
Chapter 43: Dinner with Kierra


Daisy: Morning Guys!

Ada: Good Morning!

Ez: Astef... Are you blushing?!

Daisy: Kierra is also blushing....

Kierra: We're not!! *blushes, turns away*

Astef: Who said and Why so?!! *glares*

Ada: Is there something happened between the both of you before we all came here?!!!

Astef and Kierra: None!!!

Daisy: O-okay then... Guys.. Easy.... *nervous*

Ada: Okay, If you say so.....

Light *stares at Kierra*...


Kierra: Finally... I can go home.....

Astef: Kierra??

Kierra: Don't worry, You're already forgiven....

Astef: Let's go home together.... Ride on my car... I just want to show my sincerest apology to my friend *smiles*

Kierra (He said friend!) *smiles* Okiee!!! *giggles*

Astef (Hhmmm??... Weird....)


Astef: Get in!

Kierra: Okay!

Astef: Driver, Take us to.....

Astef said the address of Kierra's house then....

Kierra *goes down* Thanks for sending me home*

Astef *goes down* Let me walk you through your door...

Kierra: Okiee!!!!


Kierra: Thanks!!!

The door opens....

??? :You're finally home, My Dear... *smiles*

Kierra: Mom! *smiles*


Kierra's Mother: Who is this handsome boy with you??... Is this your boyfr...

Kierra: Nah!, He's my friend... He just sent me home....

Kierra's Mother: I see.... Would you like to eat dinner with us, Mr. Handsome Young Man??

Astef: Uummm... Is that really ok to you Ma'am??

Kierra's Mother *nods*

Kierra: Come on!

Astef: Okay then Ma'am....

Kierra's Mother: Just call me "Aunt"

Astef: Okay, Aunt *kiss Kierra's mother's hand*

Kierra's Mother: Oh! What a gentle man... Let's go inside...


Astef *pull's out a chair*

Kierra: Thanks! *sits*

Astef: Ma'am!, Let me also do it for you... *pull's out another chair*

Kierra's Mother: You have such a nice friend, Kierra and Thank you, Young Man *sit*

Astef: You're Welcome, Aunt!

Kierra: Yep! (He's really a great guy)

Kierra's Father: What's your full name??

Astef: Astef Morlen....

Kierra's Father: Morlens are so rich and great when it comes to business... I think we will get along well together....

Astef: I'm happy to hear that then Sir... (Tonight, I'm going to make Kierra and her whole family so impress with me)....

Then the talk continues...

Kierra's Mother: If you want... You can always bringe Kierra home here after school and You can always have dinner with us....

Astef: Kierra??

Kierra *nods*

Astef: It's an honor then to have dinner always with the Javier's...

Kierra's Father (He always think of my daughter's feelings and thinking before he decide and before he agree to my wife...) *smiles* (My daughter is in good hands...)

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