
I have a project for you

"I'm glad I found you Anberine! I have a project for you" she cheered while a stunned Anberine who had been close to dropping more than one drop of the vial's contents into the pot froze. Not trusting her voice she stared at her friend in surprise as she placed the vial down.

"Um... what?" Anberine asked looking speechless at the sudden entrance, seeing this would have made Helga laugh had she not remembered why she needed her friend.

"Come on! The others are waiting for you" Helga cried as she dragged her friend out the room.

"But what about my stuff?" Anberine cried in shock from the sudden pull as she still had the vial in her hand.

Flashing a worried look at her bag and books she had a sense at that moment people could steal once they realise who it belonged to.

"Forget that, we need you now" hearing this however left Anberine uneasy the moment she heard 'we' since that could mean anything and the worst part was that anything meant one thing-bad.

Once they arrived at Merlia's room they saw her looking very peppy as she had a large board full of ideas right near her side. Something that greeted Anberine's eyes once she takes in everyone's looks the moment they notice her arrival.

"Nice look Anberine!" Merlia gushed as she rushed over to compliment her now shy friend who wanted to hide and change her appearance from the comments.

"Merlia stay on topic" Mordred said while watching Merlia who slowly realised why Anberine was in her room.

"Ah! Thanks Mordred" Merlia cleared her throat before smiling brightly.

"We have just gained a good idea on how to free our kin while at the same time betraying King Uther" Anberine stared at Merlia with a blank look as she waited for them to speak.

"We've decided to use a love potion" Morgana said causing Anberine's left brow to raise up in surprise since this was an odd idea to have.

"Who's the target?" Marcus asked as he entered the room with Gawain who went to sit beside the window for air.

"We're going to target the prince and get him to fall in love with one of us girls. That way we can use him to overthrow King Uther, isn't it great?" Morgana chirped only to hear a loud smash.

The room went silent as they turned to look at the mess by Anberine's feet. Her eyes now went wide in shock.

"And... why are you calling me?" Anberine asked slowly now dreading the answer. Oblivious or pretending to not be bothered by Anberine's reaction Morgana giggled gleefully.

"We need you to make a Love Curse-!" As soon as Anberine heard this her face went pale.

"Goodbye!" Anberine yelled sharply as she turned on her heel and left shocking Merlia enough to blink in surprise but did not move from her spot.

Helga tilted her head while Morgana's mouth dropped in shock.

"But why not? Come on please!" Morgana pleaded as she ran after a now disturbed Anberine.

"I am not making that stupid potion make it yourself! Unlike you I value my life and I will not make it. If I get caught out- it's a bad idea!" Anberine said sharply, not knowing that the others now followed behind the pair silently.

"Please it's just one potion" Helga pleaded as they followed her to the storeroom.

"It's not just a potion" Anberine said as she now turned sharply to look at them while closing the door after Marcus who entered the room last, even he was bewildered by what they wanted to do and to the prince no less.

"It is a curse and has some conditions once it's used, I can't go round making it and I am certainty not giving the ingredients to you" Anberine hissed sternly as she looked at them with frantic eyes, Perceval as he watched pursed his lips as he now had an idea of how bad this could go given her reaction.

"So you do know how to make it?" Helga asked with a wide eyes as an excited smile formed on her lips "I knew you were amazing with spells and potions" she gushed while Anberine frowned at her weakly.

"Not going to happen, too dangerous" Anberine said bluntly wanting nothing more than to hide from the group thanks to their insane idea.

Of all the things to think of using it had to be THAT potion and they were using the prince of all people. What a mess!

'I just know that this is going to come back to bite me. I know it!' Anberine almost whined at how they had her against a corner.

"Pretty please Anbery!" Morgana pleaded as she took Anberine's hands and flashed her a pitiful look. "We can't do this without you" only instead of faltering, Anberine remained firm.

"No Morgana! Didn't you pay attention in Potion's class yesterday? The teacher warned us that it was dangerous!" Anberine cried as she tried to get her hands out of her overzealous friend's grip.

"Why not?" Morgana whined as she began pouting at how her friend was refusing to help them.

"Because even if I do give you the ingredients you have to make it or the spell with backfire" Anberine said before looking outside the window as soon as she heard loud cheering, she pursed her lips from seeing the prince and how his 'friends' were cheering him on after he did something to gain their approval.

Rolling her eyes she glared at him, even if he was a jerk to her she never would want to stoop so low just to get back at him.

"It will do you no good to retaliate, you never know who you could be insulting" Anberine's aunt's words echoed in her mind causing to sigh and shake her head.

"Sorry but I have to refuse" Anberine said which left Marcus mentally smiling at how mature she was being about the situation.

She could easily get back at the prince and yet she chose to turn her head and walk away regardless of what he threw at her.

"Even if we pay for it?" Merlia asked with a curious smile as she sat on the table beside Anberine who soon spotted Prince Skye fighting an opponent with a sword.

I have a bad feeling about this,

Have a lovely day everyone. Thank you for reading

LilWhiteFoxcreators' thoughts
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