
Angel Pony

Talem and Kalini came by next hand in hand, the two obviously in a romantic relationship. Not that it was unknown to Reima, both had asked for advice when concerning each other... It was quite funny to have two people consulting him on how to woo each other, both unknowingly giving him the easy task of matching them together.

They gave Selina a "jolly" Happy birthday before moving to the seating area, both wishing to have more time in each other company rather than spending it on small talk.

Zudite, Etredi, Tidanird, Dythi, and Sieglinde also came by, the latter having taken up training them all in various forms of combat at their request. The group aside from Sieglinde herself were quite old now, all in their late twenties of thirties. Each had taken up different crafts, Zudite becoming a professor at Hogwarts, Etredi opening a nightclub that served to gather information about the populace and relay it back to the officials in the empire, Dythi becoming a general of the Holy Empire, and Tidanird funnily enough beginning to serve the Two Gods church.

Each was strong and able to protect themselves with Sieglinde's training, and the additional aids the Empire gave them to enter the careers they wanted had all but indentured them towards him.

Sieglinde's close relationship with them all was more of a grandmother to them more than anything, everyone from Lordran had almost entirely stopped ageing due to their time spent in destabilised time-space. They aged at 1 to 1000 the speed a regular person does, leaving them more longlived than even the Witchers were.

It was mildly amusing to see them all defer to the still young and relatively beautiful Sieglinde on important matters.

Reima hugs the onion knight who's wearing a tom-boyish outfit with a patch on her shoulder displaying the Catarina flag. She wasn't shy about showing her pride towards her homeland, even if said homeland doesn't exist any longer. "Sieglinde!" he says happily, the woman blushing at receiving a hug.

Sieglinde "M-my lord!" she almost yelps.

Reima "I'm not your lord right now am I?" he says, having already told her to forget her duties for today.

Sieglinde nods, "Yes... Reima."

Selina "Hello Auntie Sieglinde!"

Sieglinde smiles down at her, "Jolly Selina! Are you old another to have a Siegbräu with me yet?"

Selina glances at her parents before shaking her head, "No... Not yet."

Sieglinde pats her back, "No worries then, I'm saving the last original one from my homeland just for the occasion, I look forward to it!"

Selina smiles "Me too!"

Reima "You guys alright aswell?" he asks the group uncomfortably standing behind Sieglinde, despite the many years they'd spent here they were still uncomfortable acting casually around him.

Dythi "Yes, swell even! Thank you for inviting us!"

Reima shrugs, "Its Sieglinde you gotta thank for that, she wanted you guys to be acquainted with some of the prominent people in the Empire, this event was the perfect opportunity."

Zudite "W-why-MMph!" he's interrupted as Etredi jumps up and holds his mouth.

Etredi "We hope the princess will enjoy the present we bought for her, we all chipped in for it." she sends a wink to Selina.

Before Reima's able to reply a commotion draws his attention, everyone gaping at the new arrivals...

Reima "Auriel, Malthael, Itherael, Tyrael..." he asks in surprise, having not expected them to actually accept his invitation.

The Archangels glowed brightly, their armour glinting in the sunlight and their wings splaying out behind them like living creatures.

Auriel smiles at him, though he couldn't see that due to the angels lacking faces. "We thank you for the invite Reima, I have to say, I am beginning to enjoy the mortal pleasures you've shown us."

Ciri sends him a sideways glare, "Have you been banging Angels behind my back?" she asks, clearly misunderstanding what "Mortal Pleasures" meant.

Reima snorts and quickly shakes his head, "No, I showed them modern entertainment and similar things like that... I don't know where I'd start even if I wanted to." he reassures her.

Auriel chuckles, "Fortunately for you Queen Cirilla, I lack the anatomical parts required for sexual intercourse... Though, if I did I wouldn't mind borrowing your husband to try."

Ciri sighs, "I would, so don't get any ideas." she says, all the while knowing the Angel was just teasing her... They lacked the required emotions to even want to engage in sex.

Selina stays quiet during this talk, not wanting to hear about her parents sex lives... She'd accidentally broken their silencing charms more than enough to understand when to leave things well enough alone.

Malthael "This new world, specifically your Empire has been a bastion of knowledge, as thanks the least I could do is accept an invitation, no matter how monotonous it might be." he says, receiving a glare from Reima and Ciri.

Selina "If you don't want to be here for my party then you can just leave!" she shouts up at the angel, crossing her arms and huffing in irritation.

Malthael looks at his siblings, "Did I misspeak?"

Tyrael sighs and nods, "Yes brother, you did... This event is not like the Angiris Council meetings, its to celebrate a person's arrival onto the mortal plane, birth is a significant event in a mortals life, and while you might not see it that way, I personally believe its something to be celebrated."

Malthael looks to Selina "Then, let me extend an apology for my words. Forgive me as I lack the usual mortal sensibilities required for subtlety... If there is something I can do to make reparations, please notify me."

Selina hums, "Hmm, will you let me ride on your shoulders?"


The others look to Malthael to see what his answer would be, if Imperius were asked this he'd immediately refused due to his pride, but Malthael seemed to lack that trait...

Malthael "If you wish it, then you have my permission."

Selina's face contorts into a huge grin, blinking atop Malthael and landing on his shoulders, "Ouch! Your shoulders are hard!" he complains after landing butt-first onto his metal pauldrons.

Malthael nods, "My form isn't designed to be ridden, would you like to disembark?"

Angel of Death getting ridden like a pony, now I've seen everything :P

Hope you guys like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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