
194 Celeste II

(First and foremost i would like to thank "King of Mortal" for helping me edit all the chapters including this one.. he will also be editing all the previous chapters for better flow and gramar error.. hopefully with his help ill be able to bring more chapters in..)

Arielle encouraged herself, as this is the first mission given to her by her new Boss Arc. "Yosh! Let's do it," Arielle was trying to encourage herself. 

She remembers the time they almost went extinct, the desperation and hopelessness the feeling of powerlessness as she witnesses her family dying one after another. She looked at herself in the mirror, she had changed a lot not just physically, but also emotionally and mentally... 

She owes Arc a lot, no! all of Celeste owe Arc so much, not just by rescuing them but by giving them a new purpose in life. Under Arc, the Celeste race has a chance to be revived once again. And so she vows to serve Arc with all her might. 

She was very envious of those people close to Arc as they can help him a lot. Although she was given high rank and an important duty within Specter, oftentimes she felt useless, so she mustered all the courage she had to request for the Celeste race to prove themselves, and the battle with Marius and Darius is the first step to it. 

She wanted for the Celeste Race to become Arc's royal guard and his most trusted subordinate Race. She knows there will be more races who will pledge themselves to Arc, and being the very first subordinate race, they have a considerable advantage and she plans to use it fully. 

She hurried to Specter's hangar there, all of the Celeste soldiers are getting ready for the battle. They are not new to this kind of situation, but for some reason, many of them became nervous about the battle. 

"Kita... What do you think are chances against the enemies?" 

"Does it matter, even if our chances are slim we will not hesitate to fight, we are now Master Arc's royal guard, and we must do everything to complete his missions, and besides I am looking forward to this battle, I want to test my upgraded mech." Said Kita

"Well, I know that Master Arc has many powerful subordinates, so we must prove ourselves worthy of the trust he has given us..." Said Ella

"That's right, stop asking foolish questions and just get ready,  princess Arielle will be here any second." Said Kita. 

Ella hearing that immediately stopped asking, and starts making preparations. 

This order excites each and everyone of the Celeste's they have been training hard day in and day out waiting for a chance to prove themselves. And now finally they have a chance to, how can they not be excited. 

And although they called themselves royal guards, Arc himself never officially acknowledged it. So for it to become official, they have to work very hard and overcome all the trials Arc would be giving them.

At first, many of them were against the Celeste becoming Arc's subordinate race, but over time they realized how lucky they are and how big the opportunity that was given to them. They all saw the video of Arc's group's last battle with Graff. They were all at awe, especially when Arc awakened his ability completely. 

They are a warrior race they all idolized the strong. And they all know young Arc is just at the start, imagining it gives them goosebumps.. So all resentment about becoming a subordinate race under Arc completely disappeared and replaced by respect. 

Arielle, as she walked towards the hanger, continues to formulate countless battle tactics for the upcoming battle, and as soon as the Gideon army arrives, they would start the battle. 

When she arrived at the hanger, she saw her beloved citizens now soldiers under Arc all lined up and ready. She nodded in approval... 

My fellow people, this is a golden opportunity for us. Today we are going to fight enemies of master Arc, and we will win the battle and prove ourselves worthy.

After giving a small speech, all the soldiers are pumped up for a fight. 

And soon enough, Gideon arrived and stood beside Arielle, he too was looking forward to this fight. 

Battle formation…


Battle preparations complete…

Arielle continues to receive the report. 

In order for Marius and Darius to be completely trapped, she placed many prison field devices all over the battlefield, and nothing was overlooked... It's a perfect example of using a nuke for hunting a rabbit. 

Over a thousand soldiers are lined up waiting… cannons and other weapons are deployed, drones and droids are on standby... 

Eve watched as Arielle made preparation and could only shake her head but didn't say anything else. 

She also secretly recorded everything she believes her Boss would be happy to watch it later. 

And soon enough, Marius and Darius unknowingly walk into hell prepared for them. 

15 minutes and that's all it took for the battle to finish from start to end. It would have taken even less time, if not for Marius and Darius using all their trump cards. 

And the most amazing thing is that it became like a sports fest, as thousands of soldiers were cheering for their team who was fighting Marius and Darius, and for every enemy killed the soldiers roared in cheers... Even those in the specter are affected by the atmosphere, as they also cheered for every enemy killed or defeated... And when finally Marius and Darius are defeated, they cheered and for over a few minutes, and only stopped when Arielle and Gideon appeared to signal the end of the battle and announce they won the fight, which resulted in another loud cheer. 

They seem to forget how overwhelming their powers are compared to their enemies. What's important is that they won perfectly, Arielle and Gideon have a huge smile on their faces. 

And Eve, well she was speechless... She can't wait to show the video to her Boss and saw their reaction... For some reason, the moment she got a physical body, she became more human, not just in thinking but also the way she acts and responds.. She didn't know whether it's a good or bad thing, all she knows is that she likes it. 

When all this was happening, Arc was on his way to the swamp. The moment he gave the job to Arielle, he put that on the back of his head as he trusted Arielle and besides, Eve was also there, so he had nothing to worry about. Worst comes to worst there's still Specter to finish the job. 

It didn't take long for them to reach the swamp. 

"This should be the place Boss.." Said Ruby. 

Arc nodded. He then released many scout drones, while Ruby and Jem looked for the way into the ruins. 

First and foremost i would like to thank "King of Mortal" for helping me edit all the chapter including this one.. he will also be editing all the previous chapters for better flow and gramar error.. hopefully with his help ill be able to bring more chapters in..

editor: King of Mortal

Gravedaggercreators' thoughts
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