
363.Mercenary town.

(A/N sorry for not many chapters today I went out and bought myself a new charger which is neat as it lights up and is liquid filled which is odd. I also spent the rest of the day with my family at my uncles hanging out and cooking.)

"So what exactly are we going to do now?" xun'er asked me while we were walking down the street.

"We are going to head to a mercenary town near the beast forest. There are quite a few things there we can do but it's also a good location to look for items and treasure. Also there just so happens to be a walking calamity I would like to meet." I tell her.

"A walking calamity?" she asks in curiosity.

"Yep tell me have you ever heard of the woeful poison body?" I ask her.

"Yes apparently a person with a woeful poison body can increase their cultivation by ingesting poisons the stronger the poison the greater the cultivation increase. A few hundreds years ago they were hunted down and thought extinct. The reason they where hunted was because at a certain point all the ingested poison explodes from the persons body and they die a horrible death. But they don't die alone usually everything within 10000 miles dies along with them." She listed off some of the information she knew.

"Yeppers. There's also some other information such as people with the woeful poison body have an insane addiction to anything poisonous they will do anything they can to get their hands on potent poisons as its like the most intoxicating drug and delicious food to them." I tell her.

"What does this have to do with us finding the woeful poison body though?" She asked curiously.

"Hahaha if I said I was the second most poisonous thing in the universe Noone would dare claim first." I laugh.

"What do you mean?" she asks again.

"I have poisons in my possession that can kill anything, God's, souls, planets, universes. my poisons are so dangerous I don't use them to avoid mass extinction on a universal level." I look over at the girl who doesn't seem to believe me.

in my hand a small block glob appears and swims around while it looked innocent the sounds it was making made the poor girl shiver down to her very soul. It sounded like mutiple babies crying out all at once in a terrifying way.

I sucked it back into my hand.

"myriad tribulation poison. Classified as a heavenly calamity. It was used to kill off all the gods and demons in a universe. lucky for me I found it in a big ditch one day what a steal." I said snapping the girl out of her stupor. She looked quite pale and panicky I passed her a bottle of pepper up potion which she shakily drank before steam started whistling out of her ears and giving her face a red flush.

"So what are we going to do in this mercenary town?" She asked a few minutes later.

"I'm going to set up a small clinic and heal some of the wounded in exchange for herbs and such. I've been a bit too evil lately I figure I got to even it out a bit with some good deeds. I'll also be training you a bit." I explained my plan.

"Healing people? Your a doctor?" she asked curious.

"Yep I'm a doctor a blacksmith a potioneer and soon to be alchemist. I'm also quite good at farming and building." I list off a few of my talents.

we chat along the way me telling about some of my adventures and friends while she happily follows along.

No bandits or anything since ulquiorra is still on duty.

We make it to the large town. It's packed with stalls and there's people in armor carrying weapons around either browsing goods or selling off items.

Usually towns like this are run by strong mercenary groups instead of a city lord. Whoever has a bigger fist has a bigger say.

Now what this usually means is that you pay off the mercenaries for protection from such things as other mercenary group or robbers. This would be a problem for anyone else but me.

The town is made up of all sort of different style houses from all walks of life. there's wooden houses, small huts, big mercenary meeting buildings. All of them made out of either stone, wood, or mud depending on how wealthy the people are.

I fine a nice big area kind of put of the way and proceed with my plan.

xun'er looks at me in confusion.

I start going through hand signs and soon enough 4 Buildings pop up out of the ground made completely out of wood. Beautiful three story buildings. I had upped my plans.

The first building was a blacksmith shop I could do weapon repairs and such to keep my blacksmithing up. Along with selling weapons I make.

The second building would be a clinic. the first floor would be a waiting room the second floor would be for patients with multiple rooms for check ups and surgeries. The third would be my office.

The next building would be a general goods store. I could sell off things like better clothing and backpacks on the first floor. Medicine and such like antidotes and medicated bandages on the second floors. And a place for people to sell goods on the third floor.

As for the last building well that's going to be where I live for a while.

Of course I'm not going to be living here and doing this all alone.

I continue waving my hands around making improvements to the building like glass windows, Tiled floors, furniture like chairs and such. Some mannequins for the general goods store to show off outfits.

a portal opens and some people walk out of it. I had Karin, Nel, Tang Hao, Hestia, Harribel, Sirius, Jane, and Emmet.

Karin because she was long done with her medical training and would be a good help for the hospital. Nel for her bubbly personality and wanting to try running a shop. Tang Hao because he wants to play with new materials and weapons from a different world. Also mom yells at him for drinking so he's running away technically.

Hestia for my relaxation floofy goddess. Harribel for my assistant since rossweise is still running my company in a different world. And she wanted to get away from her group who only know how to argue and be spoiled herself.

Sirius wanted to open a bar in an adventure world apparently he got way too into some Mangas and got that stuck into his head.

Jane for nonlethal intimidation and warnings. And Emmet wanted to go along with Sirius and be a bouncer.

I had some clones follow Nel Hestia and Tang Hao to fix up the buildings with other items they needed or wanted.

I stayed at the hospital running water and electricity and stocking medical tools and supplies with Karin telling me what she wanted.

By the time I was done there was a crowd of people looking at the area gobsmacked with xun'er in the lead all with their eyes popped wide open and mouths hanging.

"Spread the world about my new clinic, blacksmith, and general goods store," I shout out happily dragging xun'er away.

I make our way to our new fully furnished home it will be mostly me and the girls since Tang Hao will live above the forge and Sirius and Emmet will be living above the bar they are building.

I flop down face first on the couch and flip on the TV flipping through til I find something good to watch.

I feel a springy item press on my lower back before I feel hands rubbing my back and shoulders working on kinks and knots.

"Ah harribel that feels amazing." I say to the blonde shark woman who gives me the smallest of smiles before applying just the perfect amount of pressure.

I quickly doze off after my long day of travel and work. with Xun'er and Karin watching from the sides. Before they come snuggle up next to the couch. as hestia watches happily from the door.

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