

Besides Ryuu fighting, that moment he wiped away my tears... I'm not sure why, but I feel like that isn't something I should ignore.

I mean, I never thought he would touch me so tenderly like that.

And after I stopped him, he didn't even face me anymore... Was he embarrassed? Does Ryuu even get embarrassed?

In the end, all I know is that I need to find a time to confront him about today, and I have a feeling that won't be so easy.

As for the plan to get the class to not be so scared of Ryuu, maybe the first step is to get Ryuu to stop fighting and find some other way to relieve his stress. After that is getting him to lower his defenses against people. And finally, hopefully get him some friends.

Ugh, that sounds like so much work.

Besides Ryuu, Akira has been acting way more suspicious lately. It's like he knows what's going on, but whenever I start to realize that, he changes the subject.

If he does know something, he definitely won't tell me.

There's nothing I can do about him except stay aware, which is actually pretty hard to do.

I just unwind around him. Though he's the most suspicious, he's also the only one I can play around with. Without Akira to mess with, I wouldn't have gotten this far. He's also helped me out a few times, like today.


Other than those two, the contract was finalized today. No romance allowed, but apparently head pats are. Tatsuya might end up giving me trouble regardless of the condition, huh...

"Fuck! I need to do the shit he assigned!" I bolted up from bed and grabbed my bag.

The next day came around, and I was exhausted. When I looked in the mirror this morning, I had panda eyes.

This overtime work was bullshit.

Not only did I have Tatsuya's shit to do, I also had to do my own homework and had to look over the folder for Ryuu's tutoring session today. Those things stacked up together ended up taking most of the sleeping time.

I walked into the classroom without giving anyone or thing a glance. I just went straight to my desk and bent over to rest my eyes a bit.

"Woah, someone's—" I glared at Akira from within my arms to shut up. Akira reeled back a bit before doing a zipping motion across his lips. I put my head back down after knowing he got the message.

Once classes started, I struggled to stay up. The lectures were already boring and sleep inducing before, so adding sleep deprivation on top of that really didn't help.

I'm pretty sure there were times I accidentally fell asleep because the next moment I was aware again, I would be met with a glare from the sensei. Teachers that were petty would even ask me to answer something, and whether I got it right or wrong, they still reprimanded me in front of the whole class.

That probably didn't help my already tainted reputation.

Once lunchtime came around, I didn't want to bother with eating. I just wanted sleep.

If I was regular student, I could've just stuffed my lunch in my face and napped for about an hour. However, I have a tutoring session after lunch.

Remembering yesterday, I sat up straight and looked behind me.

Ryuu's seat was empty.

"Hey." I started my first conversation of the day.

"Oh, finally speaking, Mr. Panda Eyes?" Akira looked like he was about to leave but leaned back into his chair when I spoke to him.

"Has Ryuu-kun come in today?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"No, looks like he skipped today." Akira answered with a thoughtful look. "I wonder what happened? He may be a delinquent, but I don't think he's ever really skipped whole days before."

Not really listening to Akira anymore, I pulled out my lunch and started shoving it in my mouth.

"Hey, hey! Slow down or you'll—"


Akira sighed as he patted my back.

"Just when I was about to warn you." Akira chuckled as he passed me my water.

"I just want to eat this and then head to the infirmary for a nap." I quickly explained before going back to shoveling my food into my mouth.

"Oh, since the Dragon's not here, you want sleep." Akira nodded as he understood. "Okay, have a nice nap." Akira smirked before standing up.

"You going?" I asked in surprise.

This is the first time he hasn't stayed with me for lunch.

"Well, you don't plan on hanging around long, right?" Akira slightly laughed. "I'll just get in your way. Don't worry about me." Akira waved to me before heading out the classroom with some other guys.

Ah, I shouldn't be surprised. He is Mr. Popular, after all.

"Aki-kun left?" I jolted and also choked again.

God, I forgot about this squirt!

I just nodded as I hit my chest.

I'm almost finished. Sweet dreams are near!

"Wah? Haru! You have panda eyes!" Yuu placed his hands on my face and lightly touched my bags.

I flinched, but he didn't let go. If anything, he held my face even tighter.

Uh oh.

"Why did you stay up late? Your cute face is suffering!" Yuu whined as he squeezed my cheeks.

Ugh, this is making it really hard to eat!

I let go of my chopsticks and grabbed his hands.

"Yuu-kun, I'm fine. I'm gonna take a nap after I finish eating, so I can't chat with you today." I calmly explained as he watched me.

Yuu's dismayed expression brightened.

"Oh, okay! I can let you borrow my lap!" Yuu let go of my cheeks but grabbed my hands instead. "We can go back to the tree from yesterday!"


"Oh, no, that's not needed. I was planning on going to the infirmary." I tried pulling my hands back, but, of course, he wasn't letting go.

"Don't worry! I don't mind!" Yuu persisted with his angelic smile.

I sighed.

"Yuu-kun, I think I'd sleep better if I went to the infirmary. They have beds there." I explained, my patience waning. "I sleep alone better, too."

"Oh." Yuu's smile transformed to a frown. "Please? I don't get to see Haru much since the Sports Festival prep started. Lunch's the only time I have." Yuu pleaded with glistening, upturned eyes. "Don't you miss me, too?"

Ah, the guilt trip.

"O-Of course, I do. It's just for today. We'll be fine, Yuu-kun." I tried placating him. "Please let me go, so I can finish eating and then go to sleep." I asked as I wiggled my hands. "The longer I don't sleep, the worse my bags will get."

That got him going.

My cuteness (gag) is his priority, after all.

"Right! Okay." Yuu immediately let go, though he seemed to be in inner turmoil. "Uhm."

There was only a little bit of food left! Hurry! Before he says anything else!

"Haru, you do like me, right?" I nearly spat out my food.

I swallowed hard and coughed.

"..." Yuu didn't say anything, but he slid my water closer to me. He was watching me carefully.

"W-Well, we're friends, right?" I said after downing some liquid. "So, of course, I like you as my friend." I made sure to emphasize the friend part.

"Hmm." Yuu looked troubled. "How can I make you like me more?"

I wanted to screech.

Why is he being so straightforward all of a sudden!? Is it because we're alone!?

"Uhhh, what do you mean? Haha." I tried laughing it off as I cleaned my desk.

It's time for me to leave.

Yuu's stare was making me sweat.

"Haha, I'm not sure." Yuu's smile returned. "Since you're finished, you should go sleep. Have a nice nap, Haru!" Yuu patted my head before leaving.


I'm gonna just go do that.

Exhaustion at my peak, I entered the infirmary.

Luckily, the school nurse was out, so I shot straight to an open bed and closed the curtain. After taking off my shoes and slipping under the blanket, I closed my eyes and sighed in relief.

Sweet sleep.

At some point, I heard the bell ring. I knew it was the bell for recess, so I just went back to sleep.

Then my phone started vibrating.

Annoyed, I switched it to silent without opening my eyes and snuggled against the pillow.

I think a few minutes passed before I heard the curtain suddenly being pulled open.

"Ugh, it's occupied." I mumbled while flipping to the side not facing the intruder.

"...Sorry." The familiar voice softly spoke before the curtain was shut again.


I snapped my eyes open and shot up.

"Was that you, Ryuu-kun!?" I exclaimed as I reached out to the curtain to pull it open.

When I did, my hand collided with something solid. It flinched and made me recoil my hand.

Eh? Was he standing right there?

"Ah, uh, sorry. If you're too tired, I'll tell sensei you can't make it to our lesson." He sounded...flustered?

"...Wait, I thought you weren't here?" My brain was slowly turning back on. "That's why I came here."

"..." Ryuu muttered something.

"What?" I asked as slightly leaned over. I saw the curtain get bunched up by what I assume to be his hand.

"Nothing." Ryuu said as he let go. "Sorry to disturb you."

What!? Oh, no! I'm not letting you leave like that again!

I quickly got up and threw my arms into the curtain at the direction I thought Ryuu was standing. When I touched something solid, I latched onto it.

"I'm not letting you get away!"

I came here after writing most of the next chapter, and oof. If I wasn’t ready for what came out of my hands, y’all definitely aren’t.

All I can say is prepare yourselves. Next one’s a doozie.

Also, I’m so glad many of you like my writing so much that at the mention of another story, y’all latched onto it, lol. I felt fluffy~

Dw, there’s definitely another novel coming after this one. I just can’t do more than 1 series at a time. ^^;

Thanks for reading! <3

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts
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