
Chapter 125: A new era begins

In a unknown location and in a small black colored room: a perfect 5x5 meter black cube where there was only four chairs in a vertical line, occupied by four completely cloaked and hooded figures.

They were known by many names in the world but in their organization, the Holy Spirit Cult, they were called the Four Heavenly Kings and they were currently having a meeting to discuss their recent bio-terrorist attack on several cities a while ago.

"Haa. Another failure in creating a bridge between this world and the void." One of the hodded cloaked figures, one that had a emblem resembling a glowing dark green zither on his chest. Judging from his voice, he was clearly male. "This was our first attempt in a wide big city attack in the effort of gathering enough chaos and evil energy to supply the gateway to the void." He let out a tired frustrated sigh.

"With all ending in failure!" Another hooded cloaked figure, but with a glowing dark blue hummingbird emblem, slammed their left arm down on their armrest that caused a small shockwave that made the entire dark room tremble but the other figures remained firm in their seats. His voice revealed him to be another male. "This is unacceptable! Do you all understand how much resources we've wasted?! I knew we should've stick to doing the experiments on small cities or villages that would only waste little materialistic and human resources."

"And miss our chance into becoming gods?" Another hooded figure with a dark red skull emblem interrupted, voice noticeably an old man. Dark red tendrils rose up from behind his seat. "I admit that we acted impatiently but you, Zither and I are nearly at the end of our lifespan. Because we accumulated too much bad karma, the Planar Lord is preventing us from absorbing much life energy from Life Force Seeds. From my estimation, we only have half a century left before we perish from old age! We cannot wait any longer!"

Zither and the hummingbird clicked their tongue in annoyance but silently agreed with the blood skull.

"...Then why didn't we attack any major cities?" The last hooded cloaked person, who has a flamming red phoenix emblem, softly spoke up. Judging from their voice, the last hooded person was a female. "We could've attacked Heaven Dou city, Star Luo city, hell, we could've gone straight to Shrek City! The population and the soul power in there would be enough to create a gigantic gateway to allow the passage of one of the Elder Gods!"

"You know why we can't!" The one with the hummingbird emblem shot back. Contempt and fear in his voice as he spoke. "As long as Yun Ming is within either Shrek Academy or Shrek City, we could never do our operation without him noticing."

"He's just a step away from godhood, phoenix. All thanks to that blasted tree. Even all four of us and the two emperors wouldn't be enough to stand equal against him."

The phoenix went silent but the cracking of her armrests was clear for everyone in the room to understand what she was feeling.

"Until we get our hands on those two Godkiller-ranked fixed soul ammunitions, we won't be getting anywhere near Shrek City. We've been trying to build a gateway to the void for ten thousand years, you and everyone in this organization knows how difficult it is."

"Now then, with all that said," The one with the skull emblem turned his head to face a certain guest of theirs. "what do we do about him?"

There was however, one person that wasn't supposed to be in this room. He was standing right in front of them wearing only casual clothes and looked familiar, for he was Yu Tiansheng, the Ghoul Sage.

"So," The hooded figure with the zither emblem slightly leaned his head forward, addressing Yu Tiansheng with a cold chilling voice. "tell us one good reason that you're more valuable as a sane undead ghoul than a brainwashed undead servant? After failing to serve my sweet and talented successor, hmm?"

In the Holy Spirit Cult, making or creating undead was normal. As some of their members would have the ability to turn the dead into their undead servants. Most of the time, the evil soul masters who can would have their undead stronger than them by either a couple ranks or an entire realm.

This however, carriers the risk of rebellion in the undead ghoul. After all, would a revived Soul Master with a Soul Emperor cultivation turned ghoul obey the commands of a dark Soul Ancestor?

The answer would be a resounding no. With the result usually being the death of the evil soul master.

Thus, the researchers of the organization was assigned to come up with a technique to have the undead obey their every word with absolute loyalty.

It was how the Death Command Spells and Death Loyalty Array was created.

The mechanics behind the Death Command Spells was simple. The soul master only has to make a certain amount of special marks or tattoos in their body and draw Death Loyalty Array inside the body and then the soul of the undead. The array would function like a receiver and the mark/tattoo of the soul master would the controller. Not only that, but the array also had a side effect of bringing the undead to total submission and absolute loyalty towards the soul master.

There was another function to the Death Command Spells and why it was called like that. Because the Death Command Spells were absolute orders given to the undead.

Now you might all ask, why have them when they have absolute loyalty towards you? Well the Death Command Spells and Death Loyalty Array, the former really, are mostly used for dead Soul Masters with eight rings and above; and due to either their strong will or their gap of cultivation between its master, the side effect of the array may not work most of the time.

The techniques weren't one after all, they were two. The researchers had only created the Death Loyalty Array first and when they found out that it hadn't worked on undead soul masters with eight rings and above, they created the Death Command Spells to compliment it.

Thus, those undeads who are branded with the Death Loyalty Array would be called as Undead Servants.

It was why creating a zombie virus and using it in the cities was necessary, because it was easy to overtake the cities that way and their members could easily control the hordes of undead or the most powerful of ghouls. They didn't have enough manpower to start their attacks on multiple cities at once.

Yu Tiansheng knew about that as he heard it from his former master, Na Nali, offhandedly told it to him in passing when he was branded with the Death Loyalty Array. And since he was only a Soul Sage, he wasn't able to resist and became her Undead Servant until she died.

He was free from her control. Free from being that idiotic persona he'd been forced to wear because she had thought it was funny.

Unfortunately however, although he was free, he was lost. Also dead and hungry. That was why he couldn't go back to his family, as he could eat them and be killed by the elders.

He didn't want to die, ironically as it is, he was too afraid to kill himself and he couldn't do so if he wanted to.

He didn't know what to do so he sought after the organization that can provide him some answers in the next chapter of his life, the Holy Spirit Cult.

Yu Tiansheng's eyes glowed with a purple glow, his fists clenched and unclenched, before he reigned his anger in and bowed his head towards them.

He raised his head once more and this time, both of his eyes were completely black and his face displayed no emotions. His body suddenly radiated unknown baleful power, which made the entire structure around to tremble and instantly made the four hooded figures straightened their backs and were prepared to leap out to attack Yu Tiansheng.

The only reason why they didn't, was because they couldn't.

Finally, Yu Tiansheng spoke. Only, his voice was not his own but of many.

"Because you have succeeded in summoning a small part of myself into this plan, and I have chosen this creature of Nyarlathotep as a temporary vessel to inhibit."

"Y-You are..." The one with the zither emblem stuttered, shocked and dumbfounded at what he was seeing. The four started to shake.

Not in fear or terror, but in utter excitement.

"It matters not of who I am. Currently, I need you all to do something for me than trying to create a gateway to the void, for now."

"What is your command, my Lord!" They said in unison as they bowed their heads in worship and reverence.

The emotionless black eyes of what was once Yu Tiansheng glowed ominously, "Find the sunken city of R'lyeh, awaken me from my slumber and so I can summon my family here in this world."

"Then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated we would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom. This will mark a new era, the era of the Outer Gods."

"Yes, my Lord!"


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I am purely motivated by praise and interaction, as well as power stones and I'll probably write faster.

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