
Battle for Top 1 (Part 2): A Great Set Up.


The audience stand of the 'Battle Royale Arena no.423' is starting to get packed. More and more scouts from different Guilds are starting to enter the stand when they heard the news that there are 3 Potential Titled Rankers in this Arena.

But that was not the only real reason why they came here, it is also to have a look at the player that have the same battle standards as some Titled Rankers.

This player have created a couple of sensations in the game already. And just recently, he beat a High Ranker before coming on this place, which is also another reason why these scouts from the powerful guilds are here to keep an eye at him.

And now, he is currently dealing with a group of three Potential Titled Rankers together with his clones. And what's more amazing on this battle is this certain player is manually controlling his clone while simultaneously controlling his own body in the battle.


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