
Ecko - Training

Nikolas and the rest of his team looked at me with surprise when I told them that I would be taking their whole team.

"What? You think I'm not serious about doing it? Hah! If it wasn't obvious already I'm severely lacking people which are more combat oriented than most folks. I've been training some of them with Tatiana and a few other people but it would always take some time. I could give a few orders to the soldiers at the DDR Camp next to us but they would follow the president's orders over me. Well, I'm working on that too but it's best to always have a backup plan." I said as they gave pensive expressions.

"Artem is a different case though." Nikolas chimed and the others seemed to share the same opinion.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Uhh, how should I put this he's a bit… eccentric?" Mikhail answered.

"I'm the definition of eccentric, isn't the short time you've been with me proof enough? Next?" I replied.

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