
New Form

Momo and the others feel nervous seeing Xin hit by multiple Cero in that distance, they know that even Captain level shinigami can die just one Cero much more than tens of them.

"Don't get nervous, I'm fine," They then heard Xin voice inside of the dense smoke and dust, they felt relief that he is fine.

But the Gillian did not stop, they started to charge Cero again, this time, all the Gillian around that encircling them started to charge up.

Not only Gillian also the Adjuchas start to charge up Cero in close distance, while the low-level hollow start to sacrifice themselves to block Xin.

Xin knows that he will can't survive if a hundred Cero hit him, even if he survives a half-dead condition while the other surely dies from impact or it.

Xin waves his hand and starts to write a strange symbol in the air.

"Self Made Art: Black Box"

"Self Made Art: Earthen Barrier"

"Self Made Art: Great Wall"

Multiple barriers start to appear and reinforce the origin barrier protecting Momo and others.

Momo and others felt something is not right, why Xin protecting them while he is still outside of the barrier.

"Xin fast came inside," Momo nervously said.

"Xin came fast before the barrier was complete," Renji said.

Xin gently smiled at them then made a strange hand seal and a gigantic wall of earth enclosed them inside leaving the gentle smile from Xin's face the last thing they remember from this accident.

"NO XIN!!" Momo shouts but it's too late, they already lock inside of the multiple barriers that Xin made.

Seeing that the Barrie finally completed, Xin finally felt relief, at least they were safe inside until the other arrived.

After all, Xin doesn't know if his plan is going to be effective, he doesn't want to gamble the life of them with him.

He then takes the Hood of God that he tied on his waist. It's almost 15 years since he last used this item, he doesn't know if this will be useful in his Soul form.

"I hope it works," Xin murmur.

"Hood of God"

The Hood of God in Xin's hand starts to shine, while Xin's body shrouds with a blinding light, the Cero that is about to hit him evaporates when it touches the light around Xin's body.

When the light fades off, there is a tall handsome man standing in Xin's position , blood-red eyes, elegant eyebrow, long eyelashes, chisel-like face, white porcelain skin, and long silky white hair that reaches up to his waist.

There is also a pair of six-petal flower-shaped hairpins on his hair pinning his long bangs away from his face.

Wearing standard shinigami uniform with silver-colored long-sleeved captain's haori that only the Captain can wear.

But Xin captain's haori is different, there's no number behind him but there's the Fei family mark on it.

Xin who transforms to his older self looks at his new form, he is pretty surprised that the seal that restrains his power is gone.

But there's no problem for his overbearing Reiatsu, it seems that his power is not affecting the Human world at all, not like the others.

And there's also change to his Stone Staff, it seems it's calling him to awaken his form.

"Staff That Obeys One's Will"


The crack around the body of the staff starts to spread again, Xin style gript it and with one abng, the stone around the staff finally falls apart.

The staff's true form, Shikai form, finally shows the world. A gold color staff with a dragon and cloud carving around its body.

A gold round in both ends that can easily be held with both hands or even one hand and a sense of weightlessness.


Ding! Congratulation successfully active the first form of Staff That Obeys One's Will


Xin grip it and wave it casually, with one wave the staff extend to the fullest and smash hundred of hollow to bits.

Low level Hollow, Menos Grande, Adjuchas, nothing can stop the crushing power of the golden staff.

Xin waves his hand and the crack in the sky starts to close while the other Menos Grande tries to forcibly open it.

After a couple of tries, Xin failed to close it by using his own spiritual power, it seems that he can still fully control his new form.

"Well whatever, let's just clean the mall out," Xin jumped straight up to the sky then he moved.

"Fourth Style - 'Hundred Layered Waves'"

Like fireworks exploding in the sky, numerous golden straight lines shot in different directions hitting every single hollow around.

Every wave dozen of hollows eliminates every move he easily crushes the iron-like body of them.

Xin who looks like a harmless being is like a true Shinigami, reaping all the unfortunate souls he encounters.

Meanwhile, Xin who is bussy cleaning all the hollow around doesn't know that there's 2 parties watching him from somewhere.

"It seems that the mission failed,"

"So do you think Captain wil log in to get angry?"

"No… i think he will be happy that we discover a potential threat for our plan,"

"But still, that kid really encloses in a wall of mystery, he even has the ability to remove the seal inside of him."

The other men look up and said," Let's go, I felt that the other Captain is about to arrive,, we can't stay here,"

The man nodded and disappeared with his companion.

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