
Winter Star (6)

After each one of them thanked each other, Christian was about to leave first when Alexandra called out to him. "Wait, brother!" She said and ran towards him, Carlos was startled at her sudden action and followed after her. Christian turned around and looked at her, a question mark appearing on top of his head as he wondered why Alexandra called out to him and told him to wait. "Yes?" Christian asked and completely turned around, facing Alexandra who was carrying a wrapped box. "Are you going back to the palace?" She asked and Christian nodded as a response, "Yes, why?" He asked.

"C-Can I go with you?" Alexandra asked, hoping that he would agree. Christian smiled at her, "Of course, are you going to give that gift to father?" Christian asked still smiling at her. Alexandra nodded and smiled back at him, her face beaming with joy when he agreed. Supposedly, Carlos should be the one who will give it to her father but he insisted. She recalled their small talk or conversation earlier.


"Carlos, I have a request," Alexandra started and he gained his attention. "What is it, Miss?" He asked and looked down at her who was looking at the glowing tree while she clutched a wrapped gift inside her arms. "Could you give this to father? Tell him it's from me," Alexandra said and turned her head around to look up to him. Carlos stared at it as he thought what it was but realized, it was Alexandra's gift to her father. His features softened and he faintly smiled at her, "You should give it to him personally," He said and Alexandra's eyebrows creased.

"What do you mean by that?" Alexandra asked in a confused tone of voice.

"What I mean is that if you give it to his highness personally instead of me, he will be happy," Christian explained. "But—" She was interrupted by Carlos.

"Miss Alexandra, I already told you that your father is gradually starting to accept you and love you as his daughter. This simple action will touch his heart and he will be happy, besides, his highness is still awake at this time probably because of work or some other reason," Carlos said and smiled at her.


"Let's go, shall we?" Christian said and pulled Alexandra back to reality. Alexandra smiled at him and nodded before they started walking side by side while their personal knights followed them behind. As they exited the room and went out of the palace, Christian initiated a conversation. "The celebration was fun," While they were walking outside, it was dark, so Carlos and Gabriel used their magic to produce a ball of light and they were able to see properly. It was bright enough for them.

Alexandra took a glimpse from him in the corner of her eyes and she hummed as a response. "I was really glad that you invited me, that was the first celebration I had," Alexandra smiled but then she thought of something. "What about the party tomorrow in your palace?" After hearing her question, Christian had a gloomy expression on and Alexandra regretted that she asked that event though she knows what the answer is. Still, she wants to know what she truly feels or what his opinion is.

"It happens every year but we really don't celebrate together as a family, just like what I said to you a week ago," Christian said. "Is that so..?" Alexandra said, silence surrounded them and Alexandra blamed herself for ruining the mood. The silence felt dull, awkward, and uncomfortable, it feels like she will get crazy if this continues or someone doesn't break the silence.

She opened her mouth to speak but what came out was a mutter, "T-That was the first time I celebrated the winter star with someone blood-related to me, I always celebrate it together with the maids," Alexandra started and Christian heard her just clear. What he said piqued his interest, "So when you accepted my invitation and came, I was happy and overjoyed. It became more fun and lively," Alexandra said and she turned her head around. Their eyes met and she smiled at him, "Thank you," She said.

Christian couldn't help but smile, the gloomy expression and aura he had earlier slowly disappeared. "That was also the first time I gave everyone gifts," Alexandra said and Christian chuckled at what she said. "That's also my first time," Christian said as he chuckled, their mood and the atmosphere which surrounded them felt light. They didn't realize that they already arrived, the palace seemed like it sparkled or glowed, it looked enchanting it seems like fireflies were surrounding the place.

They went inside and climbed up the stairs. Alexandra and Carlos were heading to the floor where her father's office is while Christian and his personal knight, Gabriel headed to his room on the last floor. They parted midway and Alexandra bid him her goodbyes and wished him goodnight before they continued to climb up the stairs. Alexandra walked towards her father's office with Carlos behind her, she yawned because she was already getting sleepy but she needs to do this first before she goes to sleep.

Upon arriving in front of the huge wooden door, Carlos knocked first before he spoke. "Alexandra is here to see you, your highness," After a few seconds, Carlos held the golden knob of the door and he twisted it as he gently swing the door open revealing a brightly lit room with a man behind a desk sitting on a chair with a frown on his face as he read the papers he was holding. Lysander was standing just beside the desk and watched them enter the room. Alexandra had a smile plastered on her face but it was instantly wiped off when she saw the condition her father was in. Dark bags underneath his eyes and a crease on his forehead, he looked very stress.

"Good evening, papa," Alexandra said in a rather gentle tone and gained his attention. He raised his head and his eyes met Alexandra, his features softened and the frown on his face was wiped away. He pursed his lips into a thin line. "What brings you here?" his voice wasn't cold like before but it wasn't gentle, it was monotonous, filled with nothing. A smile crept up to Alexandra's lips, "I am going to give you something," Alexandra said and walked towards him.

"What is it?"

Alexandra just smiled at him and placed the gift on top of his desk. "A gift, happy winter star," Alexandra said and Alexander stared at the wrapped box before he picked it up. His lips formed a subtle smile and his gaze was filled with warmth but it disappeared after a few seconds. "Were your celebration over?" He asked and Alexandra nodded, "Brother Christian is already back and is probably inside his room, we went here together," She said and he hummed as a response.

"I'll be taking my leave now, papa. Have a good evening and don't stress yourself out or overwork. Please sleep, I am worried about you," Alexandra said before she turned around and started walking towards the door. Carlos bowed at her father first before he also turned around and opened the door for Alexandra.

The sound of the door closing resonated inside the room and rang inside Alexander's ears. He tore the wrapper of the box and saw what it was: A dip pen placed inside a case along with some nibs and a bottle of ink. It looked like it was made out of crystal, it looked enchanting and the ink can be seen inside. He actually liked it, "Lysander," He called out to the knight beside him. "Yes, your highness?" He responded.

"Place this inside my room, inside the drawer with my important things inside," Alexander said and handed Alexandra's gift to him. "Are you not going to use it, your highness?" Lysander asked as he stared at the case. "Precious things are to be cherished not to be used," Alexander responded and continued doing his work recalling what Alexandra told him earlier: "I'll be taking my leave now, papa. Have a good evening and don't stress yourself out or overwork. Please sleep, I am worried about you,"

He decided to finish the document he was reading before he goes to his room and sleeps just like what Alexandra told him.


They walked back to the palace, it was dark but they were able to see clearly because of the light Carlos produced with the use of his magic. The sound of the crickets resonated and it rang inside their ears as they walked. Nobody dared to break the silence and Alexandra heaved a sigh. She looked at the sky and watched the stars twinkle.

The walk back to the palace was silent but it was comfortable, Alexandra was tired and she badly wants to lay down her bed and sleep. Alexandra entered the palace and Diana greeted her with a smile. "I guess you are tired today, young miss. Would you like me to prepare you for a warm bath?" Diana said and Alexandra tiredly smiled at her and she nodded. She muttered a 'thank you' and they walked towards the stairs and climbed up to her room on the last floor.

Upon arriving in front of the door, Carlos opened it for them and they let them step inside first before he closed it and he stood still just outside. Alexandra stared at the pile of gifts placed on her couch and decided that she will open it tomorrow. she walked towards the bathroom and entered inside while Diana followed her behind. She took off her clothes with the help of Diana and Alexandra showered first before she entered the bathtub which was being prepared by Diana. It took her 20 minutes to finish showering and cleaning her body, and she entered the warm tub.

It made her relax and she closed her eyes. "Did you had fun today, young miss?" Diana asked and Alexandra nodded quietly. "Well, it was your first time to celebrate with someone other than us," That was also what Alexandra said to Christian. "I'm happy for you, young miss. You became close with one of your brothers and got along with him," Diana said and she smiled warmly.

Diana also noticed that Alexandra was slowly getting along and close with her father, although he would just maintain a cold face just like what Alexandra would usually tell her, it was clear that he is starting to care for her. Carlos would sometimes chat with her and tell her about Alexandra and her father.

After Alexandra took a bath and Diana combed her hair. She immediately went towards her bed, climbed it and laid down. Diana tucked her to bed, "I'm sorry, young miss. I can't sing you a lullaby or tell you a story now, I still need to do some things downstairs," Diana said after she tucked Alexandra. She just smiled at her and muttered, "it's okay,"

"Have a good night and sweet dreams," Diana said before she turned around quickly leaving the room but before she opened the door, she turned off the lights first. The sound of the room closing filled the room. Silence surrounded the place and she stared at the white ceiling of her room.

Alexandra heaved a sigh and rolled around her bed, finding the perfect position to sleep. She was sleepy earlier but now she isn't. She tossed and turned around her bed, making the sheets messy and creased. Where did it go? Alexandra said inside her mind. What she was referring to was her urge to sleep, she was complaining earlier that she badly wants to sleep and lay down her bed yet here she is now, not feeling even an ounce of sleepiness. She, herself, doesn't know why. She groaned.

She continued to toss and turn around her bed not until a sudden voice interrupted her and made her stop.

"What are you doing? You look like an idiot rolling around the bed," His monotonous voice rang inside her ears and Alexandra stopped rolling around the bed. She was now facing him, his usual expression plastered on his face. "Good evening, Harrison," She replied in a rather sarcastic tone of voice.

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