
Old Habits Die Hard...

Snape "Would you be willing to show me this spell?" he asks eagerly.

Reima shakes his head, "I'm sure as a spell-crafter yourself you would hesitate before letting others analyse your spells Professor... I'd prefer to keep my private creations, private."

Snape can only nod in acceptance at this, "Mr. Ludvig, it has been a great pleasure having you but we must end this. Please get going to your... Extracurricular activities." he says, looking Reima in the eyes.

Reima feels a legilimency probe brush past his mind causing him to frown, hadn't snape learned last time what'd happen if he tried this? Choosing the vengeful option he mentally grabs hold of the probe and slings it away like a catapult, causing Snapes head to snap to the side, the quick action shaking his brain hard enough to force him unconscious.

Reima hadn't expected the man to be this weak and just shrugs to himself as he watches the "Former" Death Eater slump in his chair.

Reima "Well, if you're going to give me permission I won't be polite." he says before he starts wandering around the room, looking for anything that might suit his fancy.

There are various things present, the most immediate being a string wrapped around a cupboard handle enchanted to burn and alert someone should it be moved or broken. Reima just runs his finger past it, rendering it ashes and causing a small ping sound to emit from Snapes body. Reima chuckles, it seems it's not the best charm to use should you be unconscious... Maybe it wakes you if you're awake? He ponders. Regardless Reima throws open the cupboard and glances at everything inside. He sees various corked bottle filled with strange liquids, one thing that's most interesting above all others however is a small picture that seems to have been stuffed and hidden behind some bottles. Retrieving it Reima sees what looks like a young Severus Snape and a red haired girl, they're holding hands together and smiling... He feels kind of sick at the sight of this, considering what the man's actions and intentions towards this girl had caused.

Feeling indignant justice boiling in his chest he decides to get some payback while also providing Harry with a souvenir of his mother. He runs his finger down the picture, burning it in half where the children's hands connect before pocketing the half with Lily on it.

Reima "That'll teach you, you scummy bastard." he mutters to himself, "Mmm, let's not forget the gifts you've left for me though." he says, quickly dumping the potions into his Folded Space, only taking notice to some of the more extraordinary potions, three takes his interest particularly, Veritasium, Draught of living death and Felix Felicis... The luck potion? Nice!

With all that said and done Reima quickly vacates the premises, he knew Snape would hate him for this but he wouldn't be able to accuse him of anything as he had tried to mind-rape him, something that could land him directly in Azkaban. Reima grins to himself when he thinks of the man's face when he finds the picture, truly it is an accurate representation of his actions.

Reima eventually reaches the classroom where he'd been teaching Harry and Ciri, he walks inside and sees them already practising their spells, though they stop when they hear him come in.

Ciri "Where have you been?" she asks as he'd never missed one of these sessions before.

Reima shrugs, "Snape called me in to talk about the fight I had earlier."

Harry "Your not in trouble right?" he asks apprehensively.

Reima shakes his head, "No, I don't think so... Though I might be later..." he mutters the last part. "Oh! By the way, I've got a gift for you Harry." he says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the picture of his mother before handing it to him.


Harry looks at his hand in awe, eventually focusing his gaze on Reima's face. "Where did you find this? I've never seen a picture of my mother as a child before..."

Reima "Er, I... Found it, in the castle." he says after making it up a valid explanation.

Harry can tell something more must have happened but doesn't comment on it, instead intent on memorising the details of the photo. "Thank you, this means a lot to me..." he says with moist eyes.

Reima "Don't worry about it, we're friends right?" he waves the boys feeling away.

Harry rubs his eyes with his sleeve, "Yeah, we are..."

Reima "Right, let's get started, I'll have to makeup for the time I've missed by training you twice, no THRICE AS HARD!" he shouts causing Ciri to groan and Harry to chuckle.

Suddenly, the door to the room opens, revealing a familiar figure that none of them had expected to see.

Harry "Hermione?" he asks confused at her presence.

Hermione "Er... Hi? I was in the library when I..." She trails off, "I know this is to help train Harry and Ciri to survive in the tournament but after the attack in Hogsmeade I realised how defenceless I am..."

Reima "Are you going somewhere with this?" he asks, knowing full well what she wants but wishes for her to say it outright.

Hermione "Please teach me!" she exclaims while bowing low respectfully, her hair falling around her face.

Reima "All you needed to do was ask, it won't disrupt either of these two if you're also learning... It might even help them to have a practise dummy around." he says with a sadistic smile.

Hermione feels as if she's going to regret ever coming here...

Hermione the Bookworm has joined the party!

Relationship with Harry the Scar has increased!

Romance options with Ciri the Cat are avaliable!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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