

I reach for my power and smile when I feel it answer my call. I flick my wrists and wind suddenly hits me from behind, aiding me in running away. I'm still not strong enough to do a whole lot right now so I'll take what I can get! 

The Shadow guard's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees Nova taking off at an unreal speed. Her cultivation level isn't that high!! She's still in the first tier!! How can she run so fast!?! He grits his teeth and tries to catch up to the crafty woman.

I run through a short wooded area but when I come to a cliff, I grow worried. I don't think my wind will be enough to keep me from falling to my death... maybe it could save me but it would still leave me crippled if the drop is too high.

As I get closer, I hear the sound of water making me smile. I run to the edge as the Shadow guard suddenly attacks me from behind. I dodge to the left and struggle to keep on my feet as I come to a sudden stop. Panting, I turn around and glare at the Shadow guard. 

He points his finger at me and says "You! You evil woman!! I command you to stop right this instant! Master will be extremely displeased! If you value your life at all, you need to come with me now!" He glares at me with red eyes and spits the blood out of his mouth as I smirk at him.

It's fine, I needed to catch my breath anyway. I grin at him and shake my head while saying "One, I don't take commands. Two, I don't care what YOUR master has to say or how upset he will be and three... I'm running away BECAUSE I value my life! Are you mentally impaired? Who would actually willingly want to be a prisoner..." 

The Shadow guard's eye twitches as he clenches his fist and says "I WILL kill you if you don't come with me." I scoff at the man and say "You can try." I step back towards the edge of the cliff causing the Shadow guard to become nervous.

"You stupid woman! If you fall from this height, you will die! Stop playing around!!" He says with growing panic as I continue to step back. I give him a knowing smile as I say "It looks like someone will have to break the bad news to their Master..."

He tries to step forward so I quickly run to the edge, making him freeze with both his hands out in the air in front of him. "Wait wait wait... okay, I'll forget everything that happened. I won't tell Master what you've done. Just come back. I won't hurt you."

I chuckle at him and say "Sorry but I don't trust liars." I step back and flip him off with both fingers as my body falls off the cliff. His face looks shocked and terrified as he tries to run to me but it's too late. I quickly twist around and straighten my legs as I tuck my chin in.

As the huge roaring river comes into view, I take a deep breath right before I hit the water. I pull air to me as I pull the water up to greet me halfway. The water wraps around me as I quickly pull a huge ball of air to me. 

I crash into the water with a large splash. I try to keep focused as the water threatens to break away from my control but I sigh in relief when the "bubble" holds. It's actually working!! Hahaha! I look around me in shock as I start floating down the large river in my makeshift bubble.

I look up and nod with satisfaction when I see that I'm completely submerged underwater. The Shadow guard will think that I never came up and drowned after hitting the water. I try to control my breathing as the river takes me further away. 

I need to preserve the air in my bubble for as long as I can... I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up. I look around the water to mostly see large rocks and fast flowing water but ever so often, I catch a fish or two trying to swim upstream.

I look up to the surface of the water with wonder. The water up there looks so much rougher than the water down here... If I was trying to swim in that, I would probably drown. I can swim but I'm not a strong swimmer...

Let's just hope I get far enough away so that when my air runs out, I'll be able to get to the side of the river in time. I focus on the bubble and try to think of my next move... I'll have to change my hair color to black to blend in as I try to make my way back to the Demonic Realm.

I don't even know where I am though... Suddenly, the bubble starts shrinking causing my heart to beat faster. Slooooow breathing Nova, slow. Sweat starts to bead on me as I feel the strain from my powers. 

The bubble wobbles causing me to panic! I slowly lift my arms and open my hands to help hold the bubble's walls up. "Come on... just a little further, Please!" I grit my teeth and say "Hold" out loud as I struggle to keep it up.

I don't have to worry about running out of air! I'm running out of strength! Suddenly, the river water starts flowing faster making me frown. Normally I would rejoice with that but... Don't tell me... I squint my eyes as I try to see in front of me but it's almost impossible to see with the current so rough. 

A large rock comes into view at the last moment causing me to curse "Shit!" I try to move the bubble over but I don't have enough strength, especially now that the river is resembling the end of a wash cycle! 

My bubble collides into the large rock, instantly popping! I take a deep breath of air before cold water hits me in the face. 

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