
Three and a half halves

The Hogwarts Express, a red steam machine that Muggles couldn't see, was traveling across valleys and forests, its smoke drawing clouds in its path. Dudley was sitting in his compartments with his roommate still asleep under his coats, covering him up to his face. His continuous snoring could be heard in tune with the rolling of the train. Dudley watched the scenery as it passed by, Lady on his lap dozing peacefully. He and Harry had decided not to share the same compartment. Harry wanted to distance himself from his cousin. Despite their newly common wizardry, Harry still had a certain resentment about their life together and now wanted to flourish on his own. Dudley didn't blame him and even agreed with him. The two boys were not really friends, they were just family. Dudley too was not keen to stay too close to Harry, worrying about coming up against a new wizard fan who would make a scene at his hero's sight, again.

Dudley peacefully petted Lady who purred on his lap when he heard a knock on the compartment door and a lanky boy with short ashen-auburn hair put his head through the opening door.

"Oh! Hello! Hummm... Is there any place? I didn't find any other compartment. They are all full and I came quite late so I'm still searching and I was wondering - if you are okay, of course - if I can take a seat. I don't want to disturb you if you don't want it, I can take the next compartment if it isn't full. I don't want to impose you or anything is not like I won't find another place somewhere or-" uttered the boy very quickly with a soft voice.

"You can sit here." plainly replied Dudley.

"Thank you!" exhaled the boy, relieved.

The boy entered inside, he was not very tall and he was wearing washed-out jeans with a black wool sweater on top and a white shirt underneath. He tried to lift his luggage on the storage rack but it seemed too heavy for him. Dudley sighed as he grabbed the trunk with one hand and easily put the luggage on the rack. The boy watching him amazed and quickly thanked him before taking the seat near Dudley as the other was fully filled by the sleeper.

"Thank you again. It's my first year and I am a bit nervous. Sorry, you don't want me to bother you I suppose. Thank you for my luggage - I already said that. Hum, my name is Terry, by the way, Terry Brooks. Nice to meet you!" articulated the boy extending a stiff hand at Dudley.

"Dudley," he said, exchanging a handshake.

"Nice to meet you- I already said that. Hum Dudley, in which grade are you, if it's not inappropriate to ask? I don't want to impose you-" asked Terry, still tense.

"First-year," said Dudley.

"First!?" replied Terry surprised.

The small boy looked at Dudley astonished and began inspecting him, head to toes. Dudley raised an eyebrow and the gesture made Terry jump anxiously.

"I'm sorry! I didn't want… It's just… Hum, you are very tall. Are you a half-giant?" asked Terry stuttering.

"I'm not," said Dudley

"Sorry! I didn't want to-"

"Ok first, you calm down. I won't eat you. My surname is Dursley, I am in the same year as you. Let me present to you, Lady. Lady, Terry. Terry, Lady." replied Dudley calming down the anxious boy and presenting him Lady.

The boy looked at the cat lifted in front of his face and grabbed her instinctively. Terry was at loss for a moment before calming down by petting Lady who slumbered on the boy's lap. Little by little, Terry was relaxing and finally starting to breathe normally. Dudley watched the two and he couldn't help but think that cats were real people gatherers.

"Better now," asked Dudley

"Y-Yes. Sorry- I already said that. It's just I am a bit nervous. It's the first time I am with so many wizards" replied Terry.

"You are from a Muggle family?"

"No, not exactly. It's a bit complicated. Family's problem and things like that" said Terry bitterly.

"So you knew about wizards before?"

"Before my letter? Yes, my mom is a wizard and my father is a muggle. Although my mom told me about her part of the family and the wizarding world, I essentially went to Muggle school and I am not very knowledgeable about the wizarding world like some others. My parents… well, my mom mostly.... she had a little argument with her part of the family" continued Terry saddened.

Dudley understood there was more that Terry wanted to say, but it was their first meeting. He didn't expect they would become best friends and know about each other right away.

"And you Dudley? Are you from a wizard family?" asked Terry, switching the subject from him.

As for me, I-" began to say Dudley but he was interrupted.

Their compartment mate who had been sleeping until then suddenly got up, revealing himself from under his coat and surprising both Dudley and Terry. The sleeper happened to be a girl with disheveled long red hair, emerald green eyes and some freckles on her cheeks. She was dressed in a long green t-shirt with a sloppy collar that fell off her from one shoulder and a long black short that reached below her knees. But what surprised the other two roommates was the girl's height, which was almost as tall as Dudley by an inch. The redhead had barely taken the time to sit down when she started sniffing like a dog smelling a scent.

"I smell candies" she then said.

"What?" replied Terry, confused.

They didn't have to wait long until the door of their compartment opened revealing a dimpled lady pushing a small carriage full of candies and other sweets.

"Do you wish anything, dear?" asked the old woman.

"Gimme everything you have!" rushed the redhead jumping from her seat.

Not long before, the girl returned to her seat, her arms full of sweets and candies with pasties and chocolate half in her mouth already. She ate her treats eagerly for a while before looking towards Dudley and Terry, her mouth still full of candy.

"Fo arh hu ries?"

"Swallow before talking," asked Dudley plainly.

And she swallowed it.

"Who are you guys?" asked the redhead.

"Yeah, that's better" replied Dudley.

"Eh-Hi! I am Terry and this is Dudley. We are new students at Hogwarts. Nice to meet you. What is your name?" politely responded Terry.

But the girl didn't respond. She looked at Dudley with her head slightly bent over to the side and started studying the young man from head to toe without feeling embarrassed at all.

"Are you half-giant?" she asked.

"Why did everyone say that?" sighed Dudley frowning.

"Because you are taller than me and I am one quarter-giant" she simply responded.

"Wait? You are part-giant" exclaimed Terry surprised.

Dudley, he too was honestly surprised. He didn't expect to really meet someone with a true giant lineage just the moment he went to Hogwarts.

"Yep! And proud of it. My Grandma is a giant and my mom is a half-giant, which makes me a quarter-giant. If I am not wrong, I think …" said the girl thought for a moment.

The girl didn't resume her story and then continued eating her candies. Dudley looked at her while grinning, and thought she was very easy-going. Terry on the other hands was not satisfied by her short introduction.

"I'm sorry, but you still didn't present yourself?" politely asked Terry.

"Hum? I told you, I am part giant" curiously responded the girl.

"No, I mean… You didn't tell us your name." continued Terry frowning slightly.

"Oh! Yes, I forgot…" responded the girl chewing on a candy and lightly hitting her forehead.

Before giving to them a specific answer, the girl ate two more sweets, frustrating even more Terry and amusing Dudley.

"My name is Gwennaelle Bradach! But it's too long to say, just call me Jenna." cheerfully answered the girl.

Jenna, as she wanted to be called, resumed her lunch of candies in front of Dudley and Terry. After another bite, she began to frown.

"And what's your name guys?" she asked.

"We already told you" said Dudley placid, his eyes half-closed.

"Ha? I didn't listen. Can you repeat?"

While Dudley grinned once again in front of the girl's casualness, Terry instead sighed, a bit frustrated by Jenna's attitude.

"I am Terry Brooks and this is…"

"Dudley Dursley" continued Dudley.

"Dudley? That's lame." said Jenna.

"Tell me about it." sighed Dudley.

It must be said that Dudley never really liked his name. Very similar, phonetically, to piglet in his opinion.

"I will just call you Dude" said Jenna

"Suit yourself" responded Dudley also known as Dude.

"Hum? What about my name?" inquired Terry concerned.

"Terry is cool. I like the name" said Jenna

"I agree." followed Dudley.

"Oh? Thank you!" said Terry a bit blushing.

"I guess you are from a wizard family" asked Dudley to Jenna.

"Yep! My grandfather was a wizard who came to study the giants at one time. He never imagined that he would find himself married to a giantess. As for my mother, she met my father at Hogwarts. They got married right after they finished school. Now it's my turn."

"To get married?!" exclaimed Terry.

"She means going to Hogwarts" corrected Dudley grinning.

"Yep. That's what I mean" simply said Jenna smiling a bit.

"O-Of course. That's what you mean" blushed Terry.

Jenna and Dudley laughed, followed shortly by Terry, who was gradually losing his shyness towards them. The three of them continued to discuss together as their journey progressed. Little by little, the trio got to know each other slowly. They discussed their future schooling at Hogwarts, their concerns and expectations. They talked about the things they liked, their curiosity about magic, and other diverse subjects. Together they shared the treats Jenna bought, tasting Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans in turn and discovering which famous witches or wizards their chocolate frog was carrying. Dudley obtained Merlin while Terry had Morgana and Jenna received a wizard named Andros the Invincible.

"By the way, do you know which house you'll go to?" asked Jenna.

"Nobody knows his house before, but all of them are good for me if it's not Slytherin" muttered Terry a bit sullen.

"Why not Slytherin?" asked Dudley.

"Some people in this house who don't like me and who I don't like either."

"Ok… What's this about Houses, by the way?" asked Dudley nonchalantly.

"You don't know?" exclaimed Jenna and Terry at the same time.

"That's why I asked…" casually responded Dudley.

"But did you not tell us you're from a wizard family?" said Terry.

"I'm pretty sure I never said that"

"Now that you mentioned it… you never told us about it." noted Jenna.

"It's not actually a secret, I am from a Muggle family. But as my aunt was a witch, my parents already knew about magic... although they only revealed it to me very recently."

"So you are related to a wizard family... why did you say she 'was' a witch?" asked Terry confused.

"She is dead," calmly said Dudley.

"Oh! I'm so sorry… I didn't mean to be rude" apologized Terry.

"It's okay, I never knew her. She passed away when I was young" shrugged Dudley.

A heavy atmosphere had crept into the cabin. Although only Terry was really embarrassed, Dudley who had never known Lily was not devastated by her loss. Of course, he was sad that his aunt was no longer part of this world but having no memory of her to hold on to, Lily was a perfect stranger to Dudley. Only Harry and his mother probably mourned her loss even though, in her case, Petunia was hiding it from others. As for Jenna, she simply just stopped chewing one the chocolate frog which was half in her mouth.

As the ambiance began to be too awkward, Terry tried to say something, probably to apologize. But had he been able to say anything, a knock was heard and the cabin door opened timidly and then a short round-faced boy whom Dudley had seen at the platform entered.

"Sorry, have you seen a toad at all?" asked the boy.

Dudley and Terry looked at the boy then turned their head to Jenna who was gulping chocolate frog after another. Jenna was still in the middle of eating one when the boy turned towards her and gasped when he looked at the frog's legs waving to get out of its wretched destiny. The casual Jenna exchanged a look with the boy before swallowing her chocolate frog. The scene made the young man tremble in fright.

"Relax, I didn't eat your toad… probably." said Jenny dubitatively.

The boy didn't seem reassured by her answer. He even looked paler.

"Do not worry. I heard they checked the train before leaving. I'm sure the school attendants will find your toad… probably." awkwardly said Terry.

"Yeah, he will turn up… probably" casually said Dudley, absolutely no optimistic at all.

"Okay. Well, if you see him…" miserably said the boy.

The boy left, leaving the rest to their discussion. Inwardly, the trio thanked the young man for helping them out of their embarrassment. Jenna, back to her casualness, asked Dudley questions in her turn.

"Do you have any other magic family members beside her? "

"There was my Uncle but he is dead too… My cousin is the only wizard in the family beside me now" plainly answered Dudley.

"Your cousin. Is he at Hogwarts too?" continued Jenna.

"Yes. Actually, he's starting his first year like me."

"Really! What's his name."

"Harry Pot… Nevermind him!" said Dudley, suddenly interrupting himself.

A new atmosphere arrived in the cabin. Both Jenna and Terry stared at Dudley as he tried in vain to ignore them by focusing his attention outside the train. Terry had all his attention focused on Dudley while Jenna just stopped eating. Dudley had just unintentionally started a situation he wanted to avoid.

"You were saying 'Harry Potter' a moment ago" asked Terry calmly.


"I heard it too. He was going to say 'Harry Potter'" followed Jenna.


"Your Aunt and Uncle, they are Lily and James Potter, isn't it?", inquired Terry.


"And your cousin is the same year as us. Just like 'Harry Potter' should be, no?" continued Jenna


"A moment or another you will have to tell us, you know?" pointed out Terry slightly smiling.

"...He is Harry Potter…" muttered Dudley growling.

Jenna and Terry both exclaimed when they received confirmation of the news. The two young people couldn't hide their excitement at meeting someone close to Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Dudley gently massaged his temples prepared to receive their share of frustrating questions.

"How is he? Is he tall? How is his scar? Lightning shaped, no? What color do he like? Or food? Or a pet? Or...or…?" Terry declaimed his questions at the speed of sound.

Dudley only listened to him from one ear, trying to keep his composure. One thing he wanted to avoid since he had set foot in the wizarding world was the eulogies about Harry. It must be said that compared to those who worshipped him, Dudley had known the young man all his life and there was not much to be thrilled about.

"Does he have palmed feet? asked Jenna suddenly.

"...What?" said Dudley to her, not expecting her question.

"Harry Potter has palmed feet? I didn't know!" reacted Terry shocked.

"Wha-No, he hasn't! Why did you ask that? And Terry, why did you believe her?" exclaimed Dudley, losing his composure.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" apologized Terry, ashamed.

"I just wanted to know if he had palmed feet," explained Jenna.

"...Why?" said Dudley, frowning slightly.

"No reason." she responded plainly and tilted her head a little.

Dudley stared at Jenna for a moment before bursting into laughter. His already powerful voice echoed throughout the cabin, surprising Terry who was not expecting his reaction. Dudley laughed for a moment before wiping his tears from his eyes.

"My god Jenna, you're too precious for this world!" laughed Dudley.

"I'm a gift from the universe" joked Jenna proudly bulging her chest.

As Jenna and Dudley laughed together a moment while Terry felt left aside.

"Sorry Dudley! I didn't mean to bother you with my question" said Terry a bit red from embarrassment.

-"Hey? No, Not really… Well, actually yes, it kind of bothers me. But I know you didn't mean to be upsetting. I kind of expected that some people would ask me about Harry." said Dudley trying to reassure Terry.

The young boy did not answer and even seemed a little saddened by the lack of delicacy earlier. Dudley thought about what he could say to cheer him up, but he wasn't really good at being cheerful. But as he thought about what to do, Jenna got up from her seat and stood in front of Terry at eye level before gently stroking his head.

"Don't worry. Nobody is mad at you, okay?" gently said Jenna while stroking Terry's head.

Terry didn't answer but looked at Jenna who was smiling at him. After a moment, Terry smiled back at her and blushed a little. Jenna saw this and offered both Dudley and Terry, a big, warm smile. Dudley, who was looking at them, nodded his head and thanked Jenna for her gesture.

"Dude is right Jenna. You're too precious for this world" smiled Terry to Jenna.

"Yeah I know." joyously responded Jenna.

"Be a little more modest, would you?" said Dudley

"You said it, not me." retorqued Jenna smudged.

This time it was the three of them who burst in laughter. During their journey, a pleasant friendship was established between them without one of them knowing how to explain it. Whether it was the stoic and arrogant Dudley, the sweet and curious Terry or the warm and cheerful Jenna, the trio seemed to have found themselves together more by fate than by chance. The three of them resumed their discussion before once again someone knocked at their door. The boy from earlier with his round-shaped face entered with, this time, a girl with bushy brown hair and rather larger front teeth. The girl was already wearing her school uniform.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" asked the girl in a bossy tone.

"I swear I didn't eat it" exclaimed Jenna.

"Wha-What?" the girl reacted in surprise.

"Don't mind her. No sorry, we didn't see it." responded Dudley.

"Oh… Very well. Thank you for your help. You should better change, we'll be there soon." she remarked in her bossy voice.

The girl and the boy left quickly with Jenna waving at them. Dudley waited a moment before finally stood up.

"I guess we should change like she said. Jenna you change first, me and Terry will leave the compartment to you. Come on Terry."

"What? Why should I leave too?" asked Terry incredulously.

"I think it's called manners and delicacy" plainly answered Dudley raising a brow.

"Hu? What are you talking about?" asked Jenna this time.

"You don't expect me to draw you a picture. Terry and I are going out to let Jenna change and then we'll take our turn in the cabin to get dressed. It's not that complicated." sighed Dudley.

"You want me to change with you?!" gasped Terry red.

"What, you want to have the cabin all by yourself? Come on, you're not going to be embarrassed for so little. Be a man!" Dudley told Terry straight in the eyes.

Terry didn't respond immediately and just looked astonished at Dudley for a while. Little by little, the heart-shaped face, which was impassive until then, became deformed under the effect of a violent outburst of anger that reddened to crimson. Stunned, Dudley watched Terry's expression change as Jenna put both her hands to her mouth completely flabbergasted.

"I'M A GIRL!!!" shooted Terry at the dumbfounded Dudley.

"...........Wait, What!?"

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