
The origin of Yozu Brief

Along the mysterious plane of the soul realm where the souls of the DxD verse would roam around until they finally reached the gates of rebirth where their memories would be cleared away leaving a blank soul, it was not known since when but a group of souls entered this cycle through a spell cast by Masaru Belial who intended to start his Trial set by Origin from DxD world. During the process where they were sent to reincarnated in a specified world but everything went astray when two glowing orbs were clashing against one another, one was red and the other was white. Whether it was intentional or simply by a miracle, the clash between the two orbs who fought for the rights of Masaru Belial's soul as their new host diverted the planned route for his and the girls to reincarnate in.

It was difficult to determine how much time had passed till the soul eventually reached a destination for its rebirth, by the time King Yemma the God in charge of judging souls to go to heaven or hell was too late to realize a soul from a different dimension intruded his system and forcibly reincarnated itself. "My dear *bleep*" King Yemma cursed for the first time shocking the workers and even the souls beyond belief as they never saw this man curse once in his life. "Get the men to investigate which system this soul came from! Hurry!"

Meanwhile, how the process of reincarnation works could not be explained in human words but the soul that reincarnated itself took a human baby inside a human mother's womb that had yet to receive a soul. It has been a three years after being born, the baby turned out to be a boy and his name was Yozu Kayama, he was born with black hair and azure coloured eyes of which his eye colour was mostly influenced because of the sacred gear within his body.

Although he did not have common knowledge when he became aware of his surroundings and only held knowledge about the sacred gears which is lodged within him, his mind was still able to mature faster compared to average children. [Ey White one, it appears we ended up in a real pinch] Ddraig muttered as he glances at Albion who nodded with a solemn expression, [Who would have thought I would share hosts with my greatest rival! How are we suppose to have our destined fight now?] Albion pouted as he complained, Ddraig only chuckled as he looks at the world from Yozu's view [Maybe, this might not be so bad]

"Have I really become crazy" Yozu muttered to himself as he could hear voices in his head but then he remembered the knowledge he retained, 'Sacred gear huh?' [That's right young lad, you appear to have greater luck than my previous tit sucker hoster] Ddraig muttered, [Agreed, even my butt loving partner can't contend with your unreasonable lucky to have both of us within your body but it will become a problem if you don't deal with your weak constitute as a human soon] Albion added, Yozu who heard this was confused.

"Since you both mention a problem it means you can fix it right?" Yozu decided to test the waters as he could not entirely understand his situation from his limited knowledge, [The solution is simple, you will have to offer up your heart for the both of us and we will transform it into the heart of a dragon, it will help you grow stronger naturally and by the time you are old enough to train. You will have a fit body] Ddraig explained although Yozu could not understand what everything meant, he knew this red dragon gave him an answer "Let's do it" Hearing his answer without hesitation, Ddraig felt guilty for some reason.

Even Albion felt a sharp pain in his heart as he could not understand, just why does it feel like the two of them were tricking a child. [Since you agreed we will begin the process, both me and Albion will be working on this so you will be falling asleep so you will not experience the pain during the process] Ddraig explained and once again Yozu did not understand a thing but accepted it as he slowly fell asleep in the playroom in the Orphanage.

"Yozu!, Oh there you are" The matron of the Orphanage was an average looking middle age lady wearing a housecleaner outfit since it was cleaning day today, when she came close she noticed Yozu was sleeping "Aiya, you should have gone to bed big boy" She muttered with a smile as she picks him up and took him to his room. She never took notice of the extremely faint red and white glow that disappeared instantly from Yozu's chest, a new heart was beating and along with each beat, dragon aura was pulsed within his blood throughout his body to nourish his bones and muscles.

It was only later that day Yozu woke up feeling his body was much more vigorous than before, [With this we can finally relax neh White one?] Ddraig spoke with a relieved voice as they were in a pinch if the sacred gears activate the boy would have exploded, [Now we can finally sleep for a while, we deserve it after all Red one] And thus the two dragons went into hibernation mode, no matter how much Yozu called out, they were in deep sleep.


Two more years have passed and Yozu became five years old, he was adopted by Dr Brief and Panchy who came to visit the orphanage they were sponsoring only to find how smart Yozu was compared to other children. When Yozu was brought to his new home he almost lost his jaw on the ground seeing how massive it was, 'To think my adoptive parents are the owners of the Capsule Corporation!' Yozu thought.

Dr Brief felt proud seeing his son admiring his company he built with his own hands, he places his palm on Yozu's shoulder "You must ensure you study hard Yozu if you can satisfy my requirements. I won't mind making you the heir of Capsule Corporation" Hearing what his father Dr Brief said Yozu felt his blood was boiling form excitement, but suddenly his sight was caught at a cute looking girl with blue hair tied in a ponytail wearing a capsule corp logo shirt, short skirts with white sneakers.

"Oh Bulma, come here and say hello to Yozu who will be part of our family" Dr Brief spoke towards Bulma, however, Bulma herself gaze turned into stars when she saw how handsome Yozu looked like 'My prince from the storybook arrived!' Bulma thought excitedly but since she did not want to make a bad impression she walked towards Yozu proudly before greeting him politely.

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Bulma" Bulma spoke with a warm voice which shocked Yozu but made him feel happier, he had someone whom he could talk with. "Nice to meet you, my name is Yozu" Yozu greeted Bulma back while flashing a bright smile towards her, Bulma muttered to herself "Yozu, Yozu, Yozu" It was only when her mother giggle "Fufu, it appears Bulma is quite pleased with Yozu, isn't she darling?" Panchy covered her smile as she could not help but feel relieved.

Dr Brief chuckled, "Yes, could it be we have to make them engaged?" Hearing this Bulma became excited, "Fufu, they are still young. Let's wait for a bit more dear" Panchy light tapped Dr Brief's back as a jokingly scold, Bulma slumped her shoulders as she felt she lost something but it was only a moment later she realized she only needs to grow up and make sure Yozu will not take notice of any girl other than her. 'He is my prince!' She declared to herself.

Yozu who did not realize the girl whom he found to be cute to have him locked down as her chosen one, was currently figuring out how he could train so he could activate his sacred gear earlier. With the sacred gear, he could ask his father to study it with him and perhaps modify it, although it was Gods creations there is always that one in a million possibility they could alter it since Yozu was a bit concerned about the side effects of Juggernaut driver.

He was after all not confident in controlling his emotions if someone close to him were to die, even if it is far in the future. "Well let us go in, tomorrow we will have to do shopping for Yozu" Dr Brief spoke before he added while slapping his forehead "Dear can you and Bulma take Yozu to buy his clothes? I forgot the stakeholder meeting tomorrow" Hearing this Bulma became excited "Mom-mom Let's do it!" Even Panchy began to giggle at her daughter's eagerness, "Very well"

Yozu who saw Bulma was looking at him with starry eyes wondered if his charm is too effective. When Dr Brief entered the house with his wife, Yozu followed after them with Bulma following after him. "Whoa!" Yozu looked around the house seeing several miniature robots moving around the house cleaning which was quite a sight to behold, he even caught one of them to look at them up close.

Bulma felt eager as she began to explain clumsily how the robots work, Yozu nodded while listening to her since some of it was quite easy to understand. After that Yozu went to play together with Bulma since it was his first day in his new home he could at least spent some time with her while he learns the layout of the house.


The next morning Yozu was taken around the entire West City, despite being young he had the opportunity to learn what it means to do shopping with ladies. Yozu looked at the amount of shopping bags that were pushed into the back seat of the car, 'I wonder if I will be able to finish wearing this clothes before I outgrow them' Yozu thought while shaking his head, he did not want to disappoint his adoptive mother Panchy who is extremely kind and patient with him.

It was the late afternoon they finally returned home, the robots came to carry the bags from the car into the house. "Yozu, be sure to try the clothes on so we can send those back that doesn't fit you okay?" Panchy reminded Yozu with a smile before heading to the kitchen to start preparing for dinner.

[White one, you sensed it right?] Ddraig spoke all of the sudden, [Yeah Red one, there are no angels, no fallen angels... Maybe devils? But it sure does not feel like devils we know] 'What are you two talking about' [The previous world we came from, looks like we are in a completely different world Yozu! We have to spread our domination far and wide!] Ddraig declared while Albion scoffed [Just don't go Oppai dragon again...] Hearing Albion's words Ddraig begun to cry [Noooooo!!!! I hate boobs!]

Yozu ignored the two dragon's conversation from that point onwards since he had no memories of another world he considered this to be his first although by having the knowledge about the two sacred gears he knew he did have a previous life but did not care to unravel it. He felt content with his current life when the door open revealing Dr Brief Yozu became excited as he went over to his adoptive father.

"Oh! Yozu, how was shopping today?" Dr Brief spoke while Yozu carried his suitcase for him, Yozu explained his trip together with Bulma and Panchy with a smile. Dr Brief could see this adoptive son of his had a request so he did not shy away "What do you want from your father?" Yozu paused as he turned to his father, "I wish to learn Martial Arts, as they say, a healthy body means a healthy mind. With a strong body, I can study twice as hard"

Dr Brief laughed hearing this but he nodded, "Very well, I have an acquaintance who knows of a well known martial arts master who can train you. But you will have to study during your free time okay?" Hearing this Yozu nodded feeling quite relieved that he managed to secure a method to help him grow stronger so he could unlock his sacred gear as well as it's abilities.

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