
The Plan Begins

The next morning I marched to school determined.

The plan for today is be friendly with Akira during classes and breaks, be useful to Tatsuya during recess, and "just happen" to go to the cafe Ryuu works at after school. I'm skipping club today because, well, do I need to explain? But, I need to be careful of ignoring Yuu too much. He'll definitely notice and get agitated, which I don't need!

As I was going over the plan in my head, I didn't notice someone was in front of me until I bumped into them.

"Sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I quickly apologized and bowed.

"Oh, it's you." The masculine voice instantly made me go stiff.

Wha-How-Huh!? Already starting off with encounters when I haven't even entered the gates!?

"Y-Yamamoto-kun, good morning." I had to tilt my head straight up to see the familiar silver eyes.

The height difference was really too much. It hurt my self confidence.

"Whatever." Ryuu brushed me off and walked away.

Huh? Have I made progress with him already? Did the tutoring help? He didn't glare at me once that whole time. He didn't even seem the slightest bit mad. Hmm.

"Yo!" I was smacked across the back and stumbled forward from the impact. "Oops. Did I go too hard?"

"Akira-kun." I glared at him.

"Woah now! It was an accident, okay? I seriously didn't know you were so fragile." Akira raised his hands up in surrender and slowly back up a few steps.

"..." After glaring for a few seconds, I walked away.

"...Wha-Hey! Don't ignore me! Also, don't I deserve my reward from yesterday!?" Akira ran after me.

I refused him his "reward" the whole way to class. It probably looked weird to others we passed by since Akira was being so loud with his pleading and whining. It wasn't until we reached the classroom that I placated him.

"Alright, lets sit down, and I'll give to you, okay?" I rolled my eyes. "God, you're worse than a toddler." I muttered as we walked into the classroom.

"Hey, I heard you!" Akira pouted.

"And?" I nonchalantly replied as we sat down.

"Boo, Haru-chi is such a bully." Akira continued sulking.

"Oh, you wouldn't want the phone number of your bully, right? I guess we can forget—"

"Nononononono! Haru is the bestest, greatest, most glorious friend I have! Now, gimme!" Akira flipped his attitude and quickly pulled out his phone. I couldn't resist letting out a goofy smirk. "Oh! So you can smile like that!" Akira exclaimed and snapped a photo with the phone in his hand before I could react.

"Hey! You can't just take a picture of me all of a sudden!" I puffed out my cheeks in frustration. "Delete it!"

"Nuh-uh. This will be the pic I use for your profile, hehe." Akira smirked. "Now, gimme my reward!" Akira held out his phone with one hand while the other presented an open palm.

We handed over our phones to each to input our info before exchanging them back. Though, Akira took more time to snap a quick selfie for the profile pic. I rolled my eyes while he did. I looked at the contact name to find "BFF<3" boldly shining across the screen. I scoffed.

"Eh? Why'd you put cherry blossom emojis?" Akira tilted his head in confusion.

"Akira, as my self proclaimed "BFF," I hope you know the kanji in my name." I rested my cheek on my palm as I watched him and waited for him to realize. Akira scrunched his eyebrows together in concentration before I could see the light bulb go off.

"Ooh! Because the kanji for "Haru" in your name means cherry blossoms!" Akira looked to me for confirmation. I nodded with a soft smile. "Wow, I never knew you could be so cute, Haru!" And I frowned. Akira blinked. "What? What'd I say?"

"Am I really cute?" I muttered as I turned to sit facing the front. "That's the second time in 2 days."

"Huh!? Who else told you that?" When I glanced over, Akira looked hungry for gossip. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Tell me!"

"No. It's none of your business, you nosy chatter box." I sneered before looking away.

Luckily, before Akira could say anything else, the bell rang and the teacher entered. Classes passed as usual with the teacher lecturing and picking on students. Sato-sensei had just finished her lesson when the bell rang for lunch. She ended with one last reminder about homework before leaving.

"Haru!" A shiver ran down my spin before I could stop it. I forced a smile as I looked into the sparkling almond eyes.

"Yuu-kun." I greeted as I tried hiding any uneasiness.

"Are you wearing the bracelet? Because I am!" Yuu proudly displayed the yellow and blue bracelet as he sat down in front of me like yesterday.

"Y-Yup." I pulled up my sleeve to reveal the similar bracelet. Yuu's eyes slightly misted over before returning back to normal.

"Yay!" Yuu clapped. I could only laugh awkwardly.

Now would be the time to butt in, Akira!

I glanced over only to see Akira observing with an entertained expression. I blinked. I was expecting him to be sulking or something. Wasn't he obsessed with being my best friend?

Like he heard my thoughts, Akira's facial expression promptly changed.

"Haru! How could you have friendship bracelets with Yuu-kun and not me!?" Akira wailed as he pulled his seat over. I didn't respond because I was taken off guard by the change. "...Haru?" Akira waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, uh, it just, sorta happened." I muttered as I pulled out my lunch from my bag.

Was that the real Akira? Did he slip up because he thought I was only focusing on Yuu? But, if so, why was he happy about our interaction? Why did he seem so amused?

"We need something now! Like... BFF necklaces!" Akira happily declared. "Those are a thing, right?"

"Haru doesn't seem like the type to wear a lot of accessories, though. I think the bracelet is enough." Yuu squeezed in with a smile. Akira frowned.

"Even if that's true, a necklace is fine. I'm sure it's a lot less annoying than a bracelet anyway." Akira didn't give in. "Besides, he could always take off that bracelet. A BFF takes more priority over a regular friend, after all." Akira casually landed the finishing blow with a smug smirk. Yuu's face went red.

I took a second to not choke on my food from how funny he looked. I've never seen Yuu so angry! Oh yeah, this was a good idea. Forget about the real Akira for now. He's a good obstacle for Yuu.

"I-It's first come, first serve!" Yuu yelled with obvious aggravation. "Right, Haru!?" I nearly choked again from being suddenly pulled into the conversation.

"I don't mind wearing both." I smiled obliviously after swallowing the lump of food that was in my mouth. "You're both my friends after all."

"But you like me more, right?" Akira chimed in. "You gave me your number after all. I bet Yuu-kun doesn't have it." Akira lit the fire again after I tried putting it out.

"Akira-kun, are you really bringing that up now?" After I look at Akira reproachfully, I glanced over to see Yuu's reaction.

It took everything in me to not laugh out loud right then and there.

Yuu's face was so red from anger that he looked like a tomato. It really didn't help that he was puffing out his cheeks, too. He looked like a fresh, plump tomato. It's was really too cute. The game should have really had a CG like this, man!

"Haru, give it to me, too!" Yuu demanded like a child. I had to hold my hand over my mouth to hide the huge smile taking over my lips.

"Pft, only those worthy of Haru can get his contact info." Akira rubbed his nose with pride and looked down at Yuu. Yuu pursed his lips.

"Haruuu." Yuu gave me puppy eyes as he looked up at me. I choked at the sudden cute expression.

"Haru!" Both guys stood to attention as I coughed.

"Drink this!" Yuu pushed a bottle of water in front of me as Akira patted my back. I took a gulp and stopped dying.

"T-Thanks." I spoke to both of them as I wiped away tears.


What? What is it? Why're they silent?

"Guys?" I questioned as I continued rubbing my eyes from annoying tears.

But before anyone could say anything, the bell rang. I rubbed any remaining tears before packing up.

"I need to go. I can't make a king wait, right?" I let out a helpless chuckle as I stood up.

"But, Haru—"

"Yep, you gotta go!" Akira cut Yuu off as he pushed me to the door. "No time for anything else. Nope. None at all. Bye! Don't freeze to death! Or get sentenced to death!" Akira yelled after me as I walked down the hallway. I glared at him over my shoulder.

As I walked to the library, I pumped myself up. Okay, listen, be useful, and stay out of the way! But more importantly, I gotta be warm and kind and give praise. That's what helped the MC, so that's gotta help me!

Let's do this!

*** Omake ***

Oh, how I want more!

His pretty scrunched eyebrows! Those beautiful watery eyes! Those cute red cheeks! His wet full lips! That expression!

I want more. I want to play. I want to see expressions only I can see, only I can cause.

But, I need to be patient. Once Akira's out of the picture, it will only be a matter of time.

Haruka Suzuki, you will be mine.

Uhm, so I have found out I can't receive votes for some reason after I posted this chapter. I thought maybe it was because I put some Japanese character in it, so I reuploaded the chapter since it refused to update. I don't think this'll fix the problem, but I thought to try. Next chapter will also be uploaded today, though! I'm sorry to have wiped out past comments!

SkyHighLimitscreators' thoughts
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