
Poof And You're Gone... For Now


I woke to the sound of ringing between my ears.

Cursing my carelessness in letting that fox use her Technique on me, I slowly opened my eyes in preparation to see the fox gloating at me.

Instead, the first thing I saw was Cai Hong's worried face looking back at me.

"Papa? Papa ok?"

I sat up, looking around me to realise I was seated in a clearing somewhere.

"What happened?" I asked. Did Cai Hong managed to escape the mansion with me?

"The mean fox took Papa…" she cried while holding my arm. "Cai Hong called big sisters and got Papa back…"

Ok… How long was I even out for?

I looked up to the orange-tinged sky.

Since the sun has yet to set, either I was only out for awhile or it had been more than a day since I was unconscious.

"How long was I out?"

"Ummm… A few hours? Cai Hong dunno…"

I patted her head, "And where are the others?"

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