
Chapter 1


I turned around to see what was making so much noise, and noticed I overslept. I hurriedly got out of bed and turned off my alarm. Then I ran to my closet and grabbed a white button up shirt and some ripped black jeans. I grabbed some black shoes and ran to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and gave my self one last look in the mirror to make sure I had everything on right. Then I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast and started running for the door. I was almost out, when my mom told me to come to the living room.

"What have I done now?" I sighed and headed towards the living room.

When I went into the living room I saw my principal, and his son Scott aka the most popular person in school. But that wasn't the thing that bothered me. What bothered me is that my mother was sitting so close to the him.

"Mom, why are they here?" I said trying to stay calm when my principal wrapped his hand around my mother's waste.

"You didn't tell him?" my principal said.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." my mother squealed.

"Didn't tell me what?" I said anxiously.

Scott was sitting a few feet away from my mom and his dad, and when I asked he smearked. He seemed to find my uneasiness amusing. It took all my will power not to smack that smeark right off his pretty looking face. WAIT, what am I even talking about he isn't cute and I'm not gay. I looked away hastily, hoping he didn't catch me looking, but no such luck. He started chuckling, and my face turned bright red. I glared at him, but he just laughed at me more. I'm so glad my mother finally started talking, because it ended up breaking all the tension....most of the tension. While my mother was explaining, I stole a glance at Scott and he caught me. He smiled the most prettiest smile I have ever seen. I was frozen in place. It seemed like nothing could brake my gaze from him.... Until, I heard the ending of my mother's explanation.

"Brian, this is your new stepfather Henry. And that is he's son Scott, your new stepbrother. There going to be staying here with us, so be nice."

"WAIT, WHAT!!!!???"

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