
Special Skill test

Eiro simply sat there, for an hour. Maybe two. The tears on his cheeks had already dried, and there was nothing else coming out of his eyes anymore. He slowly looked up into the sky, "I will kill whoever did this." 

The Demon stood up, pushing aside as much of the scorched wood as he could, trying to find every part of Jura's body. And when he did, he used earth magic to create a new grave for now, "Once I am done, I will come back and bury you properly again, alright? Just hold out for now."

Eiro turned around and spread out his perception. He looked at the footprints on the ground, their depth, size and shape. With a quick sniff, he picked up on the scents of about a dozen people. A large group, most similar in stature and build, with a few outliers.

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