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After said that Ken flew toward the nearest place and he saw Momo and Jiro have been attacked by a villain who uses electric.

When Ken saw that he dived to that villain and delivered a kick that made that villain became one with the ground.

POV of Yaoyorozu Momo and Kyoko Jiro

I and Jiro-san are being forced to take a defense that villain who uses electric as his quirk and he is not like Kaminari who can only use electric to stun or the area effect that involved both enemies and friends. But that villain can shoot the electric for a small distance from his hands and from the start, this villain only released that electricity from hands to attack so we thought he can only use his hands to attack u. But as the battle intense I created a lot of things that counter the electric and Jiro use her quirk so we used the technique of one in defense and the other in attack. But as if the god has made fun of us for being taking easy with the attack to villain. That villain used an attack that used all the remaining electric from his body and released that to us. Although I able to create a rubber shield that doesn't flow electric but I don't have enough time to create the shield that can cover both of us and one of my arm and a leg of Jiro have been hit by his electric and that alone made us became paralyzed. I and Jiro reduced to the state of can't even move a muscle. And that time I thought we are goners but I heard that weird sound "THUD" and the ground around the villain went deeper to earth along with that villain. After that, we heard the feet stepping sounds and we saw Ken standing in front of the two of us with a smile and walked toward us and said "You two have a particular hobby. Sorry for interfering but can you two move at least mouth so I can know the situation you two have currently in and I can decide what I need to do to help you"

POV ends

After Momo and Jiro heard what Ken said they wanted to hit head hard as he can't even see that we are paralyzed by the attack of that villain. But they can't hit him as they can't even move a muscle so they have to wait until they can move again and give Ken a punch or a slap to his head.

After a while, Momo and Jiro able to move again and they were about to thank Ken for his help and give him a slap to his head but when they looked at the surrounding they saw a group of heroes and they heard Cementoss said "Two paralyzed girls have woke up and they are fine without any serious injuries"

"Can you two stand up? If you feel uncomfortable somewhere you should go to the medic" said Cementoss.

Momo and Jiro looked at Cementoss and said "Don't worry sensei we don't have any injuries that need immediate treatment"

After confirmed that Momo and Jiro were fine, Cementoss went to other students and checked the injured ones.

Momo and Jiro looked around and saw that there were many of their classmates have arrived here and resting or taking the cure from the medic and recovery girl.

After looking for a while Momo and Jiro didn't see Ken so they went to the Kaminari and asked "Kaminari, have you seen Ken?"

Kaminari who woke up from his idiot state looked at Momo and Jiro answered "I haven't but I heard Ken help teachers to locate students who were currently spreading in various area of USJ so I think Ken might be somewhere in the USJ searching for the missing students"

When Momo and Jiro heard that they became disappointed and went to somewhere they can sit and wait for Ken.

Some students were saved in one by one or some in a group as pro heroes saved or found them from the places that Ken has directed and after about 2 hours all the students were saved and the police also came and arrested the villains.

Nezu grouped students in front of the USJ and after checked that all the students have been brought safely in front of the USJ. Nezu looked at students and said "Except for Ken Deabru all the remaining students have been brought in front of USJ safely so you guys get on the school bus and wait for going back to the school and we will bring you all to your home along with the explanation to your parents"

Mina hand up and asked Nezu "Headmaster, where is Ken right now?"

Nezu said "Ken is a special case and is the only one who is in touch with the boss of the current attack to the US so we are about to ask him what the villains and who is the boss of this attack and who is behind this attack so that we can take countermeasure so that we can protect you more flexible"

Class A students heard that and became surprised and Lida Tenya said to his classmates "Everyone in this situation we shouldn't give the teachers more trouble and do what headmaster tell us to do so we should get on the school bus right now"


Students took their seats among themselves and started to talk about today's experiences. Then Kirishima looked at his classmates and said "Do any of you know how Ken gets in touch with the boss of this attack to UA"

Then he saw Mina looked at another way and struggling to should she speaks or not to speak. Asui saw that and she talked to Kirishima not to talk about that matter to themselves and should ask Ken directly.

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