
Tide is changing

Merlin slowly fades away with a smile on his face... Reima turns and spots the other spectres standing there completely fine...

Reima "Aren't you guys going to Oogway like Merlin?" he asks, confused.

Dumbeldore shakes his head, "We have plenty more time, Merlin simply wished to leave before you asked anymore questions." he says with a chuckle.

Reima "What! Merlin you fuck! Come back here so I can strangle you!" he shouts, only now remembering that there was an audience watching.


Bill "Erm... We didn't just see Merlin did we? I think I'm going mad..."

Fleur "When Rei iz involved, many strange thingz happen." she mutters with a shrug.

The wards around the middle of the hall disburse, allowing Hermione to run in and check on Harry, giving a sigh of relief at him being relatively okay.

Reima addresses everyone, "Anyway, I guess that means I win..." he says and turns to the two failed Slytherins, "You two, get out." he states, the duo moving rapidly to leave the hall.

The excitement from seeing the Headmasters of Hogwarts as well as Merlin himself quickly faded away as people realised two students had been essentially given the death penalty.

Dumbledore "I know you think you are right for doing such a thing Reima, but perhaps this old man could request one thing before I begin my eternal sleep?" he asks, the Slytherin students stopping and looking behind them.

Reima sighs, "What is it?"

Dumbledore "If you will not protect them, at least move them... To a world not in a state like this one..." he mutters.

Reima thinks for a moment, he could just send them to Lodran or something to get them out of his hair... Wait... "Okay, I can do that." he says, opening a portal to a valley with thousands of brilliant stars and large blue flowers. "Go through before I change my mind." he states.

The Slytherins quickly shuffle through, not realising they'd been sent to the Underground which the Monsters used to inhabit... They had no chance of escaping the barrier, forcing them to live underground for the rest of their lives.

Reima "Okay... Who're the last Slytherins that need to be checked?" he asks, pulling out the bathtub of Veritaserum again as the spectres finally disappear.

A few Slytherins step forwards, taking sips of the drink and failing the test. They're all sent to the Underground like the rest, a merciful, if unfortunate fate.

Last but not least was Draco Malfoy, a boy who'd watched this man Reima Ludvig do impossible feats with ease... Defeat Voldemort, his father, vampires, Potter and all of the Headmasters combined with MERLIN! He knew what fights were worth taking, and knew in his heart of hearts that picking a fight with this person was the epitome of stupidity.

He steps forwards confidently, taking a large gulp of the Veritaserum and standing before Reima, his conviction made.

Reima asks the same old question he'd asked hundreds of times before this... Draco swallowing his saliva and speaking, not knowing what words would come from his mouth.

Draco "I would never go against you Reima Ludvig." he states, shocking those watching.

Reima grins at the surprise, "Oh, what brought this on then?"

Draco "It is futile to fight you, why would I subject myself to certain death over some misbegotten image of pride... Even Potter, the Master of Death could not harm you with Merlin assisting him, what chance would I, or any other student have?"

Reima gives a thumbs up, "You're not as stupid as you look Draco, I was seriously looking forward to sending you away, but you've surprised me." he says, standing.

Luna gets up and skips over, "Are we finally leaving?" she asks with a brilliant smile.

Reima nods, "Yeah, we are... All of you, grab your shit, I won't be waiting around for you so be ready." he states, walking over to Harry and telekinetically floating him as Hermione continues to tend to him.

Luna skips over to his side as he tears open a portal to Ichor, the people already present seemingly used to Reima transporting large groups of people out of nowhere.

The students start walking through, Risryn, Asgore, Solaire, Quelaag, Ciri, and a few others waiting at the other side to make sure nothing unexpected happens.

Solaire smiles and waves at them, "Jolly, everyone! Welcome to the sunshine and brimstone!" he shouts, the Prospects behind him all shouting "Jolly" in response.

Bill walks through the portal with Fleur on his arm, Ciri spots them and gives a heavy sigh while shaking her head.

Quelaag notices this and leans in, "Is something wrong with the new residents?"

Ciri "No... Just never expected my and Reima's ex to be dating someone else." she says with chuckle, "I wonder how he's taking it." she mutters.

Quelaag "You and Reima's ex? I, I'm struggling to comprehend what you mean..."

Ciri points at Fleur in the distance, "She was the third wheel on our sex-tricycle."

Quelaag "Wha... You and her?" she asks in disbelief.

Ciri nods, "You didn't know? I'm Bisexual, being sandwiched in between them both was... An experience." she says with a slight blush.

Quelaag frowns momentarily at the fact that woman had been intimate with Reima, only to realise that this opened up new opportunities for herself... She hadn't ever thought that a relationship such as that would be possible, which, it might still not be considering their current relationship status. She'd need to investigate this further to see where it could lead. "Is she afraid of spiders?" she asks.

Ciri "Spiders?" she parrots, "I don't think so, she didn't seem all that bothered when fighting giant ones... Why?"

Quelaag covers her mouth to conceal her grin, "Oh, no reason... I might show her around Ichor, I've been needing to increase the number of people I interact with after all." she says and scuttles off, leaving Ciri standing there wondering about her words.

So yeah, the HP crew are now in Ichor. As if the city needed more magic users, right?

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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