
Thermonuclear Energy

White noise silence. That was all Ava could hear despite the distorted laughing faces of Matriarch Lin, Auntie Martha, and Olivia. She scanned the room and her gaze landed on her beautiful, innocent son who's no longer crying. Her beady eyes softened and her curled fists loosened up when Finn laughed along with them. 

"Finnie boy," Matriarch Lin clapped her hands in glee. "You just added another decade to Grandma's life!"

"Forget about that, Finn. Okay? Mommy was just giving daddy a massage," Auntie Martha chimed in and winked at Ava.

The spotlight then returned to the star of the afternoon: The sobbing dumpling mess Finn.

Olivia wiped the tears on his face and squished the little guy in her arms. She wanted to tease Ava too but she realized it was the perfect distraction for her grandma and auntie from their nagging so she just rode along the waves.

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