

Ken looked at Nezu and said: "My quirk seems like the transformation quirk but actually my quirk is the Mutant quirk"

"Ehhhh! MUTANT QUIRK, How is that possible?" said Present Mic with a very surprised voice.

Nezu also felt surprised but he controlled his urge to shout out and pretended to be calm and said: "Ken can you explain it more clearly?"

But All might stood up from his seat and said loudly "How the hell is that possible? I have surely seen your student data before I taught your class."

Ken looked at Nezu and others said: "How should I explain that more clearly? You have already known that my quirk as the transformation to demons but what you didn't know is that every demon I transformed without side effects, my body will be transformed into that demon physique that I have considered conquered. Currently, my body physique is compared to bat demon. So how is this explanation sound?"

Nezu smiled and said: "So that how is it then you can go back to your home now Ken."

Ken said thank you for your time then he walked out of the meeting room and he walked back home.

In the meeting room, Nezu, All might and Present mic took some time how to decide the quirk of Ken. After a while, Nezu said to All might and Present mic, what do you think of the words of Ken?"

Nezu said: "I think what he said must be pretty much true but his quirk reminds me of quirk singularity case that is written by some professor but I don't remember about his name. So the best way to know the reason is to connect to the professor who wrote that quirk singularity theory and we can collect more information about that case" All might and present mic agreed with that and Nezu tell them to go back to their classes"

After got back home, Ken cooked dinner for both him and Midnight. After cooked the dinner, Ken took bath and he was relaxing in a bath.

When he was relaxing, he fell asleep but while he was sleeping Midnight entered the bathroom with an only bath towel and she was about to wash the back of Ken. When she saw the sleeping Ken, she entered the bathroom quietly. After she entered the bathtub and looked at Ken who was sleeping, she pouted and thought how much of Ken was relaxed that he didn't even know that there was an additional person in the bathtub.

Then she looked at the chest of Ken and looked down below and saw that the lower part of his body can't be seen because of the bubbles in the bathtub.

She felt like she wanted to dive underwater and thought not like I wanted to look below the bubbles of Ken's body.

She dived underwater and looked toward Ken's body and she saw a black water dragon which was swimming quietly and when she looked at the dragon she saw that the dragon was also looked back at her so she became startled and she got out of her head from below the water. She came closer to Ken and thought she will wash Ken's body in his place so she grabbed the soap. She rubbed the soap to Ken's chest and she wanted to go below but she felt a hand stopped her from moving. When she looked at the hand, she saw a hand of Ken was holding her hand and she can't pull back her hand. She looked at Ken who was holding her hand and she saw the smirking face of Ken. Suddenly Ken became serious and he hugged her body to his body and rubbed her hair gently while saying you felt guilty because you can do anything when I was being questioned by Nezu and other heroes, right? You don't have to feel guilty as I am not holding against you and this is also not your fault. Then she felt the poke from her thigh but she didn't say anything and she wanted to continue to feel the patting on her head by Ken. When she was relaxing while hugging, Ken was doing his best to hold back from pushing her down as he felt the rising dragon from his little brother and his little brother is raging like a bull and wanted to run toward the secret garden freely.

When Midnight was relaxing the hug from Ken became tight and she felt Ken tongue licking on her neck. As soon as she felt that she felt like melting from the kiss from Ken to her neck.

Ken who was licking on her neck also felt like the neck of Midnight was like a lollipop which never he will get tired. He felt a pair of hands push his chest and he let Midnight push his chest and make her looked into his eyes as he coming close to her face. And he touched her lips with his lips while his pair of hand was roaming every part of her body. As he was kissing, he invades his tongue to her mouth and violated her mouth from inside to outside. Then suddenly Midnight broke the kiss from his kiss with force and she moaned while said something is coming out.

Ken felt the tremble from Midnight and when he looked at her, he saw she was exhausting while putting her head on his shoulder and like she had gone thought a very hard exercise.

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