

In any case, as long as Joe didn't smile maniacally and wield my mom's kitchen knife, I'd be able to hold myself from lopping his head off—but let's just say that if I really wanted to, I could do just that. But while we were on the topic of murderous tendencies, I was surprised by Joe's second move—which was a lunge—and it was not about the lunge itself but because he didn't even bother to pick up his shield.

This would sound weird coming from me but a shield was just as important as one's primary weapon be it an axe, a club, or a sword—because it had more uses than to defend oneself.

It can be used to deflect, block, and parry blows usually but it could also hide one's next move, a good 'ol shield bash, or even be used as a throwing weapon if you represent America for having the best ass.

And now, with half of Joe's loadout away from his known fighting style, it may look like we were on the same standing but we were not.

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