
Elder Sister

Tycondrius had been running low on his stores of alcohol, but it seemed permissible to whet his thirst with a skin of Tyrion wine. 

It would be easy enough to replace it with better. It was only a few suns travel to the Elven-controlled city of Whitehearth... and a short walk to an Elven fortress. 

He looked over to his companion. 

The defeated elf was named Notaku, and they sat together upon his fallen Divine Armor, Many-Big-Guns.

Tycon found no fault in the respectable warrior.  Over the years, he'd found he got along well with near anyone who shared his profession. 

He lifted the wine skin towards him, "Drink."

Notaku glanced over, but shook his head, "(I do not drink wine.)"

Tycon narrowed his eyes, "(Growling-Bear, did I not defeat you in single combat only minutes earlier?)"

The Elven warrior grew quiet, averting his gaze.

Tycon leaned forward, pushing the wine-skin closer, "Drink the damn wine."

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