
Passion creates Talent

"All of you, hold your weapons. Those that already have a bit of experience and think they know exactly how to use that weapon, please move over here to the side. The others, step over here to the other side." Eiro told his students. Most of them apparently already knew how to handle their weapon of choice, whether spear, staff, sword, dagger... They had some form of experience. But a handful of students didn't, and they were all just holding regular wooden swords in their hands.

Of course, as Arc was part of this class, he was part of the former group.

"Since I have no knowledge about the level of each of your actual skill, I would like you to form a line, the order is unimportant, and one after another show me a few moves you are confident in. If you need a target, I can make it for you, so just tell me." Eiro explained to the students, who quickly entered a line as they were told.

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