
The Beast Unchained Part 2.3: Potential War

Siverra found the centipede and cast his magic buffs onto himself.. He began to chant magical words.

"In the soulless abyss, we rise. We get stronger." As he was chanting, a dark purple ball appeared above him. A dark ancient aura seeped out from his body.

Those on the peak on the planet could also feel this aura. As if something was found.

"We aren't stopped by mere mortals, we aren't stopped by mere gods. We are abominations. Through the endless abyss, a creature looks up upon you." The ball was growing in size, larger and larger. It began to reek of death and had a purple lightning shoot off of it.

"Stepping into the land of this creature is nonsense. But I have done it. I have met the creature with my own two eyes it and it met me. I am now one with the creature." Siverra's eyes glowed a deep purple. The ball expanded once more, quadrupling in size! It then shot in every which was and morphed to form different types of weaponry.

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