
We Have Become girls(Cross gender)

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This is the story of 4 members ( from which 2 are boys and 2 are girls) who are professional detectives. They got involved in an most mysterious case and when they got the main clue they accidentally travelled to parallel world. But when they travel to parallel world , there gender interchanges , boys turn into girls and girls turn into boys. They have travel to school children's bodies as they were 16 years old. But they don't know that because of this case only they travel to that world. But they got too many problems when they got travel into each other's bodies . Now boys were happy to go in girls body but girls were not , they get an whole new chance to enjoy their childhood and hence they end up loving each other's. Authors thought:. Guys the first 1-12 chapters are kind of their old world means the world where they were detectives so don't be bore I will try really soon to send them to parallel world.

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Chapter 1Detectives of Parallel World (1)

"I hear that Mr.wei is going to give us more information and clues about 'LOST GIRL CASE' " some police officers said while giving a serious expression on their face.

"And Mr.wei is also going to introduce new members for that case"one person said who was sitting beside them.

"If Mr.chairman choose some members then they must be not common " a few people says.

After few minutes-

The two guards open the door and one big man with four bodyguards around, come near to the stage. The whole crowd got up to give respect to them. He then got to the stage , and when he see the audience in front of him he was shocked he see that half of the police officers and detectives of China came here , to visit him that much crowd.

" Thank you for coming to this grand meeting, I will get straight to point, we have got some clues and information about 'LOST GIRL CASE' and I'm really sorry for that girl who lost her life in this case.But to investigate this case more deeply we have brought some some international detectives".

"Then by not wasting too much time meet our first member Mr Li Jun".

Then suddenly the spot light focus on him everybody sees a tall , handsome guy with dark black hair and with dark black suit and a cheering smile on the face. This was a perfect guy for a girl.

"He lives in China but he get his education and detective job from Israel. As you all know that Israel is the most powerful country and it has No.1 Detectives from all over the world and I'm thankful that li Jun had come to ous to solve the case."wei said while having a light smile on his face.

Li Jun then walk towards the stage and sitted on the chair.

Then Wei turn towards the Audience and introduce another member"Then meet our second member who is most beautiful and of course most dangerous, meet Ms.Ming ".

Then once again all the audience turn back to look for a girl they see a girl wearing a black jacket with pure black skirt which revels her long beautiful legs.

"As you can see she is most beautiful as well as the most dangerous for those guys who think that no one can catch them" wei's sentence had a hidden message but everybody finds out that he was talking about criminals.

Ming sit on the chair beside Jun .

"Ah.. we are running out of time so meet our third and fourth members Li Qiang and Liling " Wei said in hurry.

and once again all the audience look backwards and saw to people coming towards the stage.

Li Qiang was a tall guy with white shirt and grey pants and pure black watch and a specs and a warming smile on his face which totally suits him.

And on an another side Liling was a normal girl with great figure and great clothes which totally suits her.

"Li Qiang is also know as the greatest inventor as he make too many inventions and Liling on another side is a silent girl with great capabilities of finding the clues , Thanks for coming here"

Qiang sit beside Jun and Liling sit beside Ming.

"ok now introduction is over now our main meeting begins now about 'LOST GIRL CASE' " Wei said with much pressure from inside .


'LOST GIRL CASE' starts five years ago.

Five years ago there was a girl named Dai Tai.

she was the third intelligent girl from China and because of her intelligence she was getting offers from oxfords Universities and other. so she decided to go to oxfords Universities for higher studies.

After six months past when she get free time she then come back to China . As she directly landed on Shanghai she had to get to her hometown which was far away but when she checks trains and buses she was surprised that all of them were delayed so she decided to rest tonight in Shanghai.

She then find an four star hotel named 'Heavens treasure'.

All the rooms were pack so she got the uppermost room . Next day she saw that climate was no good as the news say that There will be rain in common six hours and all. the busses and trains had been delayed, so she decided to stay in that hotel for two days.....

After one week one people from same hotel discovered that that water flow had gradually decreases and some red color water is also coming so the manager decided to send an plumber to the uppermost door and check in water tank.

When the plumber got up there and open the tank he saw Tai floating on water and the water beside her was totally mixed with her blood.


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