
569. Overkill

Alexander looked at Dobby and asked, "Why Dobby? Why are you after my reputation?"

"No, boss. I'm not after your reputation. This was an honest mistake. I think little Thea was listening to these songs and I forgot to change the music folder. So, it continued from where I left." Dobby justified what had just happened.

"Ah, you're just using Thea's name to save yourself. You did it knowingly, right?" Alexander didn't get convinced.

"No boss, I was telling the truth." Dobby insisted with a serious face.

"You said the same thing the last time you played the Johny Johny. You know what, I recommend you buy another music player for Thea."Alexander advised him.

"Okay boss, but really, this was an honest mistake." Dobby defended himself.


"Well, if it was for our little Thea, then Baby Shark it is. Hit it up." Alexander said and went forward.

Dobby pressed play and the song continued.

♫Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Baby shark

Mommy shark, doo, doo...♫

Alexander looked at Edwards' bloodied body and his amputated leg. He was lying on the floor with a pained expression.

"Such savages, hurting a child like this." Alexander angrily said. He waved his hand and Edward's leg got reattached.

He then looked at Mustang, who was missing an arm. "What's with all of you crippling people?"

He healed him too. Not just him but others too, no matter what injury they had. Riza got her dislocated arm healed, Major Armstrong got his injured head healed.

"General," Riza Hawkeye stood behind Alexander.

"Calm down, kid. Go and help your boyfriend first. I'll handle these." Alexander cracked his knuckles.

"Boss, I think that's kind of an overkill," Dobby interjected.

Alexander nodded, "It is, but to teach lessons to these overconfident fools, overkill is much needed."

He turned towards Lust. "Hmm, I thought you'd never show me your face again after I gave you that scar. Well, doesn't matter. I will be releasing the souls trapped in the Philosopher's stone stuck inside you."

Lust smirked, "Huh, look around you. Do you really think you can kill four godly beings like us?"

Alexander chuckled. "I've fought and won worse odds than this, so, yes, I can defeat you all."

"If that's the case, let's finish this quickly. I have a country to run." Wrath interjected.

"Oh, you won't have that after this," Alexander said with a smile. All four homunculi felt ominous.

*Whistle* Alexander loudly whistled as if signalling someone.

Then the footsteps sounded and the man coming in from the door was Brigadier General Maes Hughes. In his military uniform.

He had the same big smile on his face and the old glasses. His face showed a big smile and excitement.

"How are you, everyone? Did anyone miss me?" Hughes waved his hand.

Everyone, including the Homunculi, especially Envy were shocked. Envy had shot Hughes herself while looking like his wife. She remembered checking his pulse too.

"Hughes?" Mustang voiced in disbelief.

"Haha, hello there, Mustang. It's certainly not raining today." Hughes said, pulling his leg by referencing to the funeral.

Mustang realised that everything he said that day was heard by Hughes.

"You aren't going to let me off on this, are you? How did you survive anyway? I saw your body with my own eyes. You were certainly dead." Mustang asked.

"Your eyes can decisive you sometimes, my friend. But it is true that I was indeed dead. But then General saved me. The last thing I remembered was falling in the phone booth and the next thing, I was in heaven... *Cough* I can't tell you more." Hughes revealed.

"IMPOSSIBLE, I checked your body after killing you. You were really dead. There is no way someone can be resurrected so casually, unless... He also has a Philosopher's stone." Envy spoke and pointed towards Alexander.

Everyone turned their heads towards Alexander. He just denied, "No no, I have no Philosopher's stone like them. Everything I do is from my personal power.

"What is Alchemy? It's just manipulation of energy. Once you have a microscopic control over these energies, anything can be done. Even reattaching an arm or resurrecting a dead man." Alexander explained.

"Are you telling me that you have attained this level of Alchemical knowledge? Impossible, not even Father can resurrect a dead man without using the power of a Philosopher's stone." Wrath strongly refuted.

"I won't call it Alchemy anymore. It's more like energy control. I do not do any equal exchange or anything like that. What I do is energy rearrangement. Well, anyway, all this doesn't matter as all four of you will not see tomorrow's sun." Alexander announced.

Seeing that Alexander was going to fight them, all four of them decided to attack together. They ran towards him from all four sides. They knew that fighting one on one was foolish.

Alexander raised his hand to stop anyone else from interfering, "No one will interfere. Just watch the show."

Envy jumped at him while looking like Ajax. But, instead of getting flustered like most other normal humans, Alexander didn't even blink and grabbed Envy by the neck.

"Hah, you thought you can fool me? If I can't even recognise my grandson then it'd be too shameful. Thank you for falling into my hand.

"You are Envy, right? Does this mean you crave for things that other people possess? Let me show you something."

Alexander started to show all his belongings and the span of his powers to Envy. It was everything Envy desired. Money, people who look up to you and the most important, absolute power. Envy even saw that Alexander was so much loved by so many people. This was something she did not have and could not even imagine having.

When Envy saw that Alexander couldn't be killed by them and that he was basically a god walking on earth, everything in her mind snapped. Like a piece of glass, it shattered. Her Envy was killing her from inside while seeing things she could never have.

Soon, Envy's body started to die. Envy's own envy killed itself. It was justice served.

While dying, Envy first turned into a huge ugly monster and then slowly started getting smaller. Before dying by disintegrating, it looked at its siblings, "RUN."

All of the remaining Homunculi looked at all that with real horror. This was the first time they were seeing one of theirs dying so easily.

"All of you are are incomplete beings. You all are all embodiments of the 7 deadly sins of your Father, right? That is exactly what makes you an incomplete being. For a person to be complete, having all 7 deadly sins is very important. Right now, even your father is incomplete and that is also your biggest weakness." Alexander said.

He then looked at Bradley, "Envy died because she felt nothing other than Envy, Lust had gone crazy after getting her face scarred and Greed was just... rebellious I guess. But, I must say, you are the closest to being a complete being. Because you were a human, you have all emotions, but still, Wrath takes over."

[You can see Envy dying on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora*

Thank you for your support!

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