
Petty thieves

The snow streets of Pont Vanis no longer looked how they used to, prosperous trade, happy citizens, and an abundant amount of activities were now notably absent in the fact of the current scene...

Monsters visibly patrolled the streets filled with damaged buildings and injured and dirty peasants... Occasionally one of the hulking beasts would simply pick up a mortal on a whim and carry them off presumably to be devoured.

Of course, it wasn't as chaotic as most would assume, the population of mortals was thoroughly managed so as not to "overfish", they required mortals after all... As livestock.

Most vampires could survive on blood or nothing, the blood didn't even have to belong to a sentient creature... The only reason it was so popular was due to it's "Taste".

Even despite the catastrophic battle that'd recently happened, and the current situation, there were a few stalls lingering along the streets. The people manning them had pledged themselves to the vampires and were allowed to set up small businesses, and possibly rise through the ranks... Though, they'd always remain lesser.

The Vampires were smart when they'd invaded... Only destroying military posts, areas of prominent resistance, and especially the new Magic Acadamy that'd recently been opened within Pont Vanis. Magic was one of the things that could cause a Vampire still, the thought of something capable of doing that caused great anger among them, this is why most Magic users were killed as soon as they were captured.


In an alleyway two shadowed figures were watching the street, their eyes glancing at the street stalls selling overpriced food to the impoverished slaves.

The larger of the two looks a the other, "Zudite, we goin'?" they ask.

Zudite "Yeah, just stick to the plan as usual Tidanird, don't want to draw any unwanted attention." he states, walking out into the sunlight. He's thin, clean-shaven with short brown-hair, and a thin, short build.

Behind him his companion followed, standing a few heads over him, Tidanird had a muscular build with short black hair, a rusty sword sat on his hip that didn't seem like it'd seen use in years...

They both wore rags similar to what the rest of the slaves would be wearing, Zudite flashes a smile towards the owner of the stall they'd just walked up to, his hands in his pockets. "Hey Jydmed, how're you doing?" he greets as if they had been friends for ages.

The fat gnome manning the stall glares at them, "Whaddya want? And how'd ya' know my name?"

Zudite "Ah, don't you remember me? We've been old friends for ages... I was even there when you met your wife. I could hardly believe you'd marry a dwarf."


Jydmed "I'm serious, who the fuck are ya?" he asks again, a mix of confusion and anger on his face.

Zudite flexes his hand which currently sits in his pocket, Jydmed's eyes glaze over momentarily before a smile comes to his face.

Jydmed "Ah, Bill?" he wonders aloud, rubbing his head. "Sorry I didn't recognise ya', I think the stress is gettin' to me."

Zudite slowly nods, "It's fine... Stress isn't the worst thing we have to worry about nowadays." he says knowingly.

Jydmed smiles, "Well, what can I do for ya?"

Zudite sheepishly rubs his hands together, "Well, erm... You see... I kind of lost all my cash to a pickpocket, I was hoping to could fix me with some food to get me through the week..."


Jydmed sighs, "You'd think crime would stop with these monsters patrolling the streets... 'Parenltly not... I'll help you out, I've still not paid you back for that wedding gift/" he says, beginning to fill a basket with vegetables, bread, and a small amount of meat.

Zudite receives it with a smile, "Thanks a lot, I'll be sure to pay you back." he says and begins to leave.

Jydmed waves him off, "Don't worry about it Bill, you're always... Welcome... Here..." the gnome looks at his stall and does a doubletake, "Oi, some gits stolen my goods!"

Zudite and Tidanird walk inconspicuously towards the next stall, the latter carrying the basket filled with food.

Tidanird "I still can't think of how your magic actually works... We've done the same thing to that guy every day for three days..."

Zudite "Just don't think about it... Magic works in mysterious ways and all that." he says, waving his hand in the air.

The duo continue doing the same trick to other stall owners in different districts of the city, making sure to not get noticed by the Vampires or anyone affiliated with them...

Zudite nods at the stall owner, "Remember that time I babysat your daughter? It'd really help me out if you could lend some-Huh?" he mutters, feeling something on his leg... He looks down and almost shouts in surprise at the golem hugging his leg.

"Bill? Is something wrong?"

Zudite shakes his head, "No.. Nothing, just bit my tongue, sorry... Anyway, could you help me out?" he says, discreetly trying to shake off the annoying golem.

The man sighs, "Fine, don't think I'll keep giving out freebies though, I've got a family to feed." he says, filling a basket and handing it to Zudite who nods an thanks him before leaving.

Tidanird "Mate, what's that on your leg?"

Zudite shakes his head, "Just ignore it, we'll check it out when we get back."

Tianird "But-" he's interrupted by Zudite who elbows him, "Look, it's obviously made by a mage, this might be the help we've been looking for." he says as the two duck into an alleyway.

The look around for a while, checking that no one has been following them... Once they are certain they walk down some steps that lead to a door with iron bars that lead to the sewers.

Zudite waves his hand over the lock and it gives a *click* as it unlocks. They push it open and enter, the shallow water quietly splashing as they step through it. He doesn't forget to lock it again as they leave, just in case one of the more beast-like vampires find their way down here.

Why don't all mages just start robbing people with magic... Instant escape via teleporation, easy to subdue the owner, and even erasing memories is possible...

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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