
Chapter 134: Meeting up to break up

There was no mistaking the happy expression on Shinigami when we clashed. I dodged all her attacks and felt my strength leave me after every contact. Maybe that was her power, to drain life, but I was wrong, I activated my Ginga Rinne Sharingan and without blinking, she disappeared in front me to be behind me. This is must be a time stopping power! Of course, to control death is to control time, and death's touch is to drain life, meaning energy and vitality. I laughed as I assessed her powers. Her speed was nothing to scoff at, Death was either slow or swift.

Shinigami: You seem like a worthy wielder but you still haven't earned my approval. Reaper's touch!

When she did that I staggered as the draining technique was quick and expanded rapidly. The world we were in was covered in the technique, making it difficult to evade. I was pondering, what was she trying to accomplish? I already said her name but that was merely a bit of what she wanted. We continued fighting to what seemed like days, days turned to weeks, to months, to years, to decades and so on. I still haven't figured it out after being worn down for so long. If this continued I will seriously die. When I thought that, it dawned on me. I was going to die, Death. She did not only wanted me to know who she was, she also wanted me to accept her for who or what she truly is. I stopped fighting and powered down as Shinigami slashed through me, cleaving me in half. I saw her radiant smile and I smiled in turn knowing I made the right choice.

After blacking out, I woke up with a raven haired pale skinned beauty laying on my chest. I looked at her and held her tightly.

Shinigami: Even in death, your heart beat was not erratic. You accepted me whole heartedly.

Sage: How can I reject you? "It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live." – Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo.

Shinigami smiled at me and giggled as I was returned to Oetsu's forge. As Oetsu struck his hammer for the last time I rushed past him and grabbed on to my Zanpakuto. The heat emitting from the blade was great as it was searing my hands. Oetsu pointed out that to finish the blade I have to cool the blade in the water surrounding the forge.

Sage: I will need more water than this Oetsu-san. Flood this place!

Oetsu: What?! But… Alright!! Ladies, let the water roll in!!

Water rushed and started to flood the walking strip to Oetsu's forge but it didn't get much of a chance as the water was quickly evaporating. The ladies, his other Zanpakuto, yelled out that the water was now gone. I had no way to cool her except use my reserves. I used my Shokubutsu (Food Immersion), created a Kagebunshin (Shadow Clone) and had the clone use Suiton: Dai Bakusui Shoha (Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave) infused with a massive amount of Ki, Haki, Magic, Reiatsu and Chakra, duh, to create a tremendous volume of water. The water was still raging from my clone until it poofed and was gone. The final bits of water evaporated but it got the job done, the blade was cooled and my Zanpakuto was done.

All that was left to do was to fit the rest of the pieces, which were the Tsuba, Habaki, Fuchi, Samehada, Tsuki, Tsuki-ito and the Menuki. I finally got to see the Kashira, which was a Hannya with heavenly clouds surrounding it. The Saya or the scabbard was tri colored, consisting of Red, Black and White. I am guessing that Senjumaru made the wrappings and chose the colors on my Zanpakuto. I knew how it was going to end up but I was still in awe of it. I asked Senhumaru to remake my current clothes as well just so it can be a little special but considering that I just have a Zanpakuto and am not a spirit body then the clothes will do me no good. It was fine as long as my Zanpakuto was done.

I then went to Kirio to eat and regain my used up Shokubutsu. Because she didn't have enough Reiatsu to feed me I made some food that I had stocked up and gave her some pointers as well. With my Zanpakuto in hand and my belly full, I headed out to meet up with Ichigo's group. I told the Royal Guards that I will see them later, sensed around for Ichigo and teleported away.

Sage: Hey guys! Hows it goin?

Everyone but Ganju: Sage-san!!

Ganju: Who?!

When I reached Ichigo, they were in the Reiatsu made cannonball. I basically intruded in. I broke everyone's concentration when I appeared causing the cannonball to fluctuate and eventually break apart. Before the cannonball broke and everyone was sent to different places I made sure to switch sides with Chad at the very end and send him to a different location. By doing that I would be the one to fight Kyoraku Shunsui, Captain of the 8th division currently and the strongest Captain aside from the the first Division Captain and Captain Commander, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni. I can at least test out Shinigami in her sealed state.

Other than changing Chads course, everyone else went to their original places to meet their original opponents. Unfortunately though Ikkaku is going to get his ass handed to him because I saw Ganju and his face was still fucked up since he met Ichigo. Now I can only guess what he did to Jidanbo. I didn't crash land like the others but I quickly made sure to see if anyone was there so I masked my Reiatsu and presence. I didn't really sneak through but casually walked past everyone who didn't have enough strength to perceive me. I let that condition through so I could fight people with a certain amount of power, unless they only have powers to perceive.

I reached the location where Chad one punched the third seat of the eighth Division. I was standing right in front of him and he just looked past me to see if he could spot an enemy. I shook my head, I guess the only one worth it is the Captain. I purposely revealed myself and he attacked. I pinkie flicked him away just as Chad punched him. I didn't want to fight him but I did want to at least alert Kyoraku and his Lieutenant, Nanao Ise. I knew where he was so finding him wasn't a problem, I did want to try the Sake he offered Chad in the original though.

I was passing the courtyard and about to go through the archway when Kyoraku finally said something.

Kyoraku: Quite fast. It seems that besides my Third seated Officer you left the rest alone. Are you too nice or did you want to save your energy?

Sage: Why pick on the weak? As for your third seated Officer I wanted you to know I was here.

Kyoraku: Well, well, it seems I'm the one being underestimated.

Sage: (Smiling) Yes, very much so. It also seems that your lady attendant there had no clue I was here until the third seat went flying, so it's not too much of stretch to say that half of you were not aware I was here.

Kyoraku: (Lifting his bamboo hat) Nanao-chan, for real?

Nanao: Hmph. I was the one that informed you that a Ryoka landed in our division's side I just didn't know when he would arrive.

Kyoraku: It's not like he hid his presence because he was trying to conserve energy, he was looking for a fight. If you didn't notice him until he beat the third seat then you must not be practicing enough.

Kyoraku was know to be a womanizer and loved to tease his Lieutenants, who have been women like Yadomau Lisa and Nanao.

Kyoraku: Well since you are here, I will introduce myself. I am Kyoraku Shunsui, Captain of the Eighth Division of the Gotei 13.

Sage: The Ryoka, Sarunokami Sage. If you don't want to get hurt I suggest you move aside Kyoraku-san. I can tell there are other people that are willing to fight.

Kyoraku: Haha, you're right I am not willing to fight but I must. How about we drink? Like friends?

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