
Talking about love life (PART 2)

Mahendra doesn't think that she will talk about him on this topic, also he doesn't think she can give him advice after all he is more experienced in life, he just wanted to tell someone about his problem, but after looking her seriously discussing this matter he also become serious in these days she never mentioned her abortion, so he thinks that she doesn't care about that but now he knows that it is not that case, also he like her way of thinking, she is clear about her goals and expectations, but seeing her sad he also feel sad but after a pause, Aditi start speaking again,

"so remarying is not on my goal list right now maybe I will think about this in future, I have one goal right now to become a better person, becoming Aditi 2.0 so I can attract my perfect soulmate but talk about you have to consider lots of things, first why you wanted to remarry, it is because of children or for your physical needs or you want someone to spend life or considering your first wife if you have feeling for her there you also have that reason, but there are other things you must think first your health, you don't look healthy right now, what if someone marry you and then add slow poison in your food, and kill you, and then take all your property and run away you have lots of money and in poor health" listening to this all the seriousness has gone and Mahendra start laughing actually he never consider this scenario, he is in army and then doing business for so long so he can read people, this advice, not even Ani wanted to give him, and what in poor health he is really healthy, he said "I m healthy you know and how can some one get all my money that is in bank, and in form of shares and houses"

"oh I see in 'Savdhan INIDA' (It is a crime show in which I crime happens and then Police will solve the case) in which young girls marry old businessman and then kill them and take all their money"

"wait are you saying I am old"

"no, no I m just giving you an example, trust me"

"ohhhhhhh I see" actually he know that she is teasing him, and he really enjoy this feeling, she is too petty if you make fun of her she will surely repay you, but he like this type of conversation he notices that when he is with her he laugh a lot, this feeling is not bad.

"okay stop laughing, seriously what I wanted to tell you that, do whatever you want, remarrying is not bad for you, there are lots of girls who will match you, but consider every aspect, and also take care of your health, because if you marry someone and died after some years what is the use of that marriage, you also smoke lot Mishhtu is worried about you, You know"

"oh only Mishty and not you" he really doesn't understand why he asks this question but after asking he is regretting he understand that the feeling he had for her is not pure friendship but he also has to think about all the things before making his move, she must not think that he is taking advantage of her, he doesn't know what else show in Savdhan INDIA'

Aditi pause and then said "yup I also care, after all, you are my friend aren't you, but you know what I think we spend our whole life with ourself, so our first life partner is our soul and body and take care of this, you are too busy to talk with children, even if you marry someone and don't spend time with her, your relationship will not last, also be clear what you feel about your ex-wife, if you have feeling for her"

" I don't have any feeling for her, not even I feel hate" Mahendra interrupted her because he doesn't want her to misunderstand him

"hmm, what I wanted to say is first know about your self I can see that you are not happy with yourself, everyone is worried about you, you just become machine, who only know how to work, sorry if I crossing limits, but your children really miss you, and you need to spend time with them, also you need to spend time with your self, first love your self and then start finding someone to marry"

Actually this is what she really wants to speak with him, actually, his mother and father tell her to speak about this, they think that if she uses children's name and talk with her he might listen, actually, he works too much and doesn't take rest, he has some minor problems but after 30 you really need to take care of your body, actually, you must take care of your body in every age, because health is really important.

Listening her outburst he really feel warm, he know she cares for him, even if it is only a friend he is quite happy so he decided to become his best version of himself so he becomes certain someone's perfect soulmate and first step of this is taken care of his body, so he said "okay okay I will take care of myself" while speaking this Aditi's phone rings, children calling her because it is dinner time, actually they don't notice but lots of time has passed already so they decided to go home while going home they talk about this topic in car, Mahendra asks her what she expect from her future soulmate, Aditi answered " he must respect and accept me as I am, it is okay if he doesn't love me at start, but he must like me as I am, also he must be financially independent, must have his home, honest and responsible"

" only this conditions, I think you will say I want most handsome, richest and hottest husband who will spoil me" system popped up doesn't know from where and said this, Listening to this Aditi said "ha, I am not young anymore I know my limits"

"For God sake, you are just 25 years old, also are you don't hear sky is limit, you must dream big" system replied while Mahendra blurted out " I have home and financially stable" he speaks in low voice but Aditi heard it but still she doesn't show it, actually she thinks a lot about this she also can feel that he feel something towards her, but she needed to work hard if she really wanted to live with him. & that road is very difficult.

She once read somewhere 'We human always doubt the positive but we are quite willing to accept the negative. If someone says "I love You" we ask "really?" but if someone says " I hate You" do we ever inquire "are you sure?" She is also feeling same, she really doesn't have the courage to feel betrayed again, so she decided to go with flow, we can't plan everything in life sometimes unexpected things give is most joy so she decided she will try her best to improve herself, she really want this man to be happy. First, she like him because of his look and his success, but after meeting his family and knowing more about him, knowing that he fight for country and also do some impossible mission, knowing that he is gentleman, seeing his caring side, she is really falling for him, but now she really doesn't have time and if think about her previous life, he got married to Samira, and what she gets to know about Samira is really good, they are made for each other she is beautiful, intelligent and also a strong woman, unlike her who is not even graduate and as compare to her she is not so beautiful so she gives up on him, she doesn't want to give false hope to herself while Mahendra is still sorting out his feeling. After eating dinner they go to bed with different thoughts in their head.

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