
Big Fish

The next day inside the Grand Lisboa Casino in Macau, four men dressed in Armani suit stood stoically at the corner of the gambling site. They were like four lions searching for prey in broad daylight. Even the guards inside the casino did not dare look at them.

"Well, good thing I bought several skills related to gambling moments before we came inside here. I need to let these rich folks admire me in order to give them a good first impression. Follow me, it is time." Cale smiled evilly.

Cale also removed the mask before they arrived in the casino and left it inside his private jet. He believed that no one was checking on his whereabouts at the moment since the name 'Wolf King' was not known yet. But everything will change in a few months' time.

He exchanged one million for chips and headed towards the blackjack table.

An old man in a luxurious silver suit was playing at the table, he puffed rings of gray smoke from his tobacco pipe that looked like the renowned 'Smoking Dragon' which was at least eighty-five thousand dollars. He looked benign and easy-going as he joked with the people at the blackjack table.

The old man and the others saw Cale's group moving towards the empty seat.

Cale smiled at them and sat casually at the empty seat. Brogen and his men then put some of his chips on the table.

"Do you mind if this little one plays with you sirs?" Cale asked them while smiling brightly. The women that were escorting the older men looked at him in admiration. This handsome young man was like the man in their dreams, dashing and cool.

"Good! I'm also tired of winning, don't disappoint me, young man." Said the benign old man after puffing small clouds of gray smoke.

The others merely smiled and told the female dealer to start the next round.

The female dealer looked at them and said sweetly "You may place your bet."

The older men placed their bets after thinking for a moment.

Cale, on the other hand, looked at the card shuffler in front of the beautiful female dealer. Using his keen eyesight and senses, he saw everything inside the machine. He saw that the first card was an ace of spades.

"Kid, place your bet." Prompted a middle-aged man who was playing with them.

Cale smiled and said "I was just thanking my lucky stars in advance. Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen."

The older men's lips twitched and their brows furrowed slightly, but they remained silent and waited for him to place his bet.

According to the sequence of the dealing cards, he would get a blackjack and receive triple his bet.

Cale smiled and told Brogen to place all his chips.

"One million. All in."

The older men at the table were speechless at his guts. The benign old man laughed heartily and said "Good! Finally, someone with the guts to play big with me."

He then slowly inched the upturned card away while maintaining his smile.

"Blackjack! Looks like my prayers were heard. Haha." Cale laughed lightly while looking at the female dealer who looked liked she had swallowed crap.

His one million had become three million, what easy money! However, without the skills from 'The Black Market, as high as his guts might be, Cale would never have dared bet all-in.

"Sirs, please place your bets." Said the beautiful female dealer while forcing a sweet smile.

The game continued for several rounds in thirty minutes. In eighteen rounds, Cale lost eleven times and won seven times. But whenever he lost, his bet was just five thousand chips, and when he won, his bet was at least one million.

The big pile of chips in front of Cale made the older men gape in shock and the beautiful female dealer broke out in a sweat.

"Looks like my luck is not too good this time. To think that I lost eleven times." Cale had a look of sorrow on his handsome face which made the people around him want to beat him senseless. He won more than ten million and he still dares say that his luck was bad? Then how about their crappy luck?

"Let's go exchange the chips. That would be enough for today. Thanks for the wonderful time gentlemen." Cale stood up from his seat elegantly and gave the people at the table a bright smile.

They exchanged the chips for cash before they went out of the casino.

"Sir, I thought we were fishing for big clients, why did we leave the casino?" Asked Santharus.

Cale glanced at him and smiled "We already hooked the bigger fish. It is not too good to remain there, the people inside the casino might investigate us after winning more than ten million from them."

"The bigger fish?" Santharus muttered to himself.

Cale just smiled and ignored him as he led them towards the terrace outside.

Moments after, a benign old man walked towards them. Four men dressed in black tuxedo followed behind him. Each one of them was at least six feet tall and their eyes were as sharp as swords.

"Four former elite soldiers, this old man's background must be quite complicated." Cale thought as he studied the group moving towards them.

"Sir, those guys are not simple. Each one of them is least as strong as us if not stronger. As for that young man, I can't read his strength level." Said the former military corps commander beside the benign old man doubtfully.

'This guy, I can't read his strength. This only happened once when I met our military instructor. Is his strength level the same as him? Impossible! He might be just an ordinary man.' Thought the former military commander after studying Cale several times.

The group was at least 20 meters away from them, but Cale was able to hear their whispers like they were just right beside him.

"Oh, isn't this the gentleman from the blackjack table? Hello sir, I am Cale, it is a pleasure to meet you." Cale smiled brightly as he stretched out his right arm towards the old man.

The old man shook his hand and smiled kindly. The wrinkles on his face became even more visible after giving that smile. "Good lad, this old man's name is Fujitora Sekoujo. I am Japanese, but I grew up overseas."

Cale smiled inwardly 'The big fish took the hook.'

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