Shin and Arthur chatted for quite a while, although it was the latter who mostly did the talking while the other listened attentively.
Arthur poured out everything that was stuck inside his chest, which made him feel at ease. It was as if a huge rock had taken off from his shoulders and chest.
Not long after, the two felt that it was now time to go back. Arthur sat up as he said. "Let's go. It still has a few things that I need to do inside the game."
"Speaking of which, I heard that your character is in the middle of the ocean. How are you going back to such a place?" he added as he remembered what Alice had told them inside the game.
Hearing that, the corner of Shin's mouth suddenly twitched as he suddenly whipped his head to the side. "Say what?!"
Arthur shrugged his shoulders as he started narrating all the events that happened inside the game while Shin was away.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: