
Chapter 196: Boruto’s mission

After finding out more about the changes in Konoha, I let Naruto know of the feast I wanted to throw for my return. I didn't want to make it a big deal but considering the circumstances it made sense in a way. Before I went home to prep, Naruto invited me to his home to meet his family. When we arrived Naruto already told me about Boruto but he told me that he wanted to surprise me. Unfortunately, I already knew that he had a daughter as well but I didn't want to ruin his surprise.

Naruto: Guys, I'm home! I brought someone with me! Come meet'im! Oh, hello there Sararda, Mitsuki.

Sarada & Mitsuki: Hello Hokage-sama.

Sarada: (Mitsuki) Who is that with the Rokudaime?

Mitsuki: That is Sarunokami Sage, the Demon of the Leaf. You can tell who he is by his insane amount of power, the "Heaven" symbol embroidered on his back and his monkey tail that he was born with wrapped around his waist.

Sarada: That's the Demon of the Leaf?

Sarada used her Sharingan, although still immature with one tomoe, to try and see through me. I looked at her and only blinked with my Ginga Rinne Sharingan quickly. Sarada quickly put away her Sharingan and fell to the ground.

Mitsuki: Oy, what's wrong?

Sarada: I only looked at him and for an eye blinks worth amount of time he looked at me back.

Mitsuki: What were you able to see?

Sarada: A void.

Mitsuki: A void? Like nothingness?

Sarada: No. Have you ever looked at the night sky when it's clear and just looked at the stars and vastness of space?

Mitsuki understood the reference and helped Sarada stand back up. Boruto and Himawari emerged from the doorway

Boruto: Dads home!

Himawari: Daddy!

Both children came running to tackle Naruto. Hinata came from the back to greet Naruto and I. Hinata seemed as warm as she was in the original, I see that motherhood might have reverted her to her original personality, until …

Hinata: Boruto! I know that are happy to see your father coming home early, but you have a responsibility to your team that has been waiting for you to get ready.

Boruto: It's only a C-class mission Mom.

Hinata: That's the only way to to gain trust into doing harder missions. If you don't like it then prove your strength like your father or Uncle Sage when he was your age.

Boruto: I don't even remember Uncle Sage, even if I did, there's no way he's stronger than Dad, Grandpa, Grandma or you mom. Even cousins Ryu and Rose are super strong not to mention their Moms and their Grandpas.

Naruto: Oy, Boruto, show some respect to your Uncle Sage. Who do you think raised Ryu and Rose?

Naruto knocked Boruto on the forehead. I laughed and smiled at the father and son connection they had. Since Naruto was much more responsible because of my influence, his work progressed faster which led to him being home during important matters and spending more time with his family. I guess without the douche in him, Boruto is a somewhat normal kid. Himawari came up to me while hiding by her father's leg and stared at me with curiosity. I smiled at the little girl and waved at her.

Naruto: Sage-nii, this (Picking up Himawari) is my daughter, Himawari. Himawari, say hi to Uncle Sage.

Himewari: Hello, I'm Uzumaki Himawari, welcome to our home.

Sage: (Warmly smiling) Hi Himawari-chan.

I rubbed her head gently. I saw Boruto approached, looked at me up and down.

Boruto: So you're my Uncle Sage. Well, you are tall but you don't have that particular aura that strong guys exude.

Naruto: If he did let loose that particular aura, do you think you would still be conscious right now Boruto? All the training I gave you and you can't understand that you cannot judge anyone by their appearance alone. Looks like we need to retrain.

Boruto: Aww, come on Dad.

Himawari: Onii-chan must be happy.

Boruto: Hima, shut up!

Sage: Let me know when you do train, maybe we can knock some sense into him.

I said with a slight aura. Boruto was spooked for a bit before running off with his team to do his mission. I sat down with Naruto, Himawari and Hinata. I explained that I planned to hold a feast for my family and invited them. I also made sure to drop by Hiruzen jii-san's house and invite them as well.

The feast was not until two more days so I wasn't in a rush to collect ingredients from Toriko's universe. While there though, I made sure to bring along Ryu and Rose, not only to expand their perspective but for training as well. We only spent one day in Toriko's universe but it was worth it, considering the techniques that needed to be used and how to apply for the ingredients that required them. When we returned, there was a slight panic as Naruto came to find me.

Naruto: Nii-san! I need you to do me a favor.

Sage: What happened?

Naruto: The mission that Boruto went on was an escort mission. While escorting, they received an SOS from their group leader, Konohamaru. They abandoned their mission and found a blimp crashed on our borders where Konohamaru was supposed to be.

Sage: Then what's the problem if they only went to rescue and not engage. Wait, they engaged, right?

Naruto: Right. Their comms went silent and they have been gone since you left.

Sage: Ok.

I knew that Naruto position required him to mostly stay in the village so I didn't bother bringing him along. I sensed around for their energy signatures and found them near foreign Chakras. I teleported to them. Boruto and his team were in a cave resting.

Sarada: Boruto, Mitsuki, someone is here! Get ready!

Sage: Stand down!

The three were standing guard with their sensei, Konohamaru, on the ground hurt and the scientist they were supposed to escort. In the original storyline, Konohamaru changed for the better when he met with Naruto. Fortunately Konohamaru is still the same because Minato was the Hokage which left Hiruzen jii-san more time to spend with him and teach him the Sarutobi arts. While he was being taught by Hiruzen jii-san, I also taught him a few things since he was my cousin thus having deep respect for me.

Konohamaru: Sage-niisama! You came back, ugh, I knew that there was no way you died, haha.

I flashed next to him and fed him a Senzu bean. Konohamaru healed immediately and stood up. He hugged me right after. After calming down, Team seven told us what happened and about the robot puppets that attacked them when they were investigating the crashed blimp. They found some type of capsule, although it was empty, it had a USB port which they extracted data from. While there, they were attacked by Ninja Tech puppets and Ao right after, the former aide to Mei, the Godaime, at the time. My mood changed when I heard the name.

Apparently, the trio, along with the person they were escorting, Katasuke Tono, met with Ao earlier on the train. They were going to the same location and rode on the same car together. They got to know each other there so it came as a surprise when they were attacked by him.

Sage: I guess my wife might be pissed at me after this.

Konohamaru: Oh that's right! Ao used to be Mei-sama's aide when she was the Mizukage. Don't worry Sage-niisama, I will be your witness.

Boruto: Former aide to the Mizukage?

Mitsuki: Terumi Mei, now Sarunokami Mei, one of the wives of Sarunokami Sage.

Sarada: How many wives does he have?

Mitsuki: I'm surprised your mother never told you, Sarada.

Sarada: Told me what?

Mitsuki: His other wife is your mother's master, formerly known as Senju Tsunade the Slug Princess and one of the Sannin (Three Sages).

Sarada: WHAT?! Tsuande-sama's husband! Dammit Mama, why didn't she at least show me a picture? I knew she was married but I never seen him this entire time so it must have slipped my mind.

Boruto: So Dad was right, I guess he is a big deal.

Mitsuki: More than that. Make sure to watch and learn as much as you can from him.

Sage: It seems at least one of you is well informed. How's Orochimaru?

Mitsuki: My father is fine, thank you for asking.

I used telepathy to reach out to Mei. As much as I don't mind killing Ao, I love my peace at home most. Since this will create some conflict if I don't say anything to Mei, I would rather let her know before I do kill him.

Sage: Babe.

Mei: Yes.

Sage: I don't know what you know about your former aide, Ao, but it seems he is about to die.

Mei: Why are you going to kill him? He's already retired and an old man.

Sage: Apparently, he is somehow involved with the group that kept me away from you guys for 10 years.

Mei: Destroy him!

Just as I finished confirming with Mei, Ao walked through the entrance of the cave. I doubt he forgot about me but he most likely knew that I was gone for a few years so he might not know I was back. I hid my presence as best as I could even though I knew he has a Byakugan. The deeper he walks in without checking who is here, the better the surprise will be.

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