
Chapter 20

"We have decided that for this lesson of foundational hero studies you will be supervised by a three man team consisting of me, All Might and somebody else. "

"I guess it's that time" Shino mumbled to herself. She was sitting with her head on her desk barely listening to Aizawa until that moment.

"Mr. Aizawa, what will we be doing? " Daichi questioned curiously.

"Be the hero everyone needs be it a flood or natural disaster. Today's lesson for foundational hero studies is the trial of rescue "

At the reveal there we're murmers through out the class. Shino was quiet as she stared ahead of her. It was that time already. Situations were increasing in danger and getting more serious. The days were flying by unexpectedly fast.

"Unlike the last time it is entirely up to you whether you wear your costume or not. Some of yours might not be suited for the situation" As Aizawa spoke the compartments containing their costumes started to open. "The place is a distance away, so we'll be traveling by bus. You have ten minutes to get ready"

"Alright everyone let's move" Shino stood and took charge. "Those who plan on wearing their costume get to it. The rest can immediately head to the change room"

Everyone decided to wear their costumes apparently. Just as before Shino was the first of the girls already dressed in her costume and standing guard at the door.

There was a lot of things that could go completely differently on the trip. She would make sure to be prepared for it all. None of her classmates would be harmed and neither will her teacher. She'll do her best against the villains today.

"Shino, are you alright? You seem deep in thought"

Shino looked up at Momo with a small smile playing on her face.

"I'm perfectly fine, just thinking about all the cool moves I could show off today. You know, give you guys a show"

Momo smiled at the cheerfulness Shino should. She must have been worried for no reason.

"What kind of situations do you think they'll put us in? "

"It depends" Shino shrugged. "Tsu, you would be great in a flood zone. Uraraka would excel in a place littered with debree, maybe a natural disaster. Momo can adapt to any situation. I'm sure everyone has a situation they would be suited for. Our teachers might place us where we're in our elements, or they might just do the opposite to build us up"

"You think of everything, don't you? "Mina asked.

"I try" Shino pushed off the door seeing as everyone's already dressed. "It helps to be prepared"

Everyone gathered outside and patiently awaited their teacher. Shino and Momo stood in front of the bus ordering everyone to stay together.

"Shouldn't we stand in pairs? "Iida asked with a hand in the air.

"No. This isn't that type of bus so it would be useless "

Soon Aizawa arrived and everyone filed into the bus. Shino took place in the back and opened the window for some air. Izuku took place between Sora and Katsuki to prevent any squabble from starting up in the bus.

"Yagi. There's something that I noticed and I'm one to always state what's on my mind" Tsuyu said sitting across the red head. He nodded signaling her to continue. "Your quirk seems like a mixture of All Might's and Scarlet Witch"

Sora grinned at the statement and chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, yeah. Asui is right it does really look like a combination of both. It's like you have two quirks" Kirishima said in awe. "I'm kinda jealous. Your quirk is super flashy while mine Isn't"

"You have an amazing quirk Kirishima" Shino said with a serious look on her face. "Don't look down on it like that. You don't have to have a flashy quirk to be a great hero"

" "Pros" You know Heroics has a lot about it that's like a popularity contest. My navel laser is both flashy and strong enough for the pro level"

"But it'll be depressing if you're stomach collapsed "

"If we're talking the double whammy of flashy and strong you gotta mention Todoroki, Bakugo, Yagi and Midoriya" Jiro said.

"Bakugo is always angry and has this sinister aura around him. He'll never be popular" Tsuyu said bluntly.

"You stupid frog bit-" Katsuki was set ablaze in anger, but Shino webbed his mouth shut before he could utter another word.

"What did I tell you about being so loud? " Shino grumbled. "Don't get angry at Tsu for stating facts"

"It's only been a shot while since we've known each other but already we can tell that your personality is like a turd getting steamed In a clogged toilet that could be found in a sewer" Kaminari said teasingly.

Katsuki shouted some words that Shino knew were very insulting. The webbing on his mouth prevented anyone from suffering through that.

"What a vulgar conversation " Momo sighed from beside Shino.

"But it's so hilarious! "Uraraka was in a fit of laughter.

"You should be used to this by now. You've known Katsuki for a couple of years now" Shino said to Momo.

"Even so. I doubt I'll ever get used to such foul language "

Shino raised an eyebrow. "Would we not be friends if I talked like that? "

"No, I would still want to be your friend" Momo said immediately after the question was asked.

"But you can't stand vulgar language. How could you be friends with me? "

Momo looked at the teasing smirk on Shino's face and tried really hard to suppress the redness on her face.

"Because you're Shino"

Shino chuckled and leaned into Momo's shoulder. "I'll take it"

"That's a lie! "Sora exclaimed in a fashion that would make you think that Shino had committed some outrage. "We all know it's because you both l-"

A web was shot at his mouth immediately shutting him up. He still tried to talk and his words were iincoherent.

"Did you have to do that? " Kaminari asked.


"Those webs of yours seem very strong. Do they come off? "

"Obviously. But unless I get rid of them they will remain for over seven hours" Shino explained.

"She once hanged those two on a tree and left them there. They had to hang there for hours" Izuku said with a smile in remembrance.

"Hey Todoroki" Shino called. "You got an answer to my question yet? "

She got no reply from the boy and only smiled.

"Take your time"

"What did you ask him? "Jiro asked in confusion.

"A question " Was Shino's reply as she fell into Momo's lap. She casually placed her feet on the three boys sitting next to her and closed her eyes. "I might take a nap"

Katsuki was yelling something while Sora seemed to be laughing.

"Please don't " Izuku pleaded.

"Settle down back there. We're almost at pur destination " Aizawa was clearly annoyed with all the commotion in the back of the bus.

"Yes sir! "

They were at their destination as Aizawa said and soon filtered out of the bus and shuffled into the building. Shino stood in the back of the group as thirteen started to explain what the place was. As thirteen spoke Shino fidgeted with the device on her wrist. The web shooter was made to produce webs when or if Shino met her limit. It also increased the electricity flowing though her natural webs as long as she has it on.

"Welcome to my humble abode" Thirteen said with spread arms, presenting the training area in all it's glory. "This is a practical training area that I created to simulate all Kinds of accidents and disasters"

"It's name is the ultimate space for jams"

Shino always found the name amusing. Space for jams. She didn't understand why it made her want to laugh so badly. It just did and she suppressed her laughter as best she could. The only person to notice her silent laughing fit was Momo.

"You seriously find the name funny? "

Shino nodded with her hands over her mouth. It took her a minute to calm down and regain her breath.

"I have no idea why. It's just so hilarious to me"

Shino was aware of the conversation between the two heroes. All might went over his limit. Of course he did. He's All Might. The embodiment of irrational actions when it comes to being a hero.

"Before we begin just one thing or two.... Or three... Maybe four" Thirteen continued to count up until he passed ten completely. "I'm certain you are all already quite aware, but my quirk is called black whole. No matter material may get sucked into its vortex I'm afraid it will turn into dust"

Shino sweat dropped when she noticed the practically buzzing Uraraka next to Izuku. It seems she was overly excited about meeting her idol that she could barely contain herself.

Izuku and Akio praised the quirk for being very useful in disasterous situations.

"Yes, so it may be. It is however also a power that can be used to kill people and in that way it's no different from the quirks of everyone here. Naturally in this society of superhumans, quirks are strictly regulated and the requirement for their lawful use enforced. "

That is the make up of this world Shino found herself in. Eighty percent of the population posses some sort of superhuman ability. It does not matter what it is, what matters is what it can do. Every quirk, no matter how weal or insignificant could be a danger to the user and those around them. Each quirk has the possibility of killing someone. Shino knows this better than anyone. Every thirty minutes or hour Shino has a high chance of dying. The one thing keeping her alive is the sugar she depends on. Shino sighed and pulled her scarf higher up her face. She wasn't one to think of such depressing things. She had purposefully pushed those thoughts to the back of her head and did not like that they were resurfacing.

She must have been emitting her dampened mood because Momo looked at her worriedly. Shino didn't make eye contact, only pulling her scarf up even more.

"Please don't worry" she muttered. "I'm fine. It's just some stray thoughts"

Momo didn't look convinced, but she didn't press forward. She knew how Shino can get. She likes to deal with her emotions on her own and if she can't handle them she'll seek her out. She always does.

"Let's get to studying about how to wield our quirks for the sake of human life! Your quirk Emphatically does not exist to harm others. Please leave this exercise fully understood that your quirks exist to help people"

Thirteen was very inspiring and got the whole class hyped up. Even Shino had a small smile on her fave despite her change of mood.

"That is all. You have my gratitude for listening so intent-.... "

Shino didn't pay attention to anything after that. There was a familiar tingle in the back of her head and she gripped her fist knowing that the time had finally arrived. She took Momo by the hand and pulled her close.

"Shino, what's wrong? "

"Danger" Shino stared at the quickly expanding portal a good distance from them.

"Sora! Form a shield around us immediately! "

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