
Conclusion - Weird Kick

As the fighters went into their corners for a minute of rest, just to be fair to Cindy, Tatiana and I didn't go to Alexa's side but Tatiana threw her a thumbs up for her nice execution. The particular "trick" Alexa's been performing was simple and yet its simpleness was the thing that was making it so effective.

Granted it was a bit slower than a normal kick, but if she started to mix it up with normal ones—which she already did—it'd just be a toss-up between their reflexes and reaction time.

Then we heard Jeremy's voice:

"It's all in the knees, alright? That's the trick but it's up to your noggin' and a little bit of luck to go against it."

"You saying I'm dumb?!"

"Psh. You're smarter than me but you never use it, that's the problem. I dunno why you're asking for advice right now but the best way to go about it is just to experience it. Either that or just keep her locked out by making her guard."

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