
What An Obedient Dog!




Hahh… I remember those times I would sit down with my family around the Yggdrasil tree branches.

I can't believe those daily times which I took for granted would be so missed now.

Life can really give its twist and turns.

But for now, I should really just enjoy the moment right now as well.

I'll have a delicious feast for all of you.

I'll trust Rimuru and the rest of my wifeys, that they'll use the power I give them to protect our children and the rest of my family…

And for now, I will concentrate myself into what I have in front of me.

"Hahaha! Don't worry about it guys! I've got a lot of ingredients, let's have a feast!"

I quickly decided to join them. There was no real point in getting sad. I was really sad still, quite depressed. Almost suicidal at this point, but I had no use for such feelings in front of all these people I've given some new hope.

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