dispose of me." Fire says, "Orchestrated by a man calling himself Mad Scientist. He bragged about heading a secretive organization called Skull Reich."

"So abducting the President's granddaughters was part of a deeper plot?" Dr. Wong asks.

"I'm afraid so." Fire says then sighs, "As my Dad used to say, a hidden enemy is twice as lethal."

Both men stand in silence for a minute. Then Dr. Wong goes to the door and swipes his badge.

"We can debrief later." Dr. Wong says, "You go on inside. I will go get you some clothes."

Fire nods. He pushes open the door and steps in. Fire scans the rectangular windowless room. There are 3 beds against each side of the wall, leaving a spacious middle that Fire strolls down as he checks on each person. First is Spectrum, then Aviator and Shade, and finally Quake and Wave at the end of the room. All look asleep but if the Mad Scientist, the insane man who burned Fire alive, is to be believed then his teammates might not live past this day.

Steam rises out of Fire as he watches his friends, his family, lie helpless. The day wasn't supposed to go like this. They were all supposed to be on a day-long party at the Orphanage for his retirement. The kids even had a surprise party all planned out but you can't surprise a master spy. Now, all of that was in the air.

Fire clenches his fist, allowing himself this moment to feel anger. 'I wish I was stronger.'

"I do not know if your old size still-" Dr. Wong says, "AIDAN!"

Standing at the other end of the room is Fire on fire again. His blanket blazes.

"Doc." Fire says as he snaps out of his momentary anger.

"You are on fire again." Dr. Wong says, "Can you not feel it?"

"Really?" Fire asks as he examines himself, "Apparently I can't. What's happening to me Doc?"

"I really do not know." Dr. Wong says, "But you have to control it. Try calming down like before."

The fire subsides as Fire tempers his temper. The burning blanket snuffs out, leaving Fire standing in a tattered burnt covering.

"At least now I am sure that you were the source of the fire." Dr. Wong says as he throws the clothes in his arm to Fire, "Here."

"So I pass out and wake up with superpowers..." Fire comments as he catches the clothes, "Why aren't you panicking?"

"Panic does not solve problems." Dr. Wong says, "A calm scientific approach will. Put those on."

Fire looks at the pair of black medical scrubs.

"All I could find for the moment." Dr. Wong says, "So do not burn them."

"Shoes?" Fire asks.

"Crocs." Dr. Wong answers as he hands over a pair of black iconic crocs.

Fire takes the crocs and places them on the floor. He strips off the burnt blanket, revealing perfectly unblemished skin that practically glistens. Soon, this nakedness is covered with a black top and bottom medical scrubs. He slips on the crocs.

"This works." Fire says as he checks the outfit.

"I need a sample of your blood." Dr. Wong says as gestures to the nearby bed, "To learn more about the changes you are experiencing."

Fire makes his way back towards the door which has the only available bed in the ward. He sits down. Dr. Wong disinfects his hand with the wall-mounted sanitizer then moves to Fire's left side. Dr. Wong pulls in a nearby metal tray table. Organized neatly on the tray is a pair of gloves, one glass tube with a plastic cap, clear tape, gauze, a chlorhexidine sanitary wipe sachet, vacutainer with a needle, and a tourniquet.

"Arm here." Dr. Wong says as he puts on the pair of gloves.

Fire compiles, laying his arm on the tray table. Dr. Wong aligns Fire's arm then ties the tourniquet just below Fire's left biceps. Dr. Wong then palpates the elbow pit zone, finding a vein. He rips open the chlorhexidine sanitary wipe sachet, using the wipe to sanitize the zone. Fire watches as Dr. Wong reaches for the vacutainer and uncaps the needle.

Dr. Wong slowly propels the needle to the vein, attempting to penetrate Fire's skin. The needle incredibly glides past. Dr. Wong reattempts to poke Fire with the needle a little more forcefully but this time the needle bends, curving away. Both men stare at the incredulous scene.

"This might explain why you remain unburned…" Dr. Wong says.

"I did feel the prick." Fire says slowly.

"So you still feel but seem not to get injured." Dr. Wong says, "Let me try something crazy."

Dr. Wong walks away then returns wielding a scalpel.

"Doc…" Fire says.

"I will be gentle." Dr. Wong says as he runs the blade along Fire's arm, "Tell me what you feel."

"I feel the blade but no pain." Fire says in confusion at the lack of pain or blood.

"Incredible." Dr. Wong says, "I will try harder."

"I feel it but…" Fire says.

"No injuries at all." Dr. Wong says then switches to gripping the scalpel, "I will try stabbing."

"What the hell is going on?" CIA Director Nick Jones says as he pushes open the door.

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