The next day Reima can be found eating some dried meat with Solaire and Priscilla while Quelina and Quelana slowly converse nearby, it would almost be a perfect "morning"? if not for the screaming giant not far away from their location, Ceaseless discharge, the sisters brother seems to have returned for round two of his self imposed screaming contest... Laughs aside Reima feels sad for the pitiful fellow who's likely been screaming like this for centuries, he doesn't know whether he'd stay sane through the pain were he in the same situation.
He hasn't seen Quelaag since yesterday and worries she might do something stupid, the conversation between Solaire and Priscilla on what a dog looks like is interrupted by a loud explosion near the demon ruins. Reima hops up and quickly arrives to the hot area and sees Quelaag staring at what seems to be the remains of a boulder. Nearby servants of the chaos covenant clap at the impressive display, the angry spider notices him arrive and huffs while turning away.
Reima "Yo, I know you saw me, stop acting like a child and lets have a rational discussion."
Quelaag "Do you need something? I was just practising my spells, would you care to leave me to concentrate?"
Reima "Your mad at Quelana, not me... Or perhaps you should return that dress if you hate me so much." He points at the red dress that she hasn't removed since she was gifted it.
She looks like she wants to retort but can't due to him being correct, she's just letting her frustration out on him as he's an easy target... Or atleast he was until he threatened her dress.
The nearby Servants of Chaos decide to move further away to allow the two some privacy, after everyone had left she Quelaag looks at Reima and questions, "How do you suggest I should act towards someone whom I despise?"
Reima "I don't really care, act how you want as long as it doesn't affect Quelina. Surely you're willing to quell your petty resentment for your younger sisters sake, did you see them earlier? She hasn't stopped talking to Quelana since she'd arrived." He feels like he's trying to talk a painter out of painting when she's in this kind of mood.
Hearing his words she doesn't reply and thinks over whether or not her pride would allow her to ignore Quelana's slight to her and her family, sure her apology for her actions in the war seemed sincere but is that really good enough for a crime that would traditionally result in execution? Obviously they don't live in Izalith any longer so the laws there don't apply but this line of thinking only makes her angrier when she links Izalith's subsequent fall to Quelana's abandonment of the battlefield... The sisters were the most powerful Pyromancers around and massively helped with the war efforts, as Gwyn's children weren't willing to travel so far down to assist their troops they were slowly gaining ground, then Quelana abandoned the battlefield and allowing her troops to fall prey to an ambush while searching for her. She has seen her flee but didn't mention it to Quelina as a dead sister is better than a malicious one.
She hears a cough from Reima which draws her from her thoughts, "So, are you willing to make a small sacrifice for Quelina?" He repeats her earlier question. Despite the resentment still bubbling under her other turbid emotions she gives a small almost unnoticeable nod that she herself is surprised by.
Reima "Good, I'm not saying that you have to like her, only that you shouldn't be at each others throats while Quelina is present... And who knows, maybe you'll come to understand each other?" He adds the last part as an afterthought and she scoffs.
He leads the reluctant spider to her sisters before leaving them to sort it out themselves... Reima is not a councillor or a psychologist, while he'd like to be able to help further he'd probably just be invading their privacy. He ignores the continual screams of ceaseless discharge while making a mental note to talk to the sisters about him after they've sorted themselves out. Deciding he wants to work out the irritation that he had built up while talking to Quelaag he goes to find the chaos servants to "train" with them. He passes by Solaire and Priscilla who decide to watch him as there isn't really much to do down here, he walks to hot rocky area and finds the group of Pyromancers practising low level fireballs in various combat situations... He doesn't think the guy juggling them is being serious but perhaps it trains his control? He tries to ignore it but Priscilla excitedly runs over to him to observe how he does it, he gets a sour feeling and decides to try one up this guy who's stealing the albino dragon's attention away.
The trio spend the rest of the day having a laugh while messing around with the Pyromancers who seem very happy to host one of their fair ladies close friends, Reima only manages to juggle three small fireballs by the end of the day. He looks over and sees Solaire and a young chaos servant throwing Lightning bolts and fireball respectively, they seem to be having fun as they are laughing uproariously as they do so.
Alas, he never managed to beat the mysterious fire juggler who had Priscilla clapping louder for every fireball added to the large quantity he was already juggling. He decides to just let it be and sits next to her to observe how he controls so many individual flames at once.
Mysterious juggler uses enthral on fluff, IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!
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As always, if I missed anything please let me know.