

Hearing this name, Sharlene was shocked, she couldn't help but exclaim "Reinar?! As in the great Dragonslayer Reinar?!"

The voice on the other end of the phone line spoke "What so great about my title? I have just been lucky and managed to barely slay a dragon, lord Shadowslash on the other hand is capable of taming one, I might be a dragonslayer but he is a dragon master."

Sharlene opens her mouth slightly, she was shocked, she then quickly said "Give the phone to my cousin, I want to ask more about this person called Shadowslash."

Blitzerg's voice could be heard once again, he sounded a little angry "Just you wait! My big bro would certainly kick your butt!"

Reinar's jeering voice rang "Why would I be afraid? I didn't hurt you, a respected person like lord Shadowslash have more important things to do than to cater with your spoiled *ss."

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