
417. Stalkers?

The next morning while making breakfast there was a knock on the door. I seem to be getting tons of guests lately.

I open it and standing there is nie li and the leader of the group for this expedition I believe his name is Chen. I invite them both in while passing them some drinks as we sit in the lounge.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit?" I ask with a smile as they both look around in awe and jealousy of the rv.

The friendly looking teen smiles back and starts talking. "I was here to discuss loot splits with everyone seeing as you have the city lords daughter with you and Xiao ning'er I figure you must be someone important and he confirmed that you are indeed nobility and live in the city lords grounds." I says pointing towards nie li.

"This is true however I don't really want much in the form of treasure I'd be happy with old books mostly." this is a lie I say amicably.

"That sounds simple enough what about the other girls though?" he asks.

"No idea I can't answer for them but your welcome to talk to them. I'll go wake them up feel free to join us for breakfast." I say standing up and making my way to ziyuns room and knocking politely to wake her up before telling her she has a guest through the door.

I wake up the others in my room before setting the table with a delicious breakfast. I put my newly grown bacon tree to use with like 4 pounds of fresh grown bacon. I was thinking of making a small bacon bush I can have near me at all times.

I have lots of spiritually rich food from things like spirit chickens and such from the duoluo dalu world. So it also helps with training. I watch nie li just ravenously stuffing his face.

I slowly ponder over who in the kingdom I can use to beat some manner into him.

Nie li unaware of my thoughts shivers slightly before looking around for enemies.

The girls are up and dressed pretty quickly and join us for breakfast. Xiao ning'er and ziyun both talk to Chen about what they would like from the treasure if they get a chance to pick.

of course if your contributions are higher you get more treasure so I figure it's about time I raise my contributions a bit.

"So what are you going to do about the dark guild members that have been following us?" I ask Chen.

His eyes widen and he jumps to his feet. "What do you mean there are dark guild members following us how can you tell?" he asks me with a serious face.

"Well you see I use plants." I say making vines appear and wrap around my arms. "And I can use them for reconnaissance of my area and they are telling me there are 7 black robed men who have been following us since yesterday after we got out of the range of glory city patrols." I tell him.

"Do you know their ranks?" he asks me.

"4 silver ranked and 3 gold ranked. want me to capture them?" I ask calmy.

"There are only silver ranked spiritualist here how are you going to capture them?" he asks with a worried look.

I finish my mouthful of food before getting up and heading out of the rv with everyone following me to watch.

I look off towards the distance and press my hand against the ground a few seconds later there's panicked shouts from the woods which are abruptly cut off.

There's a small rumble as a wave of vines carrying tied up people comes into the camp gathering attention all around.

I walk over making a nice vine chair and sit in front of the 7 men wearing black robes and dark guild emblems.

"Welcome gentlemen I'm sure you guys aren't here to cook marshmallows or sing campfire songs so let's get this show on the road I'm going to ask you questions any wrong answers I get you won't like the result I'll start with the little fish first." I untie the vines from a silver ranked man's mouth as he glares at me.

"So why are you following us?" I ask in a kind voice.

"Go fuck yourself brat." he snarls at me.

"Oooh wrong answer." the vine around him grow sharp thorns Impaling him all the way through making his body slowly bleed out like a sieve onto the ground with a gurgling noise it only takes a second or two before he's dead.

"Contestant number two please answer the question why are you following us?" I ask the next silver ranked man.

"We aren't we are heading towards the ancient city to hunt demon spirits." he says sweating.

"Ooooh my panel of judges have told me that's the wrong answer." I say happily before pointing at him.

I point at him "Hado #4 Pale Lightning." the entire up half of his body is vaporized by lightning.

"Next contestant I hope your more honest but then again maybe I shouldn't as I get to play with new things." I say making everyone in the area shiver.

"Please spare me I'll tell you what you want to know!" he shouts in panic.

"Okay then why are you following us?" I ask.

"We are tasked to kidnap the noble children and hold them for ransom and also find out what has happened to the sacred family in glory city." he blabs.

"Perfect that was the correct answer I was looking for now tell me are there any others besides this group coming along?" I ask the man.

"No it was only us everyone else is preparing for something important later on I don't know what it is please spare me." he begs again.

"How long until they are done preparing for whatever it is?" I ask him.

"About a half a year I think." he says quickly.

"Ah you've been most helpful." I move on to the next person.

"Now how about you tell me where your hideout is located?" I ask the next man.

"I can't they will kill me if I tell you." he begs.

"Wrong answer." I raise my hand again. "Hado #31 red fire cannon." his body is blown to pieces along with a big crater behind him.

"I really should have used these moves before they are so much fun." I say looking at the smoldering hole.

my eyes move over to the three gold ranked spritualists. "So are any of you going to tell me where your hideout is."

"We can't we have soul formations put on us and if we talk our soul gets destroyed." one says.

"Then what use for me are you alive?" I ask with a cold look.

"Wait we can give you other information please don't kill us." he says quickly.

"Hmm well I suppose that's true." I say with a pondering look.

I snap my fingers and they are impaled by a spike right into their cultivation point.

"hostages don't need cultivation." I smile at their pale faces.

I let the silver ranked man go but before he can run he is bisected by a blade from hinamori.

"Well I did promise not to kill him." I say kindly.

everyone in the area vows not to offend me in any way shape or form.

"Well these guys are for you Chen if they give you any problems let me know and I'm sure I can fix it." I toss the pale men on the ground before heading back to the rv with nie li following.

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