
Chapter 3: Combat Training with Valkyries (1)

After hearing my answer, A satisfied smile on her face then she bend down and hugged me. In response to this, I also hugged her back. Because in past life, I was an orphan who does have anybody who I tell my relative. All I want my whole life is to fill this gap of loneliness but I died without fulfilling my wish. But this is a second chance in life to enjoy the love of a mother and father and I will not let it pass…

After staying like in the hugging for some time, we released each other and at her and asked her about the important thing. She looked towards me and said

" I want inform you about that there will banquet in the two days time and there will guest from out of Asgard. And this will be your first meeting to outside of Asgard as princess of Asgard. So I want you to make a good impression to them and behave properly in front of them. And more thing, do not be for the banquet. "

" Okay, I will be on time "

After replying to her, I walked out of the door and walk towards my room.

While it been some years since my rebirth so many thing has happen. To handle the future problems and difficult situation, I have devoted my most time in studying books in library and doing combat training.

In Asgard, the young Asgardians were given real combat training 2 or 3 years before he or she came to mature age which is 16 years old. But before that they are train in running, swimming, wrestling on daily bases to challenge their body and bring their true potential out. They are also train in basic combat moves of hand to hand combat and weapons. And I have completed my physical training and in real combat training for about one and half year.

Sometime in past, I've asked mother to teach magic to me. But she looked towards with angry look and said with voice

" Magic is very dangerous , when your old enough "

" I wil teach it to you "

After that day I didn't ask mother about it for not making her angry

After coming to my room, I got changed to combat armor and came to training ground of the palace. Including to train with the normal asgardian soldier, I have requested to train with valkyrior which is a group of elite valkyrie warriors who serve my father Odin's direct orders. There were two reasons for this request, First my curiosity to see them and Second is because they one of the forces who deal with outside forces and missions. So it will be easier for me to collect more information from them. I want to be ready, when the time come for my future plan.

When I arrived at the ground the valkyrior were have started their daily training. Multiple beautiful ladies who are dressed in silver armors were present horning their combat skills. When I arrived there an voice sounded which annoyed me…

" It's time you came princess or I have thought something happen to you like you fallen on head an became idiot. "

I looked towards the source of voice and a mature women with grey hair came into my vision who has a playful smile on her face. This women was known as Freya and she was an former valkyrie and is the goddess of Fertilty. She is also the trainer of the new valkyrie's who teach them combat, First I thought of bursting my anger but resisted it by gritting my teeth and then towards her with smile face and replied

" Ohh is it I thought trainer Freya will take time to get to the ground due your old age. I will be arrive on time but for the look of it your quiet fast for your age. "

She look towards me with deep light brown eyes for sometime and said

" you got some sharpness in your tongue,we'll see if your sword is also sharp as tongue as tongue. Your Father, our King has order us to train in real combat to be efficient in it. So I will treat you like any valkyrie here and don't except to special treatment to you because you are a princess of Asgard.


I looked at her with my green eyes and said to her my full enthusiasm

" Understood "

" Okay, Get in line. "

After that, I walked towards the back of line and stand straight face facing towards Freya. Waiting for her instructions. She walked in front of the group of people and said loud voice

" Attention, Valkyries "

" We play an war game now to train in your efficiency in it. But before that you should know there are many thing keep in mind which are in war fear is first enemy, Fight with not only with your courage but also brain and most important of all survive. "

" Okay, I will choose two leaders from the group. First will be Brunnhilde and the second will be Hildergarde. Okay you both will choose Warriors from the fourteen female's . So start choosing you don't much time or I'll choose for you."

They both looked each other and at the group and then Brunhilde was the first to choose.

" Valtruta "

"Gerda "

"Sygnet "

" Grimgerta "

" Rossveissa "

" Hilda "

" Leita "

" Mista "

" Princess Hela "

" Sangrida "

" Mist "

" Grimgerta "

"Hercara "

" Axe "

Trainer Freya looked to the Ladies who have been divided in two group and said

" Okay , Warriors have been divided and now you have fifteen minutes to prepare. "

I was in Brunnhilde's group with other remaining valkyries, I looked towards all of them and then to the girl who opposite to me, her height was smaller then rest of the girls in the group .

I was going to ask her name when Brunnhilde said in a voice which was not loud and not too quiet

" So from what I know about Hildergarde, She is a brute who only knows how to use her strength and her sword. So I think she will attack us from front with full power without holding back. So due you anyone have any opinion or any ideas. If so tell me now. "

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